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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, November 23, 2017

What to be Thankful for(Thanksgiving)

What should we be thankful for this Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving commemorates freedom from religious persecution as the Puritans wished to practice their religion free from persecution from the English crown. Plymouth Rock was founded in 1621 by pilgrims who rejected the remaining vestiges of Catholicism in the Church of England. Plus, the Pilgrim Puritans and the Amerindians were able to establish peace and ceasefire as they shared a wonderful feast.

The pilgrimage to the New World has been Christian in nature, giving thanks to the powerful God Almighty for bringing the Caucasians to the New World and increasing global prosperity. But what am I thankful for?

I'm thankful for the Trump-Bannonite wing of the GOP seeking to Make America Great Again. Steve Bannon has already set in motion several states with either Democrat or GOPe senators running for re-election or have been made open by retirement of certain senators such as Bob Corker(Tennessee), and Jeff Flake(Arizona). Also, I'm thankful for America avoiding the nightmare of granting amnesty and legalization for 20-30 million illegal aliens as that would have not just cost over trillions by the next half century but also weaken White America's strength by shifting demographics. Can America truly be great if the average IQ of the America citizen drops to 3rd world averages?

While there's no shortage of traitorous GOPe senators like John McCrap McCain, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Lisa Murkowski, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, etc. 2018 provides numerous opportunities to not only enlarge the GOP majority in Congress(especially for the Senate) but also replace nearly a dozen Democrat held U.S. Senate seats but also replace several GOPe senators among which include Jeff Flake(Arizona), Dean Heller(Nevada), Orrin Hatch(Utah), Bob Corker(Tennessee), Roger Wicker(Mississippi), John Barrasso(Wyoming) among the GOP held senate seats up for 2018 election.

Though legislative victories that I want to see including the repeal of the anti-white 1965 Immigration Reform(having it replaced with a pro-white, America First immigration law), financial leverage against left-wing academia and left-wing state and local governments including New York, Illinois, and California, increased support for pro-white European nationalist regimes, tackling judicial extremism, protecting White American's freedom of association, expulsion of non-integrated immigrants including low IQ and welfare dependent 3rd worlders, etc are not feasible this year or next year due to the massive partisan gridlock in the U.S. Senate as well as crappy GOP leadership in both chambers of Congress, I am thankful not only for the numerous opportunities that MAGA has for creating a more pro-Trump Senate after 2018 but also that Steve Bannon as well as a few Pro-Trump PACs are waging war against the GOPe by targeting not just GOPe senators like Jeff Flake but also several obstructionist Democrats in states Donald Trump won.
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I also want to confess I'm thankful for Judge Roy Moore, who despite the false allegations against him has refused to step down despite calls from the GOP Senate leadership under Mitch McConnell. Should Roy Moore win the December 12, 2017 election for Alabama's U.S. Senate seat, Roy Moore would be my favorite U.S. Senator, given his bold stances in defense of Western and Christian values America was built on. Roy Moore has been ejected as Alabama's chief Justice twice for refusing orders by activist federal judges to remove the 10 Commandments from his Courthouse around 2003 as well as refusing to recognize sodomite "marriages" following the U.S. Supreme Court's 2015 ruling legalizing same-sex "marriages" in 2015 against the will of a supermajority of U.S. States and a majority of U.S. voters.
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Mitch McConnell has tried so desperately to ensure Luther Strange was given the GOP nomination in Alabama's special election by spending +$30 Million attacking Roy Moore. Now that the sex allegations against Roy Moore have failed, McConnell's becoming less and less likely to remain Senate Majority Leader after 2018 should the Trump/Bannonite faction of the GOP achieve almost total victory in the 2018 midterm elections.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Virginia's 2017 elections major ground loss for GOP, but not to despair

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Ed Gillespie has been a Bush/Romney style Country Club Republican his entire political career. A former lobbyist for the GOP establishment, Gillespie either had no real idea of how to reach the needed GOP turnout of Trump voters(Gillespie was not authentic enough and refused Trump/Bannon's help) or he was just doing political theater to make the GOP establishment more relevant and less hated. Gillespie possibly feared the GOP establishment would be massively hated should he lose by double digits. Gillespie did lose to Northam by 8.7-9 points.

Gillespie over two months ago was behind Ralph Northam by double digits but then in the last one and half months of the campaign managed to make this a close race. Gillespie talked mildly about MS-13, immigration, and historical monuments. However, Gillespie failed to try hard enough as Trump did last year to motivate the Trump/Bannonite GOP voters to vote for Republicans.

The end results in vote estimates include 1.4 million for Northam and just 1.17 million for Gillespie. However, Northam was not well liked by the Bernie/Progressive base of Democrats and even worried that turnout might have favored the GOP. However, the Democrats won Virginia's statewide elections in 2017 due primarily to lack of GOP turnout. The Democrats also cut the GOP majority in Virginia's House of Delegates from almost 66% down to being razor thin close to losing their majority.

Donald Trump on the other hand exceeded 1.76 million votes in Virginia in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election but fell 5 points short behind Hillary Clinton. This means Northam came more than 300,000 votes short of exceeding Trump's 2016 vote count, indicating turnout was the supreme deciding factor in this Governor's race.

Plus, the changing demographics as well as swamp bureaucrats in Northern Virginia have massively affected Virginia's politics. Third-World immigration plagues the DC Metro area, and this includes Northern Virginia. Virginia was once one of the conservative strongholds until the end of George W. Bush's failed presidency.
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The Democrats and RINOs will at first underestimate and ignore the threat anti-establishment hawk Corey Stewart poses to incumbent U.S. Senator from Virginia Tim Kaine but Corey Stewart has what Ed Gillespie never had: Authenticity. Stewart has proven himself in the race to win it, very much how Trump was in the Presidential race to win the Presidency.

Also, demographics and non-white immigration have been said to play a role in centre-left Democrat politics rising in Virginia. The only way to make Virignia a Right-Wing state again is for one restrict 3rd world non-white immigration and encourage higher white immigration and higher white birthrates.

As cuck GOP establishment calls out the Alt-Right for being "racist", Meso-American tribalists have openly declared it's their destiny to demographically replace White Americans. Though Trump has been strong on illegal immigration, GOP candidates MUST directly appeal to disaffected Whites eligible to vote who have not voted due to them losing hope in the political process.

What does this all mean? Democrats were given such sweeping victories in Virginia due to Ed Gillespie. Virginia's 2017 election was a repudiation not of President Trump but of the GOP establishment, signalling that typical White and GOP voters will not just vote for any Republican hack but an authentic MAGA Republican who fully embraces Trump's MAGA agenda. This is what separates the Corey Stewarts from the Ed Gillespies and why the former will have a much better chance at defeating Senator Tim Kaine in 2018.

It's been said that if the GOP majority Congress fails to pass tax reform that Democrats will be closer to retaking the U.S. House and even Senate. However, this depends on what candidates are running. If you have GOP establishment Bush types like Ed Gillespie, this will make the Democrats chances of victory even greater. However, if a MAGA Trump/Bannonite candidate like Corey Stewart were to run in the general election, then chances for GOP victory against the Democrats will be greater.