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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

Blog Archive

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Armedeggeon of Moammar al-Gadafi

President of Libya Al-Qadafi had sanctions imposed on him saturday by the U.N.'s security council which include arms embargo, freezing of assets, bans on travel for Al-Qadafi and several of his high minions. This was imposed after he ordered a violent crack down on protesters. His rule will soon be over as he will be held accountable for his crimes of supporting terrorism. He's a gonner and will face armedeggeon very very soon.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pure Insanity in Libya and the Middle East

Protest have broken out in Libya February 15 as the people of Libya refused to tolerate the demogogagry  and despicable actions that Muammar al-Gaddafi did in office. Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak stepped down peacefully and did so in a civil manner compaired to al-Gaddafi who said he would have to be forcibly overthrown and also commented he would kill all the Jews and die a martyr. This guy is a crazy mutherf***er! The Middle East is becoming a revolutionary battlefield demanding change. This is driving up the price of oil. The only thing important about the middle east to the US is oil. The oil crisis of the 1970's was a result of chaos in the Middle East. Some Muslims want Israel destroyed and the Jews extinct because they believe Israel was stolen property of the Muslim lands.

   In Madison, Wisconsin and Ohio we see unions charging against the budget proposals republican governers Scott Walker and John Kasich have proposed. The god of all unions Richard Trumka is moving to make America the new Soviet Union with "democracy" and "social justice". America is a republic where representatives are elected and if we are not satisfied with them, vote against them. Democracy is mobrule and social justice is government centralization of welfare and lives. We need to bring commonsense to victory before the unions destroy our great nation

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Union Protests in Wisconsin

February 17 &18 were days when thousands of people who require tax dollars to pay their salaries and unions marched to Madison, Wisconsin demanding Governor Scott Walker give into their demands. I think I understand what the crowd is saying. They say that they want more respect. I feel that some of their demands are socialist. I agree that our firefighters and police officers deserve fair pay and respect for their service. However, most government services should have never been there in the first place. Let's separate education and medicine from the state unless a person is in dire need of help due to inability to help themself in emergency. The system of education in this country is a failure and there is no point in improving it. I don't want people to just be left without a job and income. If certain government agencies are to be abolished, the employees of those agencies should recieve unemployment compensation that is the same amount as the salary when they had the job for a certain period of time until they can get a new job if possible. We don't need government to define how talented we are in society. Private sectors can set their own rules and have a test to ensure the position seeker is qualified. We need to scrap unnecessary requirements for jobs and basic education should be focused on learning to read, write, use basic math skills, independent living skills, job application skills as necessary skills. Any other subject of learning should be considered elective. It's unnecessay, obsurd and even unconstitutional for people to have to go through nearly two decades of education just to pursue a profession when important skills for each job or profession need to be evaluated as to figure out which skills are necessary for the job. College tuitions are way up and there's no good reason why people should have to spend around more than $100,000 to pursue a profession.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll

Ron Paul once again won the straw poll for president. Will Ron Paul run for president again? Hopefully. Encourage him to run for president. He would make the best president in American history. Mitt Romney came in second place. From what I've ready, Mitch Daniels is a strong condidate against Obama. Ron Paul can beat Obama in 2012 but it will take perservearence, determination, and hardwork to get out there and run a clean campaign.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

18 Days of Revolution in Egypt

Since January 25th of this year, the people of Egypt have been aggresively protesting the Mubarak administration which has been in power since 1981. The protesters mostly used non-violence and the Obama administration and the American government were on the side of the Egyptian protesters. On February 11th of this year, Mubarak, Egypt's 29 1/2 year president stepped down at 82 1/2 years of age. The Egyptian people are happier than they ever were. However, this is not the end of Egypt's societal troubles. The possibility of the Muslim Brotherhood dominating Egypt like the Nazi party needs to be addressed and the Egyptian people need to have organized democratic and fair elections free from election fraud and the chance for all candidates who meet resonable qualifications. Egypt must not also make aggressive violence and terrorism acceptable in order to avoid the mistakes of the French Revolution. The Egyptian people were angry with police brutality, election fraud, infringement on free speech, poverty, low wages, inflated food prices, etc. The average Egyptian is Islam and makes around only $2 a day. For Egyptians under 30, unemployment is very very high and most of them either work for $1 a day or are unemployed. Egypt must also be careful not to turn into the socialist direction and follow free market principles in order to boost the economy. Despite Billions of US aid to Egypt, Egypt is still a third-world country. The revolution is far from over. Egypt needs to follow the principles of the American Revolution and make February 11, 2011 as the July 4, 1776 in Egypt and not follow the same mistakes during the French Revolution.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday

Our 40th President Ronald Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois. He was a famous actor throughout his adult life and was elected as a Republican to the governor's office in California defeating incumbent Democrat Pat Brown, Jerry Brown's father, in 1966. He seved as governor from 1967 to 1975. Reagan ran unsuccessfully for president in 1976 losing to incumbent President Gerald Ford in the Republican primary who then lost to Jimmy Carter. Reagan defeated incumbent Democrat Jimmy Carter in 1980. When Ronald Reagan was inaugerated on January 20, 1981, the first thing he did while he was in office was secure the release of the Americans who were held hostage during the Iran Hostage Crisis. Reagan faced an assassination attempt on March 30, 1981 when an obsessed fan of Jodie Foster named John Hinckley Jr. shot Reagan and press secretary James Brady. Reagan beat the Tippacanoe Curse and fully recovered 110%. Ronald Reagan signed into law major tax cuts in 1981 stimulating the economy. The biggest achievement of his presidency was ending the Cold War and progressively destroying the Soviet Union.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Federal Court in Florida Destroys entire Obamacare law

January 31, 2011 should be remembered as a day of fame for floridans as a brave and heroic old-school constitutionalist federal judge named Clyde Roger Vinson ruled the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare act was unconstitutional. Vinson was appointed in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan. This ruling took courage because for decades ever since the new deal, America has accepted that the federal government can do whatever it wants. Although the Rehnquist court was 10th amendment friendly, the federal government is still as powerful as it usually is. This is the greatest 10th amendment court ruling since the New Deal because it declared an entire act of congress as unconstitutional. Our founding fathers would be proud of Judge Vinson. Our founding fathers fought for our freedom and organized America to have the best system of federalism and a republic. People need to appreciate liberty and justice more because had our founding fathers not have rebelled against their own government ruled by the British in order to destroy tyranny and maximize liberty, we could have been living in an authoritarian and even socialist society. If rulings like these keep up and there are more judges like Vinson, then America can be as free as it ever has been and children born in the year 2000 and up can be the freest generation America has ever had.