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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

An alternative to Foreign Oil

There's a young automobile company that sells electric cars called Tesla Motors, headquartered in the Silicon Valley, California. Founded in 2003, the company has already sold 1500 Roadsters already. Driving electric cars liberates you from foreign oil and the pains of the gas pump. Electric cars eliminate the need to get oil changes, high gas prices, frequent engine parts to change. With more control and no exhaust pipes, it also promotes national security by eliminating the need for foreign oil. The countries that have oil like Libya have supported terrorism under the regime of Al-Qaddafi. The Libyans are currently fighting Qaddafi and I'm hopeful that the United States will stop intervening and allow the Libyans to fight Al-Qaddafi on their own because they are able to fight for themselves without help. The rebels in Libya have taken over most of their country by now. Tesla builds it's cars around the driver and suited for comfort and state of the art power and technology. Chevrolet and Nissan already have a model each notably the Chevrolet Volt and Nissan Leaf which run on electric. Although hybrid plug ins are a step forward on removing our dependence on foreign oil, more cars should evolve into the 21st century and eventually all cars including SUVs and Trucks will be able to run on electricity. Electric cars have no emissions and are easier, safer and cheaper to fix without the frustration of sludge and icky oil. California is home to electric vehicles and I'm hoping to be an entrepreneur in electric cars and expand their availability and common use to all 50 states in the United States and eventually to many other countries around the World. The United States will make the Middle East look inferior because electric cars will reduce the need for oil. The smell of gas and fumes will come to an end and electric cars will also improve health and the environment. Cap & trade is an awful policy that kills jobs and makes farmers suffer. Government is an institution of force, not reason. Entrepreneurs and businesspeople are reason because they want to make the quality of life better. Who new going green and promoting national security could be so fun and easy. Gas stations and gas pumps will decrease and be replaced by Electric power charges instead. Electricity will dramatically reduce the risk of explosion and fire associated with gas pumps so just in case of an accident or if somebody's smoking, the chance and damage of explosion will be minimal. You can also replace gasoline powered engines with electric chargers so you can keep your own cars yet avoid the high prices at the pump. We need to expand Electric Chargers to compete with gas stations and create better, safer, cleaner, and more cost effective means of transportation. I suggest that if alternative energy is achievable then we should use it.

1 comment:

  1. "Government is an institution of force, not reason. Entrepreneurs and businesspeople are reason because they want to make the quality of life better."

    I agree.

    One interesting source of alternative energy is food: especially the humble potato.

    Australia, too, is dependent on foreign oil, especially from Singapore, the United Arab Emirates. Only 2% of oil is actually imported from Libya.

    The instability risk is coming from Kuwait.

    (Tesla was a really interesting scientist. Had many ideas, especially around the electric current).

    Wonder if you're reading Adrian Vance: the Two Minute Conservative. He has a lot of scientific and entrepreneurial material too.

    "Electric cars eliminate the need to get oil changes, high gas prices, frequent engine parts to change. With more control and no exhaust pipes, it also promotes national security by eliminating the need for foreign oil."

    I had not heard of the various developments around electric cars, so it was an intersting post. And all the practicalities involved. Engines are not often as efficient as they could be and are expensive to replace.
