I know what them damn neoliberals(to distinguish from classical liberals) will tell you. They'll say Apartheid could be reintroduced. If you look at the map above Black Africans will get an even greater deal in territory than even enlarged Bantus-tans. Westernized South Africa would include territory West of the Burgundy line as well as possibly territory within the Purple and Tan lines. Major cities would include Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, and Durban. The Westernized South Africa shall include not just White South Africans but also Coloreds, Indians, Asians, and Jews. Only narrow exceptions will be granted to certain Bantu individuals. Non-Bantus will be evacuated from areas not claimed by the Boer Republic of South Africa. I would like to extend the border to include what is considered to be Adam Kok's Land and Tiffundell Ski Resort.
Kruger National Park is on the right within the Purple lines. Of course, existing non-Bantu populations will be evacuated to the retained areas. The above map was a potential plan by the apartheid government in the event a separate states solution was needed(which it was and should have been). South Africa was built by the Afrikaner people who are now marginalized and made foreigners in cities their ancestors have built. Similar plight was faced by the Palestinians who fought back with armed resistance.

Front National has also petitioned to have Afrikaners be the governing ethnic group of the land since they purchased the land as an ethnic group and argue the hand over of power to non-Afrikaners in 1994 was illegal. However, there are militant groups that are prepared to take up arms and violently overthrow the ANC regime if necessary. The purpose should be to create instability that will force all parties involved to agree to a partition plan(like India-Pakistan in the 1940's).
These are maps of South Africa and Namibia with larger Bantustans. The flaw with the OTL bantustans was that they lacked contiguity and made dependence upon a higher power more possible. Plus, the issue of population plays into here as looking at the Bantustans the population count is also considered. Zulus(pop. est 10 million) have the highest population of Bantus while South Ndebele(1.1 million) have the lowest population. A majority of Bantus in South Africa are either Zulu or Xhosa. Only Sotho and Swazi tribes have states dedicated to their group.
How do you like that! The reason South Africa's Afrikaner population have no self-determination and right to the land their ancestors built is not only the Jewish Supremacists who destroy the solidarity of European peoples not only with consumerism, materialism, and secularism, but also through European Guilt(Holocaust promotion).
Viewing yourself as a victim empowers you to fight back but guilt for something you didn't do hold you back as well as people in your group. What if the Nazi's made Jews hate and feel guilty about themselves for condoning the plight of the non-Jews they lived among by not allowing solidarity to be expressed among people of a nation?
If making Europeans hate themselves for the supposed "evils" they personally did not commit is moral and acceptable, then Hitler was justified in treating the Jews as sub-human due to their history of subverting, dividing, and conquering civilizations as well as bringing human suffering through usury and greed. However, the Jews who suffered persecution had no involvement in the Zionist Conspiracy to further Jewish Supremacy and establish a World Government.

Afrikaners have so much in common with the Irish and Ukrainian people. Both have suffered vicious human rights abuses at the hands of governments who not only were responsible for starving them but also were able to get away with it without consequence. The perpetrators of the Irish and Ukrainian Genocides by starvation were never punished for their crimes with such ghastly events being forgotten for decades.
Afrikaners are in the process of suffering the same fate as the Irish and Ukrainians. Over 1 million Irish people left Ireland during the famine as nearly 1 million Whites have left South Africa. Jews however lived privileged lives.

Never Again has not only failed to live up to it's meaning but has also led to condonation of suffering of certain peoples due to a Jewish owned media that cares only about Jewish tribalism but not the rights of all nations. The Armenians, Greeks, Palestinians, and Germans have lost land their ancestors worked on and made achievements on only to lose them to Genocidal terrorists that have gotten away with stealing their land. Afrikaners face the same fate as the Armenians, Greeks, Palestinians, and Germans as Johannesburg could suffer the same fate as Constantinople, Konigsberg, and Jaffa if there is not enough solidarity and will to stand up and fight the terrorists.
The civilized world can still prevent Afrikaners from suffering the same fate the Greeks, Palestinians, Armenians, and Germans have suffered. The rise of Nationalism in Europe will help bring solidarity among European peoples who will then cry out for their Boer brothers, demanding military action against the Kaffir regime in South Africa.

There are people who do care and would do anything to prevent White Genocide in South Africa if they were made aware. While Genocide Watch has put South Africa at Stage 6, not a single power will encourage the victims to genocide to fight back and overthrow the genocidal regime occupying Pretoria, a once White Afrikaner majority city undergoing ethnic cleansing.

If the Afrikaner people decided to take up arms against the ANC regime and fight the way their ancestors did, they could retake their homeland in a matter of months or even weeks.