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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let the victims cope

Newton, CT school shooting shocked a community in an unexpected rampage. Hysteria is raging & it makes gun rights advocates on the defensive for gun rights rather than be able to mourn with the victims affected by this tragedy. I feel the need to lay down some facts vs. myths here about gun control & mental illness plus psychiatric drugs.

The regime & it's media are trying to distract public by calling for more gun control while defending Big Pharma & psychiatric medications which most often cause dangerous side effects.

The shooter was 20 year old Adam Lanza who used his mother's gun & went on a rampage killing his mother as well as nearly 2 dozen others before committing suicide. He was on psychiatric drugs & had serious issues. These medications were damaging his mind & impairing his judgement, only making him more violent as he is not alone here.

Columbine shooter Eric Harris was on anti-depressents Fluvoxamine  & nobody noticed the dangerous side effects damaging his mind.

Jeff Wise of Minnesota in 2005 was on high doses of Prozac which is dangerous if taken in too large of amounts, making Wise have violent thoughts as he went on a rampage.

Robert Hawkins killed several people & himself at a mall in Omaha, Nebraska in 2007 & he's been taking anti-depressents since age six! Is that child abuse or what? Big Pharma don't think so!

Virginia Tech shooter  Seung-Hui Cho was taking Prozac & previously Paxil before the shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007.

Andrew Engeldinger earlier this year went on a shooting spree before killing himself after being fired from his job. Mirtazapine, Trazodone, & insomnia medication Temazepam were present & his parent KNEW bout his paranoia.

Eduardo Senicon back in 2011 open fired at a Utah IHOP & was prescribed Lexapro, Ambien, Benadryl, and Xanax.

Steven Kazmierczak back in 2008 massacre many people at a university in Indiana & was taking  Xanax, Ambien, and Prozac prior to the rampage.

James Eagan Holmes, the murderer in the Aurora, Colorado rampage back in July was on 100mg of Vicodin & when he was arrested looked impaired & wierd. Police could tell he was not right.

Big Pharma refuses to surrender to these ugly truths & instead hopes for more lies to be pushed in which more medications & more gun control will be passed, which would be catastrophic should such things happen. The Media is playing an increasing role in trying to distract people from what's really happening & instead telling people frivilous lies & unimportant news that people do not need to know about. OJ's Ford Bronco chase was punced upon for hours by junk journalists. Never mind what the Fed's trying to do nor the ugly truth surrounding gun free zones. All of the shooters I've mentioned in this blog were the only ones armed when they shot & killed & nobody I repeat nobody was able to directly stop them before harm was done. Gun free zones leave criminals with a breath of fresh air to do killings. Sure police eventually show up but almost never are police able to stop killer before it's too late. A principal in Mississippi back in 1997 stopped a young man student from starting a massacre due to the shotgun the Principal kept. This brave person stopped a school massacre & gun free zones need to be abolished with teachers & staff being trained to use firearms for protection purposes so gunmen would either reconsider or risk getting shot by armed staff spread out so thin. If armed citizens are spread out thin, mass murderers will almost never be allowed to kill as many people as they can & an armed citizen could stop crazed gunman from shooting even one person. It doesn't have to be a gunman cause it could be someone with a knife, club, or just their fists, especially someone who's a big strong person vs. a smaller & weaker person.

There's one case about a 40 year old Profession Wrestler named Chris Benoit. He strangled his wife & child to death before committing suicide & he too like the shooters I've mentioned above was on toxic doses of medication which is believed to be Steriods. Steroids if used improperly can cause roid rage which is extreme anger likely to cause harm. Benoit was found to have the brain similar to an 85 year old Alzheimer patient.

What about the nearly 33,000 deaths a year in America from traffic crashes yet automobile sales are unregulated & although every state has laws requiring drivers license to drive on roads, no federal laws deal with that the same way it deals with gun issues.

Big Pharma thanks these tragedies because it traumatizes children into "needing" psychiatric drugs that can cause violent & suicidal behavior but they can thank the media for calling on gun control to do the job.

The right to keep & bear arms is an individual right & if anyone is to be deprived of such due to concerns about them being dangerous, it must be taken before a court of law with fair standings. The only way for gun rights to be suspended or revoked is if through due process the person is far too dangerous to possess firearms. This way the right to keep & bear arms is safe from arbitrary confiscation & restrictions. The US Supreme Court has ruled in 1975 that someone's civil rights can only be restricted civilly if it is proven that the person is a danger to others & the same goes for forced medication. Gun grabbers don't understand this & want total civilian disarmment. This isn't about "needing" a gun, it's about someone not being thrown in jail or extorted for exercising their rights.

What do gun grabbers hope to accomplish? Total disarment of anyone not a government thug. Total disarment makes people resistenceless against tyrannical government which is why gun control advocates are as dangerous as Communists. The only way to resist tyranny is with firearms. If you disagree with me on this, you're dead wrong but it's ok to be wrong but not do wrong. Elections do not work & history proves that as actions speak louder than words & while voting may seem to have some action, it can never guarentee police will never be free from resistance. Local police are sometimes decent but federal law enforcement are jeck booted thugs & Wayne Lapierre was right & I would stick to telling it like it is on that.

No gun control laws are unconstitutional & anyone imprisoned on such laws must be released. We cannot plead the government for redress since it causes distress. The only way for tyrants to understand if terrorism were committed against them either through explosions, kidnappings, shootings, stabbings, or vehicular attacks. If anyone tries to confiscate guns, it should be perfectly acceptable to stop them even if they must die!

Anyway, condolences to victims of this tragedy in hopes they will move on with their lives.