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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ron Paul Officially Runs For President as a Republican

Ron Paul announced he will run for president as a Republican. He is the only hope to avoid what I presume to the the true 2012 doomsday of America and possibly other parts of the world. If Barack Obama gets re-elected in 2012, I know in my heart that Obama will have four long years to destroy this great American nation without any political reprecussions! There are many clowns trying to run for president on the republican ticket and some are establishment clowns such as Mitt Romney, infamous Romneycare signed into law in Massachusetts in 2006 establishing the first socialized healthcare plan in United States history. Romneycare requires residents to buy healthcare insurance. Of course, if residents could not afford healthcare insurance they could recieve government subsidies. Romneycare should be considered a prequal to Obamacare. Both laws are identical in everyway except for one or two. Obamacare is at the federal level and named by and signed into law by a Democrat (President Barack Obama) and Romneycare is at the state level and is named after and signed into law by a Republican (Governor Mitt Romney). Mike Huckabee as Governor of Arkansas called for several tax increases and he was called a progressive liberal by the conservative watchdog group Club for Growth. Huckabee also supports draconian measures concerning drugs such as an ineffective addiction to incarceration for even the smallest non-violent victimless drug offenders, even for those using medicinal marijuana prescribed by a doctor. Newt Gingrich declared his candidacy two and a half months ago who supports big government intrusion and says global warming is real: "The evidence is sufficient that we should move towards the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon loading in the atmosphere." Newt Gingrich as speaker of the house in the mid 1990's was responsible for big government as much as Bill Clinton was. Gingrich said that he was a huge fan of Franklin Roosevelt and a huge fan of Woodrow Wilson. Was he an alternative to Bill Clinton? Anyway I will mention some other Republican clowns who have screwed many Americans over who will not run for president. George W. Bush was sick in the head for doubling the national debt, increasing domestic spending to more amounts than LBJ's "Great Society" of the mid 1960's, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even after missions were accomplished which leads to the fact Bush lied about promising non-intervention in his campaign in 2000 when he was running as a conservative, and Bush once said  "I've abandoned free market principles to save the free market system." YOU CAN'T SAVE THE FREE MARKET BY ABANDONING IT! That's like punishing victims or potential victims of crime to protect them from crime. George W. Bush has made the 2000's the worst decade in American history because of his 8 years of disasterous policies from 2001-2009. Republican canididates other than Ron Paul who have already declared candidacy include Newt Gingrich,Gary Johnson, lesser known candidates Fred Karger, Jimmy McMillan, and Andy Martin. Should Ron Paul become president and god forbid he is defeated, then Ron Paul will save America and the World and become the greatest president since Thomas Jefferson and Grover Cleveland. Ron Paul would surely defeat all that is unconstitutional and bring America to truly being the freest country in the world. We can all feel like Americans again if we reject Obama and big government clowns like him and put someone in power who won't be corrupted and that is Ron Paul and Gary Johnson.

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