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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

Blog Archive

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My State of the Union Address

Dear Viewers,
            I’ve watched the state of the union address last Tuesday and from what I’ve heard from Obama is not as it seems. Obama’s using different words to describe his agenda. I believe that he just wants to deceive the public into thinking that Obama will invest and create jobs when in fact that was the same as the stimulus package of 2009.

            I assure you my solutions to the nation’s problems and to Obama’s solutions will be way better. First, Obama plans to freeze discretionary spending. What is misunderstood here is that we need to cut spending on entitlements and military. Pork projects and outrageous earmarks need to retire. Obama has been and always will be a champion of tax and spend big government. Obama is a damned hypocrite when it comes to war. Obama made many promises during his 2008 campaign, most notably ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama failed to do anything about that. Obama still believes that a big national government is the solution to America’s problems. Areas such as job creation, energy and education are best resolved by the state, local, and individual governments. It’s crazy that Obama thinks he can make sure kids are eating healthier at school. Does he have a problem with tatter tots in schools across the country? The 10th amendment makes clear that any power not delegated to the federal government will go to state and local governments and to the people. This isn’t really much of a state of the union address, however, I will lay out solutions for societies problems and why force is not a sweet idea.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Happens When Initiating Violence is Acceptable in Society

There should be no doubt that peace and non-aggression are backbones to a civilized society. But certain people on certain issues do favor using violence to solve personal and societal problems. More madness has entered this World today than ever before because of brutal, unnecessary, and unconstitutional wars whether its war oversees or war on drugs, youth, guns, terrorism, etc… at the expense of taxpayers, law enforcement, and the individuals harmed by either government or criminals. Individuals have gotten the idea that violence is more acceptable at solving problems and has degraded our society.
            This demagoguery has been made more acceptable by violent governments who love money and power and will disregard the rule of law and life, liberty and property in order to keep themselves rich and in power. The Civil War of America tells the horrible story of how the Southern states that formed the Confederacy were brutalized by the Northern Union states under President Abraham Lincoln merely for exercising the right to secede from a voluntary union. Lincoln claimed he was “preserving” the union and abolishing slavery but in reality he wanted centralization of power. Lincoln instituted the first income tax, military conscription and centralized America’s banks. Lincoln also suspended habeas corpus, spent money without congressional approval and suppressed opposition newspapers. Lincoln had no interest in abolishing slavery and wanted all blacks in America deported to Liberia. He only supported abolishing slavery as part of the war effort. The Emancipation Proclamation was nothing more than a political trick which failed to free the slaves in pro-slave union states. Judging by the brutalization of the South during his presidency in order to “preserve” the union, Lincoln believed in safety rather than liberty and justice. How safe are we if we allow government agents with guns and bullet proof vests to raid our homes when we were minding our own business? Initiating violence against non-threatening activities does not bring us more safety. The TSA thinks it is more superior than the people who pass through them in order to board an airplane by forcing future passengers to be patted down and strip searched. Would you feel safe if you had to be personally violated in order to exercise the fundamental right of travel? Should we sacrifice peace and liberty for a false sense of security? We need to be extra careful about what policies we support and whether they initiate force against human beings. We don’t want to ruin good people’s lives, especially those who have the right skills to become productive members of society.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Repeal of Obamacare

GOP Remembered their Promise
            On Wednesday, the Republicans in the house led by John Boehner and Eric Cantor passed a bill to repeal the healthcare law which was signed into law last year by the democratically controlled congress. An elephant never forgets and the GOP mascot is an elephant, the true conservative Republican’s symbol. I realize that it is highly unlikely that the healthcare bill will be repealed in this congress but I believe that the Republicans need to prove themselves to the people that they will not make the same mistakes that were made during the Bush years. Congress needs to cut spending and balance the budget. Figure out what’s being spent; stimulate the economy with lower taxes and burning nearly all red tape and regulations. During the 112th congress, the individual mandate should be replaced with subsidies for indigent people, reduce bureaucracy and waiting periods and prevent interference in people making their own medical decisions. I’m 100% against socialized medicine but I believe that certain no-harm compromises can be enacted. The healthcare bill is a nasty mess and I feel that the best way for now is to reduce the nasty messes and respect healthcare freedom while not giving the Democrats a panic attack.

GOP And Budget Cuts

               The GOP threatens to have the federal government “shut down” should healthcare reform not be repealed and/or defunded. I say way to go! Federal spending is a grave disgrace. I feel that if shutting down the federal government except for military spending is the best way to deal with spending and borrowing problems, then that’s how it should be. China already has more industries than the US and yet has an authoritarian and communistic government. I don’t want America to become New China, United Soviet States of America nor New Cuba and the first thing we need to do about avoiding that is to avoid overspending and pork projects. Borrowing and printing money as well as raising taxes are even worse because the economy is damaged when currency turns to a worthless little rag not back by gold or silver. Now the national debt reaches 14 trillion dollars, nearly 99% of GDP, and taxes are arbitrary high and complicated.
However, I’m pleased to say that there is something you can do about this. There are many gold and silver investment firms that you can turn to in order to protect your hard earned savings and possibly make your life more affordable and dodging financial bullets. Owning gold is easy. There are many gold companies to choose from. You may have heard some of them as seen on tv or on the internet. If not, I recommend you watch Fox News Channel or search for gold and silver firms on the internet. I will take no responsibility for the performance of any commercial or financial industry so be careful which companies you choose in order to prevent being scammed. I also applaud tax protesters who refuse to be sheep by refusing to pay income tax. Income tax takes your hard earned money in a punishing way. People should also start writing and emailing letters to the Chinese government pressuring them not to lend any more money.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Tragic Shooting in Tucson, Arizona

       My heart goes out to all the victims of this tragic shooting that occurred Saturday, January 8, 2011, especially federal Judge John Roll and 9 year old Christina Taylor Greene. I forgot to include Gabrielle Giffords, the primary target and victim who surprisingly after being shot in the head is still alive and is being treated by hospital staff but is in critical condition. I expect that Giffords will recover and return to her job as a congresswoman. I’m not a fan of Giffords and I certainly would not vote for her, ever. However, I condemn what has happened in Arizona. I condemn the shooting spree which killed 6 and injured 12 because first of all, the victims were innocent individuals minding their own business, second, the two victims I respect the most are federal Judge John Roll, who in 1994 was one of several federal judges to hold that the law enforcement mandate to conduct background checks imposed by the Brady Bill violated the 10th Amendment. The Supreme Court struck down the Brady Bill law enforcement mandate provision three years later in Printz v. United States. Christina Taylor Greene was only 9 years old when she died a horrible death.
            I’m also concerned about the future of gun control and if gun control laws are going to get repealed anytime soon because I sure hope that the 2nd amendment doesn’t get harmed. The Brady Campaign’s already making moves to push for more gun control with Brady Campaign president Paul Helmke saying we must enact “sensible and common sense gun laws” and prevent “dangerous” people from obtaining guns. Do criminals really obey the law? History and history alone since civilization proves that disarming the people brings about violent tragedy and tyranny. How ignorant is Paul Helmke and his gang? What if the mass shooter killed and injured people using a vehicle. Should we ban automobiles? What about fire? Fires can harm people and cause property damage but usually occur naturally unless somebody starts a fire.
Anger and politics produce bloody consequences such as the infamous internment of Japanese and Italian Americans during World War II fueled by political and social hysteria following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. When political tensions get high and disagreements intense, violence is sure to erupt.

I feel that the most important thing we must not forget is using political correctness to justify violence rather by government or individual. Peace, freedom, liberty and justice involve non-aggression meaning that the initiating party is the one who’s always at fault when violence to property or person occurs. If someone does not own certain property and take it against the owner’s will, then the person who stole the property is a criminal. The initiating party involving violence and force should be punished.
The suspect who is alleged to have shot all those people was 22 year old Jared Lee Loughner who faces a host of federal charges including murder and attempted murder. He also had a troubling past and news sources say that he planned the massacre. I believe that what this young man did was absolutely sick! Many innocent people were killed and not only has him and a lot of other politically and emotionally disturbed used violence to make a point but have also given their political affiliations a bad name. Because of the mass killer’s actions, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party’s image and reputation could go south. I’m a fan of the Tea Party movement and hope that the Tea Party will work to cleanse congress of big government politicians but I don’t want people to think that the Tea Party conservatives and libertarians are crazy and violent because we’re about limited government and the constitution, not aggressive and preemptive war, which is exactly what this perpetrator wanted to do.

Should Loughner be found guilty of this horrible crime, then he should be punished to the fullest extent of all laws. I believe Loughner should receive a fair trial, but I’m not going to defend his actions. I hope all Americans, government or individual can soon realize that perpetrating a crime against a person or their property is wrong, no matter what and that the law applies to all, especially congress and the rest of government.

The only time when war is acceptable is when there’s a threat that needs to be destroyed in order to guarantee the safety of life, liberty and property.

Friday, January 7, 2011

What happened to my freedoms?

Ronald Reagan in a presidential address to the nation from the Oval Office in the White House mentioned that many constitutions in other countries around the world, such as third world countries, tell people what their rights are and restricts what people can do. But in this country, he told the audience that the United States constitution is a restriction on what government can do. Reagan was absolutely right. The United States Constitution does restrict government power. This statement came from Patrick Henry’s saying “The constitution is not a restraint on the people; it is a restraint on government.”

                   In this modern society we have seen the erosion of liberty by a thousand cuts. This gradual erosion of liberty has been caused by career politicians, activist judges, bureaucrats, corrupt law enforcement, and an executive branch who chooses to exercise power not delegated to them. They all have one thing in common. They will not listen to reason and will do what pleases them in order to save their political careers and earn a lot of taxpayer money. Congress does not draw those who love liberty but rather draws those who love power. We are living with this craziness today as we have ever since the founding of this great nation. After 200 years of eroding the plain meaning of the words in the constitution, we now have a congress which writes whatever laws pleases their agenda, regulate any human activity, and tax anything no matter what our constitution says. Everybody should know that our constitution defines the federal government to specific enumerated powers and not to right every wrong. Governments at all levels will follow the tyrannical leads of congress.
The rule of law and justice are the essential jewel of our civilized constitutional republic and as a society we must uphold those principles.
However we have heard the false assertion that the rule of law means having to obey any law that the government throws at us, even if tyrannical and that justice means punishment for committing a crime, even if it involves no victim. In America, these definitions are partially false. The rule of law in America means that laws are applied to everyone, regardless of status in society. Justice in America means that people are held accountable for their actions if they are found guilty by a jury of peers of violating someone else’s rights.
Often government violates the rule of law by exempting government from its own laws it enacted. They also often violate the principle of justice by prosecuting someone for exercising their fundamental right to defend themselves and also imprison one for violating nobody’s rights. Under the American system of the rule of law and justice, prosecuting and jailing someone for exercising their right to inform the public of government corruption, exercising their right to serve whoever they please and to make an honest living, defending one’s self from aggression when they have not harmed anyone, exercising one’s right to be left alone in one’s house and only be searched if police have a written search warrant with a magistrate’s permission upon proving probable cause, exercising one’s right to put in our bodies what we wish, demanding a fair trial, notifying and educating the jury during a criminal trial of government abuses of liberty are unacceptable in a free society of rule of law. Federal and even state and local law enforcement in states with high political corruption act like a villainous crime organization and when they do so they do not serve American justice, but harass, intimidate, and coerce people into reducing their standard of living and living the way that the government tells them to.
The progressives in America have argued that we must trade our freedom for security. That is preposterous! America’s the only country in the world that permanently acknowledges that rights come from our humanity. What is the point of being safe if we don’t have liberty? Did our founding fathers fight to break away from the British and start their own country in order to be safe?! Did Patrick Henry say ‘Give me safety or give me death’?! Absolutely not! The fans and crusaders of big government want to force we the people to balance liberty and safety. The fact of the matter is in a de jure and de facto free society the balancing of liberty and safety by force is immoral, unacceptable, and criminal. 
          In this post 9/11 era America, government has assaulted our liberties both personal and economic under the disastrous presidencies of George W. Bush and incumbent president as of 2010 Barack Obama. I understand my views may seem radical but they are really not once they’re explained. A better solution to our problems is the private sector which must never be taken for granted. We the people of this great nation must be ever so vigilant and learn how to appropriately stand up to the government at all levels when it becomes tyrannical and look to the best solutions to today’s issues.