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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How the Rule of Law can Truly Be Preserved

Mainstreamers have been taught to believe that the rule of law means obedience to government edicts. This started in some cases that the rule of law is damaged if law enforcement officers face resistance of any kinds, even if the law enforcement officer(s) is the real aggressor 100%. Judges are more guilty of distorting the written laws by passing activist rulings that have even violated due process rights. The court of last resort is the most guilty because they have the nearly absolute power to rule on any case within it's jurisdiction. Sometimes they even "create" new jurisdiction, seizing the proper role of the judiciary.
The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled in their most infamous yet secrative ruling that judges can refuse to accept any appeal & rule in any manner merely because they don't personally like it, making judges absolute monarchs in the courtroom. Thomas Jefferson was right about judges! He said allowing judges to have monopoly on law leads to despotism & tyranny!

The question here is what acts better preserve the rule of law? Patriots bombing tyrannical government's buildings or judges denying justice through rulings? The answer to 1984 is 1776! 1776 says bombing tyrannical government's facilities & terrorizing the living daylights out of the tyrants will better preserve the rule of law compared to 1984's answer for despotic judiciaries. Why do I say this & why are you wrong to condemn me? The answers lie within our founding fathers & patriots who fought militantly against the British, killing British pigs with pride!

Thomas Jefferson said "The strongest reason for people to keep & bear arms is a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government." This is not just a statement made in vain. He was serious about fighting government tyranny.

It's also true that government has told people to trust & fear government as if it could do no wrong. Government says that if you're dissatisfied with it, you can vote in elections. That could be further from the truth since democracy does not equal freedom & freedom isn't free. I'd like to quote Objectivist prophet libertarian Ayn Rand on the individual "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities."

In fact, America's founding Fathers hated democracy because they feared it would lead to tyranny of the majority. Not only does primary democracy lead to tyrannical majorities but elites & career politicians exploit the democratic process to make it appear as if the people "have spoken" in favor of this policy. An even deadlier example of democracy in it's own right is Adolf Hitler's rise to power when his Nazi Party was democratically elected in the early 1930's. By 1933, Hitler became an absolute dictator & Germany became a totalitarian state for twelve years under National Socialist rule. Elections alone cannot change government in the long run. In fact elections have produced more tyrannies than liberties but that's not to say I take elections for granted. Our founders believed in representative democracy which was secondary in nature. If voting changed anything, it would be made illegal.

It's often misunderstood that you can change your government simply by changing representatives. That's not what representative democracy is. Representative democracy is having people represented by an elected official who must in return represent the interests of his/her district he/she was elected from without compromising the rights of others. Representative democracy is based on population that shall be equal in ratio such as for example one representative for every 150,000 citizens in the House of Representatives. Senators are in equal quantity with two senators from each state.

What happens if elections are undemocratic or non-existent or if representation is inadequate? The founders viewed militant insurrection against tyrannical government as more of a right than making racist comments on twitter.

The education people recieve is authoritarian, teaching them that it is impossible for the US government to become tyrannical & that it is divine, kepping law & order regardless of if public officials violate it's law or constitution. This is a very compelling reason to go out on the streets & open fire on police officers & armed force members loyal to the regime. But we can't fight tryrannical government without defectors of the regime as defectors make the resistance stronger & the regime weaker.

The rule of law can best be preserved by rejecting government laws as divine & a must to obey & rather assert individual sovereignty by defying government & even shooting any scum that attacks the sovereignty of individuals.

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