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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Non-Violent Ways of Killing DC

Have you ever thought why Republicans & Democrats always win? Factors include election flaws such as:

Who's counting the votes?
Is there government funding involved?
How does society accept two parties?

Plus, civil disobedience should be respected as a right if it is done peacefully & with respects to the rights & property of others. Hopefully this will screen the difference between rioters looting shops vs. refusal to send kids to government schools.

First, elections & why faith has been lost. It's easy to see the nature behind elections & their outcomes depend on how they're manipulated. For example, it depends on how candidates are qualified. Qualifications for office are outlined in Constitutions & all others giving preferential treatment to major parties contradicts fairness of elections. For example, there is nothing in the constitution allowing two party states. Having major party status is nowhere in any of the state or federal constitutions & any candidate qualified under state/federal constitutions is qualified.

Second, counting of votes. Josef Stalin(USSR Ruler) said "It is not one who casts the votes but one who counts the votes". As much as Stalin was the totalitarian ruler of Soviet Union, this statement is correct. Voting machines & secret untrustworthy organizations have voted for you whether you agree with them or not. No wonder it's favored a two party system for so long! How come countries like Netherlands, Brazil, & New Zealand have better elections & better hope for all candidates but Americans suffer the same two party rule the same way Soviet subjects suffered one party rule by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In 1986, the Phillippines had dual vote counting organizations in it's presidential election. Incumbent Ferdinand Marcos was declared winner over opponent Corazon Aquino as counted by the Elections Commission which was a governmental organization. The National Citizens' Movement for Free Elections however declared Aquino winner by a narrow margin, ending Marcos 20 year reign. A revolt against Marcos began with Aquino becoming president. This wasn't done without militant revolt. Democracy advocates had to enforce the fair elections themselves & were successful at ousting Marcos after the three day People Power Revolution(Feb 22-25, 1986). One month later, the Phillipine government officially recognized the Elections Commissions election null & void, therefore accepting Aquino as president.
If Americans would do the same thing in demanding a non governmental organization trustworthy & dedicated to fair elections in counting the votes with paper ballots & freeing candidacy for ALL candidates, regardless of political party(not just Republicans & Democrats). If this were to be the case & Americans were to be armed to the teeth, such a revolution would be easier to win with police & military fearing armed citizens shooting at them! No wonder Democrats & some Republicans want your guns!

Third, government funding of political parties. This is NOWHERE to be found in the U.S. Constitution yet the FEC funds both major parties. It seems tax resistence is the best option since without revenue, no funding of political parties. IRS comes down with a heavy hand but Joe Stack on Feb 28, 2010 came down with one too on IRS snake Vernon Hunter. Why have Democrats & Republicans been able to get votes but not Libertarian, Constitution, & Green parties for examples? The money comes secretly from DC.

Pause here & imagine how the political structure would be like if U.S. elections were like the ones in the Netherlands, Brazil, & New Zealand.

Legislatures would have multiple political parties without the three evils of our elections. Examples would include congress having majority of members be from Libertarian, Constitution, & Green Parties with numerous others & independents being behind but having the same opportunities not afforded before such a revolution occurs.

If ANY more gun control laws were to pass, they would be unenforcable due to strains on resources & inability to achieve effectiveness. Had there been massive civil disobedience to gun control laws decades ago, there would be no federal gun control laws in effect. Sadly enough people until recently have been obey & supporting such gun control laws.

For those enforcing fair elections I suggest being armed & dangerous like rival law enforcement are. Dozens of firearms dealers are refusing to sell weapons to state law enforcement which doesn't respect gun rights. Plus, I commend brave people like Franklin Sain of Colorado for threatning Communist State Rep. Rhonda Fields warning her not to pass gun control! Of course, I don't really support death threats but just those that distract gun grabbers from holding their gun grabbing conferences!

Gradual secession is another way to do things such as for example neo-confederates seceding from the U.S. themselves & inviting anyone wanting to join. More people will join & eventually the new Confederate States will eliminate U.S. claims over the South. However the first thing that's neede3d is a strong defense & the ideal weapons for this are either semi or fully automatic rifles with no less than 30 rounds per magazine clips, semi or fully automatic pistols, & turret/gattling guns. Weapon strength increases defense & that's why gun grabbers want to limit your rounds & ban semi automatic weapons. Had the Confederacy had better weapons than the Union, the former would have won the Civil War!

Time to say ENOUGH! Demand a plan to secede & defend with fair elections counted by trustworthy NGO. Don't let history repeat itself by not supporting people's right to have fully automatic weapons & hollow point bullets capable of firing over 150 rounds. Gun control is never about curbing crime but curbing freedom.

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