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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Radical Left, particularly Antifa & BLM declare war on American(primarily White) Patriots Following Battle of Charlottesville

The radical left is waging war against Patriotic America, with embracement from the frauds in the major media such as CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and even Fox News as examples. The mainstream media narrative shapes the Charlottesville invasion as if the "Unite the Right" non-violent demonstration was a quote "White Nationalist" or "Neo-Nazi" rally which was anything but.

To the ultra-liberals and neoconservatives, whites having concern for their interests and identity is equated with "White Supremacy". I say bull to that as fighting for White Identity and White Civil Rights is not equated to quote "racism", "white supremacy", "KKK", or "neo-nazism".

In fact, what's even more disturbing than what the violent anarcho-communists known as Antifa did in Charlottesville, VA is when GOP Senators like Marco Rubio, Jeff Flake, and John McCain for example ignore or even side with the violent Anarcho-Communist groups like Antifa.

Being part of the Cuban-American community, Marco Rubio should know what communism looks like and be reminded that siding with groups like Antifa is like siding with the Castro regime of Communist Cuba.

That pathetic Snowflake from Arizona doesn't surprise me at all, given he has been Never-Trump from the very beginning and even after the election. Jeff Flake will meet his political demise at the hands of Dr. Kelli Ward in August of 2018. After all, Jeff Flake is a mini-McCain in my view, openly opposing the Trump agenda as well as being massively pro-amnesty.

You're never gonna believe what the sorry jealous loser Mitt Romney had to say, as he was essentially siding with the violent anarcho-communists who attacked peaceful demonstrators.

This is not really about "racism & bigotry" per say but about suppressing the message of making White America Strong Again. No minority groups need to be oppressed for White Pride to be culturally acceptable in America, Europe, and Oceania but the Cultural Marxist cause is stronger when the White communities are demonized and called racist bigots equated with the violent elements of the KKK should there be any White Advocacy and Identitarianism among Whites identical to how Jewish groups are fighting for Jewish interests.

The "Unite the Right" rally on August 12, 2017 was about the fight for White European heritage in America and to protest the assault on mainly White Southern heroes such as Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, P.G.T. Beauregard, Stonewall Jackson, James Longstreet, etc. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson are examples of non-Confederate American Heroes targeted for destruction by the Alt-Left. Donald Trump has already stated his opposition to the demoralization of America's Founding Fathers.

Make no bones about this. The Alt-Left and ISIS have this very thing in common and that is to radically transform the societies they invade and conquer into their own vision of utopia BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, including violence and terrorism. Just as ISIS seeks to radically transform their targeted areas into a totalitarian sharia law Islamic supremacist empire, the Radical Left including groups like Antifa and BLM seek to virtually eliminate all opposition to their vision of utopia, including the destruction of opposition symbols.

Just as apologists for Radical Islamists will use chaotic scenarios to smear the opponents of Islamic colonization as being Anti-Muslim or Racists, the Alt-Left with their enablers in the Big Media will use any crisis to falsely slander peaceful demonstrators opposing their vile anti-white cultural marxism as "White Supremacists" when no proof is given whether the targeted rally was promoting the domination and supremacy over minority or non-white ethnicities.

While the swastika for example has been vilified and even banned in certain countries merely for it's association with the Third Reich, the Hammer and Sickle is virtually culturally acceptable compared to the symbolism associated with and used by the Nazis and Ku Klux Klan.

Should society come to realize that Pride in White European heritage is anything but White Supremacy and Racism, the anti-white cultural marxist narrative will face imminent collapse and decline as well as plans for White Genocide being defeated.

Truth must prevail in the end as America will see the true villains here are within the Alt-Left spectrum.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Following Traitor RINO McCain's Vote NOT to skinny repeal Obamacare, Trump has one last option.

Well, well, well? Look who cast the deciding vote to even partially repeal Obamacare? I'm not gonna talk about John McCain's military service but even after his surgery to remove a brain tumor, he seems to have proven himself to be even more of a pathetic piece of human refuse! The liberals and Democrats were praising John McCain as one of their heroes for voting to block any Obamacare repeal, so Government-Controlled Single Payer Healthcare can be pushed.

Unfortunately, several GOP senators have no plans to help Trump MAGA. Trump has done many bold things no one would expect ANY president of America to do.

Trump has threatened to block subsidies members of congress as well as many federal employees rely on.

Also, when Donald Trump strongly warned North Korea's maniac leader Kim-Jong Un not to make death threats against America or her allies or North Korea would be struck massively. John McCain was quoted during an interview on KTAR 92.3 FM's Mac & Gaydos radio show in Phoenix, Arizona attacking President Donald Trump's strong stance against North Korea.

“I take exception to the president’s comments because you got to be sure you can do what you say you’re going to do,” he said. “In other words the old ‘walk softly but carry a big stick’ — Teddy Roosevelt’s saying, which I think is something that should have applied — because all it’s going to do is bring us closer to some kind of serious confrontation.”-Sen. John McCain.

John McCrap McCain will virtually never praise President Donald Trump because McCain is a deep state troll, seeking to use his RINO status and Senate seat to undermine the MAGA agenda under Donald Trump. Unfortunately, McCain will not be up for re-election until 2022.
2018 Senate Map.png
Fortunately, there are plenty of Democrats running for re-election or may have open seats that are in states that were not only 2016 battleground states but also Solid GOP or Competitive states that Donald Trump won in 2016. In fact, 10 states have Democrat senators running for re-election in states Trump won(Maine's 2nd Congressional District*, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, North Dakota, Montana). Bold indicates states won by Mitt Romney. Plus, states that Trump campaigned in 2016 for that were narrowly won by Hillary Clinton include(Virginia, Maine*, Minnesota, New Mexico).

If Republicans defended all of their seats in 2018 and make gains in all states that were won either by Trump or were battleground states won by Hillary Clinton, that includes the opportunity for the GOP to net gain 14 seats. Though Solid Democrat states could be in play such as Connecticut & New Jersey, bringing total potential gains to 16.

Who knows how the 2018 Senate elections will go, depending on which candidates are running in what races.