Donald Trump has been sworn in as President of the United States and therefore holds all the privileges of the office holder. 18 months ago I myself never imagined a candidacy like his would reach the White House. Trump is unlike any other Republican President before him as he will establish a decades long legacy that several generations ahead will be positively affected by.

Obama hoped his legacy would remain for so many decades to come following his presidency. However, the victory of Donald J. Trump all but destroyed Obama's dream. Obama hoped years of indoctrination, economic strangulation, demographic decline causing Whites to eventually become not just a minority but outnumbered by primarily Hispanics and Asians that America would resemble that of Maoist China.
In my opinion, I believe if Obama was emboldened enough to seize almost absolute totalitarian power like that of Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba, he would have done so. Obstacles that Obama had to overcome first were the lack of popular public support, potential resistance within the U.S. Military, and numerous Patriotic Gun-Loving States such as Texas as the strongest example would have almost immediately made him the Nicolae Ceausescu of America.
Obamacare's passage was the most compelling reason the Democratic Party lost control of the House of Representatives. Most Americans didn't want Obamacare because much of Obamacare was really a pathway to establishing government control over healthcare.
In fact, Donald Trump has started working on repealing much of Obama's Deplorable Legacy(roughly 65-70% of which are in executive orders).
Truly the mother of new directions a Trump Presidency will be the FIRST presidency in over a generation to change the course of the United States for the better for generations to come. Even if America gets only a fraction of what it was expecting, it's over 9,000 MILES! better than what America and the Western World would have gotten under Crooked Hillary.
Trump wouldn't resemble GOP establishment hacks like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. I'm confident after seeing praises of god being heard from our newly inaugurated president(Trump) as well as hear Trump mention the American people much more than himself(just three times he mentioned himself), compared to that narcissist of a former president Barack Obama.

Comparing Trump's candidacy to previous GOP candidates, Trump did so that ensured the Republican Party became a party serious about winning and ensuring continually for decades to come.