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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Possible Bi-Partisan Split of certain states

Split Florida by Wyyt
In light of the Bush v. Gore style election shenanigans in Florida, this state to me is divided North-South. The I-4 corridor is the buffer line between the two Floridas. There's no doubt in my mind Rick Scott & Ron DeSantis would have already definitively won their races without Democrat election rigging since North Florida would not contain Broward & Palm Beach counties. If Florida were split into two states with the I-4 corridor being the border region, Florida would no longer be a battleground state for presidential elections. North Florida will become a Red State similar to Georgia & Arizona.

Why have states such as Florida, Georgia, & Arizona become so competitive? While Demographics have played a small role, more compelling reasons would include voter fraud, massive out-of-state campaign finance & spending(that's why Ted Cruz won by just 2-3 points), & biased corporate media coverage. Also, election practices such as liberalization of mail-in ballot rules & early voting have given Democrats advantages they shouldn't have. In fact, should Ron DeSantis prevails in having his victory in the gubernatorial race certified, he should call for a ban on out-of-state campaign finance, restricting absentee/mail in ballot, proof of citizenship for voter registration, strict enforcement of voter id, & direct state oversight over derelict jurisdictions where voter fraud is likely to take place.

With Felon Enfranchisment amendment  being passed, this could throw Florida's political future into question. The safest bet is to have electoral votes be allocated based on who wins combined areas of both North/South Florida. For example, if the combined vote counts of North Flordia & South Flordia differ(such as North going to GOP, South going to Democrat) electoral votes will be split, erasing Florida's status as a battleground state. I do however believe the evangelical vote will become as important as it ever has been for Florida in the future whether of not Florida is split North/South.

If Florida's GOP legislature works hard to amend the Felon Enfranchisement amendment to allow condition re-enfranchisment such as parole hearing style good character requirements, they can do something about the Democrat surge in Florida. Another idea is to disenfranchise people who have been on welfare as a way of life.
Another potential state split up could be Orange-San Diego coast, Inland Empire, San Joaquin Valley, Sierra Nevada, and Far North regions forming the State of Reagan(though the project seeking to partition California is called "New California")

"New California" or the State of Reagan as I would call it would be mainly rural with the major urban ports in San Diego. Though many people think that due to a staunchly Democrat controlled legislature & a Democrat controlled U.S. House of Representatives, it will be unlikely to succeed but keep in mind that California is facing an embarrassing financial & liability crisis on the horizon with the federal government holding a lot of leverage. Even some House Democrats will agree to a bi-partisan effort to allow "New California" to become a new state in exchange for some concessions such as abolishing the SALT cap for California as well as lifting some of the financial burdens California faces.

Should New California become a separate U.S. State, what would remain of California would be Los Angeles County, the Central Coast, SF bay area, some of western San Joaquin Valley, & Sacramento area. These are the areas that make California Deep Blue. Having New California become it's own state will make it a tilt GOP battleground state that is easier to manage & better to govern.
African-Americans have been given U.S. citizenship since 1866, but Black self-determination has never been recognized. There have been a few attempts to establish a separate state for African-Americans for decades but none have been even remotely successful. However, The maps above point to the African-American homeland with includes parts of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, & Texas.

The Black Belt would be known as the Negro Commonwealth of New Afrika. The reason the Great Migration of Blacks to the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, & West Coast is because they lacked self-determination & faced vicious discrimination in the Deep South. However, if African-Americans had their own self-governing homeland, this would ease the racial tensions & divisions in the Southern U.S. that have existed for decades. I wouldn't necessarily consider New Afrika to be a state I would however consider it to be a potential semi-independent African-American ethnostate.
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Hispanic roots in the American Southwest has got me thinking here & what if Baja Arizona, Western New Mexico, & west Texas became New Mexico or were ceded back to Mexico. Another name for a potential Latino ethnostate could be named Aztlan. Though this map shows New Mexico as landlocked I would also consider the southernmost counties of Texas as well. Aztlan could also include Navajo territories as well since Aztlan is associated with Amerindian culture.