Who is the true leader of the Free World? It's certainly not the United States. It's Putin's Russia. Given the situation in the Ukraine involving pro-Russian rebels and the pro-EU ZOG regime in Kiev, Ukraine; Vladimir Putin is the leader of pro-Christian resistance to third world cancers such as Islamic supremacy, which Europe experiences. The United States has refused to use it's status as a superpower to defend the first world rights of first world Europeans around the World.
You see, making such a remark as Putin has made could land you in jail in Western Europe. While the Jew run West is making Putin look as if he is evil, Christians have much more freedom and safety in Russia than Sweden for example. France is soon to have a nationalist revolution with Marine Le Pen as it's leader.
The U.S. Government is a disgrace to freedom and western civilization, fighting wars for Israel under false pretenses. Israel is no friend of Christians either and has condoned abuses by multicultural regimes in Europe. Would the Jewish State of Israel ever send arms to nationalist rebels resisting multicultural and cultural Marxist tyranny? The nature of the Jews is a chauvinistic, selfish, and unsympathetic attitude while claiming to be part of Western Civilization. In fact, the Jewish nation and Judaism has done more to destroy Western Civilization than any other foreign threat ever did.
What if America was a Christian supremacist empire fighting for the supremacy of the First World? What if the U.S. Constitution was made to grant supremacy to people of Western Faiths(regardless of denomination) and excluded people of non-Western religions from having any influence over American society? In fact, the problem with America is that it failed to prevent exploitation from foreign subversives(mainly the Jews). Once Jews were given equal access to influence over society, Jews began having the most influence over society and abused the freedoms America was founded on.
How disgraceful is America for allowing Christians to lose their cultural and political supremacy? How could Jews be considered White Europeans despite their history of subversion and animosity towards their host nation?
Do I hate Jews and non-Westerners? Of course not. The fact of the matter is that Jews have displayed themselves as untrustworthy to occupy occupations that affect society as a whole. Banking for instance, I have never known of a single Jew in interest banking that is truly an honest and loyal patriot. In fact, the banking system of the Western World is full of Talmudic scum who aren't worthy of having their pathetic lives saved.
Marine Le Pen is rising in popularity and it is very possible for her to become president of france. a front National regime in France will help liberate Europe from cultural marxist tyranny, dismantle the EU and NATO, and make France a power for White liberation.

Will 2015 be like 1848? I hope so cause faith in "democracy" means trusting a failed and broken electorate and Jew run media. Political change will not come from elections alone and sometimes cannot come from elections. With Whites in South Africa being harmed, killed, or having to flee, democratic options for a separate state are time consuming and is confirming to a system that is controlled by the enemy(the ANC and Jewish financers).

Besides, why not defy a political system that rewards scoundrels, cheats, liars, criminals, degenerates, and scammers while penalizing the honest, kind, Christ-like, statesmen, leaders, and saviors. No wonder these same politicians funded by mostly Jewish political machines keep getting elected. With modern democracy, elected officials are more concerned with being elected than defending their country from it's mortal enemies.

While Stalin remains the agent of the mortal enemies of Christendom and Western Civilization, Stalin's quote is more true than all the lying "American""Australian"and "European" politicians. Elections only given the illusion that people can alter their government. People will never be given an effective choice in that matter.

April 24-29, 1916 known as the Easter Rising will be remembered as the start of effective armed resistance and the Irish Republic. No doubt I express my admiration of the brave, heroic, and valiant Irish who during this period may have lost but inspired the Irish War of Independence three years later, even after Great Britain won World War I. Ireland like much of Europe is being threatened by a force greater than the British and that is International Jewry's institutions. NATO, EU, and UN have threatened the sovereignty of nations exercising it's sovereignty and much be stopped. Putin's Russia is beyond perfect but his Russia is the best we've got to dismantle the globalist institutions that hold leaders hostage and prevent patriots from leading their country to victory.
The best hope for Europe, America, South Africa, and Australia is to support Putin's Russia in giving aid to nationalist insurgents just as Russia aided the Bulgarians in their fight for independence from Ottoman rule in 1877-78.

What the Texas Secession Movement should be doing is consulting with Vladimir Putin's Russia to discuss giving aid to Texas rebels against Jewmerican rule. The Civil War proved lesson in survival of the fittest as the North was more industrialized and has superior weapons than the Agrarian South. Putin's Russia has a higher morale among it's people while America and much of Europe have a low morale. Could there be a mutiny?
An Independent Texas could become a great power that could be the messianic state of the White Race. An Independent Texas could dismantle the real evil empire, the empire run by international Jewry. An Independent Texas should not make the same mistake the Founding Fathers made in the 1780's in construing religion freedom and equality to mean Jews have to be allowed to own more media than Patriotic Christians. Only people of Western religions should be entrusted with strategic positions of Texas society and this includes finance, politics, media, etc. Apartheid should be instituted against non-Whites and undesirables to make White European Texans the dominant racial group in Texas. Jews will be excluded from this classification and be considered a foreign ethnicity. Any Jew who becomes a devoted Christian for 15 years can be fully classified as White European unless their Christianity is false and against Texan values. During the 15 year period, the converted Jew will be classified as transitioning White Christians.
Texas will be a Christian nation, NOT a Judeo-Christian nation as the Christian Zionists falsely claim. Keep in mind that any supposed "Christian" who says Jews are "God's Chosen People" or are no different from us should be treated as blasphemy.

Russia has to support separatist movements in America as it is the main hope of saving Western civilization. As all empires have fallen, America has certainly made itself an empire, risen during the late 19th century to early 20th century but will be fallen by early 21st century.
Besides, why not defy a political system that rewards scoundrels, cheats, liars, criminals, degenerates, and scammers while penalizing the honest, kind, Christ-like, statesmen, leaders, and saviors. No wonder these same politicians funded by mostly Jewish political machines keep getting elected. With modern democracy, elected officials are more concerned with being elected than defending their country from it's mortal enemies.
While Stalin remains the agent of the mortal enemies of Christendom and Western Civilization, Stalin's quote is more true than all the lying "American""Australian"and "European" politicians. Elections only given the illusion that people can alter their government. People will never be given an effective choice in that matter.
April 24-29, 1916 known as the Easter Rising will be remembered as the start of effective armed resistance and the Irish Republic. No doubt I express my admiration of the brave, heroic, and valiant Irish who during this period may have lost but inspired the Irish War of Independence three years later, even after Great Britain won World War I. Ireland like much of Europe is being threatened by a force greater than the British and that is International Jewry's institutions. NATO, EU, and UN have threatened the sovereignty of nations exercising it's sovereignty and much be stopped. Putin's Russia is beyond perfect but his Russia is the best we've got to dismantle the globalist institutions that hold leaders hostage and prevent patriots from leading their country to victory.
The best hope for Europe, America, South Africa, and Australia is to support Putin's Russia in giving aid to nationalist insurgents just as Russia aided the Bulgarians in their fight for independence from Ottoman rule in 1877-78.
What the Texas Secession Movement should be doing is consulting with Vladimir Putin's Russia to discuss giving aid to Texas rebels against Jewmerican rule. The Civil War proved lesson in survival of the fittest as the North was more industrialized and has superior weapons than the Agrarian South. Putin's Russia has a higher morale among it's people while America and much of Europe have a low morale. Could there be a mutiny?
An Independent Texas could become a great power that could be the messianic state of the White Race. An Independent Texas could dismantle the real evil empire, the empire run by international Jewry. An Independent Texas should not make the same mistake the Founding Fathers made in the 1780's in construing religion freedom and equality to mean Jews have to be allowed to own more media than Patriotic Christians. Only people of Western religions should be entrusted with strategic positions of Texas society and this includes finance, politics, media, etc. Apartheid should be instituted against non-Whites and undesirables to make White European Texans the dominant racial group in Texas. Jews will be excluded from this classification and be considered a foreign ethnicity. Any Jew who becomes a devoted Christian for 15 years can be fully classified as White European unless their Christianity is false and against Texan values. During the 15 year period, the converted Jew will be classified as transitioning White Christians.
Texas will be a Christian nation, NOT a Judeo-Christian nation as the Christian Zionists falsely claim. Keep in mind that any supposed "Christian" who says Jews are "God's Chosen People" or are no different from us should be treated as blasphemy.
Russia has to support separatist movements in America as it is the main hope of saving Western civilization. As all empires have fallen, America has certainly made itself an empire, risen during the late 19th century to early 20th century but will be fallen by early 21st century.