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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Cancer of Multiculturalism & non-Western immigration & how it can be Defeated

It's no secret President Donald Trump has called out mass African, Islamic, & Mesoamerican immigration & has even called for U.S. immigration policies to be made easier for White Europeans to immigrate to the U.S.

While I would like to see a more explicitly but soft pro-White stance taken from Trump on immigration, I am very satisfied with the numerous proposals he has put forward such as making it more difficult or even impossible for immigrants to receive citizenship or permanent residence if they are prone to needing government welfare benefits(which typically attracts 3rd world immigrants). I would also like to see Donald Trump talk more about the Anti-White crap being spewed by Left wing scoundrels.
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The War on Whites can no longer be ignored thanks to someone who openly calls for White America to be phased out being on the editorial board of the New York Times(historically the most influential newspaper of the past century). The only benefit for Western civilization that can come from someone like Sarah Jeong(pictured above) is it provides someone like Donald Trump the ability to claim White people as a community are being attacked by powerful news organizations like the New York Times as they have embraced Jeong's presence there.
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Now to talk about multiculturalism, diversity, & mass immigration. Here are the questions that must be asked whenever we deal with policies relating to demographics, culture, & immigration:

  • Has multiculturalism lead to a more unified society or a more divided society?
  • Has mass 3rd world immigration improved or depleted the quality of life & cohesion of society?
  • How is diversity our greatest strength or weakness?
  • What future will White people in places like North America & Europe have if they become a small minority like Afrikaners in South Africa?
These are not tough questions to answer unless you have too much cowardice in you. Even when "Conservatives" embrace diversity & multiculturalism, have they ever seriously pondered how their children & grandchildren would be living in a future where Whites are a margainalized minority, hated by a leftist elite backed by a 3rd world voting population?
This chilling pic above you is an impoverished White South African woman & her infant. How come 20-30% of White South Africans live in extreme poverty? There are actually laws passed by the Black-Supremacist ANC(African National Congress) that deprive many Whites(even skilled ones) of employment opportunities & many poor Whites in South Africa are not given proper social assistance to rebuild their lives. in fact, if many of them were relocated to a country like the United States, Australia, or in European countries, they would become middle-class self supporting productive members of society in practically no time.

The chilling pic above is just one of the many examples of what happens to Whites when Third World populations have enough power over Whites. There is no guarantee that when Whites become a minority in America or Europe that future generations will enjoy the same opportunities & civil rights their forefathers enjoyed before Whites became a minority & surrendered power to primitive, lesser 3rd world scum!
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If Republicans were to show pictures of poor White South Africans during the midterms in key races & tell White Suburban Women this could be the future of your children & grandchildren if Democrats gain power & if immigration policies are not established to guarantee Whites remain the majority as well as cite how mass 3rd world immigration, primarily Muslim immigration has led to an increase in terrorism & a lower quality of life for Great Britain.

Donald Trump was right to chastise 3rd world immigration into Europe as leading to a worse society. Many White majority countries have lost much of the cohesion & stability they've enjoyed before massive 3rd world immigration.
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Sweden for example is suffering from an unprecedented rise in crime thanks to egalitarian multicultural immigration policies with 3rd world vermin damaging the quality of life & safety of Sweden. Scandinavian countries were known as Blonde, high trust paradises but now have lost much of their cohesion & quality of life. Cities such as Stockholm & Malmo have been infected with migrant scum!
Almedalen 7 July 2016 68 (27907007150) (cropped).jpg Sweden Democrats logo.svg
However, there is great hope for Sweden as Sweden Democrats(Right-Wing Populist-Nationalist) led by Jimmie Akesson(pictured left) are rising in the polls in the upcoming Swedish election to be held on September 9.
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Sweden Democrats could receive as much as 20-25% of the vote. The center-left Social Democrats led by Stefan Lofven on the other hand will definitely lose seats as their vote share will sink to below 21-26%, the lowest vote for the center-left Social Democrats since 1911. Even traditional center to center-right parties are adopting similar Anti-Immigration policies of the right-wing Sweden Democrats.

Surprisingly enough left-wing parties combined have lost much of the non-Scandinavian vote. Even Sweden Democrats have massive support from some people of foreign background(those that integrate well that is).
The Social Democrats have only themselves to blame for their decline in vote share, having never polled below 1/3rd of the vote from between 1921-2006. Recent polling indicates Social Democrats under Stefan Lofven could very well be reduced to less than 1/4th of parliament while the Sweden Democrats will at the very least occupy between 1/5th to 1/4th of parliament, becoming the first party to overtake the Social Democrats in terms of seats since 1914.
Jimmie Ã…kesson 2016.jpg
Based on polling data, Sweden Democrats could become part of the next government, giving Sweden the opportunity to save itself from the multicultural cancer it has been suffering under. In fact, center-right parties may likely have to join a government headed by Jimmie Akesson.

Sweden has been the most well known victim of multiculturalism or "cultural enrichment" depending on how you word it. Donald Trump has spoken out numerous times of how multiculturalism & 3rd world immigration/integration into first world White majority societies has been cancerous to 1st world/white majority peoples.

As left-wing anarchists proudly tear down "Confederate" monuments & declare war on White people, what will happen once Whites come down to becoming a minority in America?

If Democrats were to take power & Whites were to become a minority, what would stop them from enacting policies in South Africa such as the 1998 Employment Equity act & Black Economic Empowerment which have sought to dis-empower successful White South Africans & create a new Bantu ruling political class while driving some Whites into poverty. The fact that former Democrat President Barack Obama has praised South Africa's ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa(himself a beneficiary of Black Economic Empowerment cronyism) gives you the idea of what Democrats will do once they have the demographic changes needed to secure a permanent majority.

Another reason to fear Democrat control of government is if they have enough unchallenged political power far-left militias will be emboldened to commit genocidal acts of violence against Conservatives, Nationalists, & White Identitarians.
Image result for venezuela socialismImage result for venezuela socialism

Venezuela Neo-Marxism is another example of what's to happen should Left-wing politicians take power. How does Venezuela relate to multiculturalism & demographics u may ask? Left-wing politicians rely on 3rd world vermin to immigrate to white majority countries to provide a reliable voting bloc for the left-wing scum so they will not be held accountable at the ballot box like they were for examples including the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, 2018 Italian populist landslide, 2015 Polish elections, & let's not forget Victor Orban's Hungary might as well have Christian National Conservatism be the dominant political ideology in Hungary with no hope for left-wing cultural marxism to come to power through democratic elections.

Whites becoming a minority in America will open up the opportunity for left-wing politics in the mold of Venezuela & Zimbabwe to occur where food shortages are massively common & standards of living plummet.

Fortunately, President Donald Trump has noticed what is going on in South Africa thanks to Tucker Carlson mentioning it on his Fox News show. This has helped make White identity partially mainstream as Americans will be asking in the coming months what will happen should Whites become a minority in not just the United States of America but the Western World.
Viktor Orban Quote by Neetsfagging322297
The United States is seen as an example to much of the Western world but we should also accept examples from other leaders such as Hungary's Victor Orban who envisions a society guided by White Christian morals. Immigration policies must take demographics into consideration & should certain types of immigration(such as 3rd world Latin America, Middle Eastern, Africa, Asiatic) damage the cohesion, stability, culture, & character of a nation, such immigration must be stopped & reversed before a Post-Apartheid South African scenario occurs.

Since New World countries such as the United States of America, Canada, Australia, & New Zealand for examples were founded as & made for White Europeans, immigration laws should be favorable to preserving the White majority of those countries.  The 1965 Hart-Cellar Immigration act should be repealed with a replacement immigration bill be dedicated to preserving America's demographics as a White majority nation.

Immigration policy MUST include long-term planning which means policymakers must be more concerned about how certain immigration policies will affect the future of their children & grandchildren. Every member of Congress who votes on immigration policy must be asked "How will my children & grandchildren's live be should Whites become a minority, outnumbered & outvoted by a coalition of anti-white blacks & browns?"

The above chart shows projected demographics should illegal aliens be expelled, White immigration to America be made easier while non-white immigration be made more difficult, welfare reform stops subsidizing minority birthrates, social-economic climates be more favorable to increased White birthrates, & making it more socially acceptable for White identity activism(emulating in similarity Jewish activism).

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Two major Mid-Term events that could all but accelerate GOP victories

Talk of a blue wave has been dwindling as 2018 brought in a better economy due to the Tax Cuts. Though Democrats have lost the double digit leads they've had in mid 2017, Republicans still have to do the work of campaigning with the tens of millions they have on hand. The RNC has vastly outrasied the broke DNC(who has to keep borrowing to survive). It's reported that the RNC(Republican National Committee) has raised over 210 million with 50 million dollars cash on hand, most donations coming from small individual donors. This contrasts with the DNC(Democratic National Committee) which has just 10 million cash on hand AND is in debt. If there's supposedly a "Blue Wave" why aren't the record donations going to the Democrats? Why is the DNC having to borrow money to keep up with operations while the RNC has abundance of resources for campaigns. Link to article below:

While the GOP has numerous advantages in fundraising, platform, ground-game, & a 2018 U.S. Senate election map(Democrats are defending 10 states that Trump won in 2016, 5 of which Romney won in 2012) favoring Republicans(only 2 GOP held seats out of the 9 are expected to be seriously competitive, one in which Hillary Clinton won). In my opinion, the numerous U.S. Senate races would help increase GOP turnout, given the base's dissatisfaction with how the U.S. Senate is failing to enact the MAGA agenda due to Democrat obstruction(Republicans hold 51 seats compared to Democrats holding 49 seats) & stop any chances of Democrat regaining control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Major pollsters including Larry Sabato are predicting Democrats will win enough seats to have a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives but don't forget the same pollsters predicted Hillary Clinton would win every state Barack Obama won in 2012 plus North Carolina, thus winning the U.S. Presidency. Larry Sabato predicted just two days before the election in 2016 that Hillary Clinton would win 322 electoral votes. Plus, two U.S. Senate races in 2016 for Wisconsin & Pennsylvania predicted Democrat challengers had between a 67 to 87% chance of winning but BOTH GOP incumbents of those states won re-election along with Donald Trump winning both of those states.

Don't automatically believe the same pollsters who said Donald Trump has a single to low double digit chance of winning the presidency. Instead, observe the circumstances surrounding each election & the issues being presented & made focus on but don't completely discredit polls because internal polling has still made accurate predictions.

Anyway, there are two major events that could spark & accelerate GOP turnout for the 2018 midterm elections:

Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court before October

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Following the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, should Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed before the 2018 midterm elections, this will not only solidify a Constitutional Originalist majority on the U.S. Supreme Court for an untold number of decades but also depress Democrat turnout. Kavanaugh if confirmed would be the 2nd most conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice(behind Clarence Thomas), as well as being the most America-First jurist.
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Just minutes after being officially nominated by President Donald Trump, protests emerged with some of the craziest statements against Kavanaugh. I've heard statements from a certain U.S. Senator equating Kavanaugh with being pure evil! There are even Senate Democrats who have stated their opposition to anyone President Trump appoints even before they're appointed. Plus, Litmus tests such as upholding Roe v. Wade & Obamacare have been demanded by all but a few Senate Democrats and even two Senate Republicans(Lisa Murkowski & Susan Collins), though I think Collins & Murkowski may just be speculating. The left can scream all they want about how this is a travesty but Brett Kavanaugh will likely get confirmed thanks to a handful of GOP dominant state Democrats facing competitive re-election battles.

Kavanaugh's confirmation could cause a chain reaction among Democrats, causing them to develop a sense of learned helplessness, knowing the U.S. Supreme Court will have a solid 5-4 majority for at least 2 to 3 decades. The only two U.S. Supreme Court justices above the USA's average life expectancy(77 for males, 82 for females) are Ruth Bader Ginsburg(Age 85), & Stephen Breyer(Age 80) & both had been appointed by Bill Clinton(Democrat) & are both leftists. That means Donald Trump could potentially leave the U.S. Supreme Court with a 7-2 Conservative majority. Clarence Thomas(age 70) will become the most senior Associate Justice due to Justice Kennedy's retirement. Justice Thomas was appointed by George H.W. Bush(Republican) in 1991 & is the most conservative U.S. Supreme Court justice on the court as of 2018, though there are rumors Thomas could retire as early as 2019, making it critical for Conservatives to help retain & enlarge the GOP majority in the U.S. Senate. Ginsburg & Breyer could retire next year as well due to their age, health problems, & sense of learned helplessness for American liberalism. Also, the Conservative base will be galvanized & excited to give the Senate GOP caucus a super-majority.
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Jim Jordan has been an amazing MAGA crusader & the Freedom Caucus should be proud of itself for being the moral conscience of House Republicans. Just like President Donald Trump, Jim Jordan has never been afraid to fight hard fights, even when others in GOP leadership went the wrong way. How would rep. Jim Jordan becoming Speaker of the House galvanize GOP turnout?
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Jim Jordan is also the founding father of the House Freedom Caucus & is unafraid to stand up to the enemies of America's prosperity. Could anyone imagine the impact of a Jim Jordan speakership?
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I would describe Representative Jim Jordan as the General George Patton & Douglas MacArthur of U.S. Congress. Not only does Jim Jordan look similar to General MacArthur(pictured right) but is willing to fight hard fights & seek victory. Anything less of victory is considered unacceptable to someone like Rep. Jordan. Jordan wants to deliver on the promises made to the American people & help President Donald Trump secure America's future.

Not only will America have a U.S. President that fights for the American people but America will also have a House Speaker that fights for the American people by having MAGA legislation passed as well as unveiling the corruption & the remnants of the Bureaucratic Deep State.
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Paul Ryan's wing of the GOP(open borders, "free" trade, & special interests) is coming to an end. According to Occam's razor, the reason for the likes of Paul Ryan retiring includes acknowledging Trump's rising accomplishments. Trump prevented any potential World War III that would cause the worst human suffering in world history.

So glad to see Paul Ryan retiring. The good people of Wisconsin's 1st congressional district won't have to vote for this douchebag loser ever again.

Jim Jordan on the other hand has been gaining national news attention & momentum & could very well become the next Speaker of the House. A pivotal scenario in which Jim Jordan can rest on to become Speaker of the House is courting swing-district Republicans seeking re-election to support his bid for speakership, convincing them it will galvanize the GOP base, raising turnout & preventing those seats from being flipped to Democrats.

Jim Jordan becoming House Speaker would not only save numerous GOP help seats from being lost to Democrats but also help flip numerous Democrat held seats as well.