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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

A New Years Message and Resolution

I'm thinking 2014 should be the year of revolution where people realize that taking up arms against tyrannical government is the ONLY way to solve government coercion. It was the only way to solve government coercion back in the 1770's and 1780's. Do you think a democratically elected legislature should get away with violating the higher laws such as that of the Constitution and God? America has been given a lawless and murderous government due to lack of visible Egyptian style protests like the summer of 2013.

Before I mention the Birth of Lord Savior Jesus Christ, I want to mention the "End Times" biblical verse Matthew 24:21-22 - For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 

I have been recommended the King James Bible since it is the most logical and correct one, unlike the demonic NIV for example! Now for a verse stating God giving humanity his only son to save humanity from Lucifer.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I mentioned Matthew 24:21-22 cause I wanted to shed light on what could happen to Western civilization if good people didn't do enough. It's not enough to vote benevolent politicians into office but fighting police and armies is what brings victory and sends a powerful message of freedom, a definition distorted by the satanic evils pushed through war, casual sex, drug abuse, communism, tyrannical government, moral decay, and occultists.

I also want to mention The Hunger Games Catching Fire as it teaches an excellent story just like in The Hunger Games about how America became totalitarian Panem due to collapse of modern civilization. Do people seriously believe this shit can't happen in America that they're willing to stand idle as people like David Olofson, Adam Kokesh, and Brian Aitken have been prosecuted and jailed for mere possession of supposedly illegal firearms? Gun grabbers want you to forfeit your right to own firearms to the unholy mercy of bureaucrats. Other rights have been put on lockdown by government tyrants such as manipulative jurists undermining the role of a jury such as hearing crucial arguments such as constitutional matters. What power does any sworn jurist have to have final say on legal and constitutional matters?

Also, what does Romans 13 say about authority? BTW, this verse will be from the King James Bible

Romans 13:1, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”

Romans 13 states here that no force is higher than God and that the natural hierarchy falls behind God. If political power is inherent of the people, how come people must rely on politicians for security of rights? Doesn't government receive powers instead of rights? How can government decide what's best for individuals as if the former was God compared to it's citizens? Politicians are less honest than the decent and righteous people(such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Robert Rhett, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Grover Cleveland, Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy, Barry Goldwater, Ron Paul, etc.). these men were historical figures known for having integrity and selflessness in fighting for American values, both North but also mostly Southern values.

Would Jesus Christ be in favor of democracy? If democracy was unrestrained without the holy boundaries, that would bring the END TIMES! Abortion, homosexuality, gun control, socialist regulations, unconstitutional wars and taxes plus deficit spending, and corrupt justice systems are law! Jesus Christ roamed Palestine as one with deity, virgin birth, and lack of sin. It was Christ who would be known as the Prince of Peace. No other human being in history was able to achieve what Christ achieved by his departure from the Human World into the spiritual heavens and then resurrected to rise into the heavens by age 33.
American nationalism is a farce as New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Midwestern states unfairly influence American nationalism over the objections of the Southern and Western states.

While America was founded mostly by Northern Freemasons, the Southern states were more Christian than the merchants and bankers of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston.

What should be the new years resolution? For starters, the Arab Spring was considered both a smash hit and a perilous nightmare as while strongmen in both the Arabian peninsula and Levant were ousted but mostly replaced with Islamist governments. However, the Modern Militia Movement would fight for constitutional government and freedom. To tell you the truth, I'd rather have a Goldwater Republican take presidency through a military coup than have an Obama Democrat democratically elected. In Egypt, General Sisi overthrew Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and this is how constitutional republics are preserved and dictatorships are halted, depending on who takes power. Sisi has been a populist hero to the Egyptian people while Obama is a communist tyrant.

America and the West are facing End Times that can only be addressed by taking back our governments, similar to the Arab Springs of 2011. I would mostly recommend civil disobedience tactics that are mostly non-violent by nature but should be able to use counter-force against mobs or police interfering with such actions. A police state has been created via instilling fear and discouraging resistance through militarization of law enforcement and destructive manpower of law enforcement.

The only way to regain lost freedoms is to assert yourself as if you had more authority than the so called "authorities". The Civil Rights Movement was made assertive, successful, and inspiring because people asserted themselves and taking a stand through civil disobedience and keeping pride in their actions. As a result, the Civil Rights Movement of Civil Disobedience became a success, lasting from 1955 to 1964, though the Civil Rights Movement as a whole lasted for decades.

Civil Disobedience can only be victorious through the unity of people who believe in fighting for a noble cause. United We Stand! Southern Nationalists must unite to overthrow DC rule in the Southern States by arming themselves regardless of the illegal DC regime's "laws". Conspiracy theorists must unite regardless of political beliefs to save humanity from illuminati terror and government deception! Gun rights crusaders must unite in fighting not for guns but for seeing this as a fight for freedom noting that with every gun control law interferes with one's ability to fight tyrannical government.

If only many people just started following in the peaceful footsteps of Egyptain protestors back in 2013. Just look at how the Real ID Act of 2005 has been doing it's whole pathetic life. Nullification worked more than the courts and the Real ID Act seems to be as if it isn't law anymore. What about gun control, regulations, and drug prohibition? Complying with government regulations will only subject you to a higher risk of abuse as bureaucrats can more easily abuse you since they know your information. If just 20% of gun dealers refused to license with either the ATF or state agency, gun control laws would be nearly as crippled as government thugs will find it harder to harass and intimidate gun dealers and pot dispensaries out of business.

They key is to follow the mostly non-violent resistance movements that occurred in 1990 Eastern Europe and 2013 Egypt. I recommend millions of regional nationalists walk like Egyptians on their state capitols and peacefully clog the streets just as the Egyptians did in both 2011 and 2013. The message is best sent through such a manner. Obama and the elitists were foaming mad at the overthrow of Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. People may need to used armed force to defend their lives and freedoms but peaceful protests are key to gaining some attention.

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