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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Tragic Shooting in Tucson, Arizona

       My heart goes out to all the victims of this tragic shooting that occurred Saturday, January 8, 2011, especially federal Judge John Roll and 9 year old Christina Taylor Greene. I forgot to include Gabrielle Giffords, the primary target and victim who surprisingly after being shot in the head is still alive and is being treated by hospital staff but is in critical condition. I expect that Giffords will recover and return to her job as a congresswoman. I’m not a fan of Giffords and I certainly would not vote for her, ever. However, I condemn what has happened in Arizona. I condemn the shooting spree which killed 6 and injured 12 because first of all, the victims were innocent individuals minding their own business, second, the two victims I respect the most are federal Judge John Roll, who in 1994 was one of several federal judges to hold that the law enforcement mandate to conduct background checks imposed by the Brady Bill violated the 10th Amendment. The Supreme Court struck down the Brady Bill law enforcement mandate provision three years later in Printz v. United States. Christina Taylor Greene was only 9 years old when she died a horrible death.
            I’m also concerned about the future of gun control and if gun control laws are going to get repealed anytime soon because I sure hope that the 2nd amendment doesn’t get harmed. The Brady Campaign’s already making moves to push for more gun control with Brady Campaign president Paul Helmke saying we must enact “sensible and common sense gun laws” and prevent “dangerous” people from obtaining guns. Do criminals really obey the law? History and history alone since civilization proves that disarming the people brings about violent tragedy and tyranny. How ignorant is Paul Helmke and his gang? What if the mass shooter killed and injured people using a vehicle. Should we ban automobiles? What about fire? Fires can harm people and cause property damage but usually occur naturally unless somebody starts a fire.
Anger and politics produce bloody consequences such as the infamous internment of Japanese and Italian Americans during World War II fueled by political and social hysteria following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. When political tensions get high and disagreements intense, violence is sure to erupt.

I feel that the most important thing we must not forget is using political correctness to justify violence rather by government or individual. Peace, freedom, liberty and justice involve non-aggression meaning that the initiating party is the one who’s always at fault when violence to property or person occurs. If someone does not own certain property and take it against the owner’s will, then the person who stole the property is a criminal. The initiating party involving violence and force should be punished.
The suspect who is alleged to have shot all those people was 22 year old Jared Lee Loughner who faces a host of federal charges including murder and attempted murder. He also had a troubling past and news sources say that he planned the massacre. I believe that what this young man did was absolutely sick! Many innocent people were killed and not only has him and a lot of other politically and emotionally disturbed used violence to make a point but have also given their political affiliations a bad name. Because of the mass killer’s actions, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party’s image and reputation could go south. I’m a fan of the Tea Party movement and hope that the Tea Party will work to cleanse congress of big government politicians but I don’t want people to think that the Tea Party conservatives and libertarians are crazy and violent because we’re about limited government and the constitution, not aggressive and preemptive war, which is exactly what this perpetrator wanted to do.

Should Loughner be found guilty of this horrible crime, then he should be punished to the fullest extent of all laws. I believe Loughner should receive a fair trial, but I’m not going to defend his actions. I hope all Americans, government or individual can soon realize that perpetrating a crime against a person or their property is wrong, no matter what and that the law applies to all, especially congress and the rest of government.

The only time when war is acceptable is when there’s a threat that needs to be destroyed in order to guarantee the safety of life, liberty and property.

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