What the HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL?! How could such a beautiful Aryan Girl of Boer Blood have degraded her dignity and self-respect so low as to support such a catastrophe of ass that is destroying her home country? Just for the record, I do not hate Charlize Theron but I am very mad with her and think she's a dishonarable disgrace to her Paternal Family, a family who only loved her but she gave the cold shoulder.
Why does she condone the Genocide of her own people? Why hasn't she spoken out about the racist nature among the ANC regime and it's criminal followers? Or better yet, why has she donated to this criminal organization when it is engaged in Acts of Genocide against the Afrikaner people? Afrikaans singer Sunette Bridges has even cried out to Charlize Theron to help in the struggle for South Africa. No fucking response!
Theron must have it damn good living in Beverly Hills, thinking not of what the hell is happening in her home country. In fact, her Africa Outreach Project is a mutherfucking joke as Charlize doesn't have the courage to address the true problems facing South Africa, pretending everything is better after 1994. Does Charlize even understand that Apartheid was really about protecting the European peoples from an inferior, savage African population hell bent on making life for civilized Europeans and Asians cancerous? Would Charlize have had a better childhood growing up 15 years later?

Charlize Theron grew up during the last two decades of Apartheid, when it was being reformed. I wonder if Charlize ever looks back on her childhood and thinks "Was life better for me back then than if I grew up 10 or 20 years after?" Official stories have you believe her father Charles Jacobus Theron was a drunken alcoholic abusive monster. Charlize's paternal aunt Elsa Malan disagrees and said that Charles was doing what was best for his golden offspring. But that mother Gerda just had to turn Charlize into a heartless, lying, promiscuous, irresponsible, materialistic, greedy, whorish, sociopath, etc.
Charlize these promotional trips that you make to South Africa all sound so good clean and fresh, and helps you so much with your International career. Yet you come here and you say nothing about ordinary white South African who will never be able to leave South Africa like you have to make a new life for themselves, because they either do not have the money or have already been being murdered because of the color of their skin. It is not that we expect you to do anything about it, but do you not realize that by saying nothing, to the people you are rubbing shoulders with, that they believe they can let the murders continue unabated and still have the audacity to call it house robberies gone bad. Yet your people, if I may call them that, still seem to support you, while you seem to not care if they are featured on the latest Genocide list in the morning or not. That’s why I say the dead cannot be fooled, and you Charlize can help but you choose to turn a blind eye as almost every other South African who leaves the South African shores. It seems to me that you don’t care at all. I will be so surprised, if you ever go on National or InternationalTV and say, what we all hope that you would say, yet dont , I Charlize Theron, do not approve of the senseless murders of white farmers, in South Africa, and believe in my heart that Genocide is the ultimate goal of the murderers” That would be a cause that will earn you the respect of your Homeland forever and ever.

May the ghost of Boer Warrior Daniel Theron visit you on Christmas Eve and may you Charlize be visited by the Ghosts of Afrikaner Christmas Past, present, and Future. If you know the Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, then I prey to God you will have a change of heart this Christmas and may December 25, 2015 be they day your heart grow three times and you view Daniel Theron as your greatest role model.

Theron must have it damn good living in Beverly Hills, thinking not of what the hell is happening in her home country. In fact, her Africa Outreach Project is a mutherfucking joke as Charlize doesn't have the courage to address the true problems facing South Africa, pretending everything is better after 1994. Does Charlize even understand that Apartheid was really about protecting the European peoples from an inferior, savage African population hell bent on making life for civilized Europeans and Asians cancerous? Would Charlize have had a better childhood growing up 15 years later?
Charlize Theron grew up during the last two decades of Apartheid, when it was being reformed. I wonder if Charlize ever looks back on her childhood and thinks "Was life better for me back then than if I grew up 10 or 20 years after?" Official stories have you believe her father Charles Jacobus Theron was a drunken alcoholic abusive monster. Charlize's paternal aunt Elsa Malan disagrees and said that Charles was doing what was best for his golden offspring. But that mother Gerda just had to turn Charlize into a heartless, lying, promiscuous, irresponsible, materialistic, greedy, whorish, sociopath, etc.
Charlize these promotional trips that you make to South Africa all sound so good clean and fresh, and helps you so much with your International career. Yet you come here and you say nothing about ordinary white South African who will never be able to leave South Africa like you have to make a new life for themselves, because they either do not have the money or have already been being murdered because of the color of their skin. It is not that we expect you to do anything about it, but do you not realize that by saying nothing, to the people you are rubbing shoulders with, that they believe they can let the murders continue unabated and still have the audacity to call it house robberies gone bad. Yet your people, if I may call them that, still seem to support you, while you seem to not care if they are featured on the latest Genocide list in the morning or not. That’s why I say the dead cannot be fooled, and you Charlize can help but you choose to turn a blind eye as almost every other South African who leaves the South African shores. It seems to me that you don’t care at all. I will be so surprised, if you ever go on National or InternationalTV and say, what we all hope that you would say, yet dont , I Charlize Theron, do not approve of the senseless murders of white farmers, in South Africa, and believe in my heart that Genocide is the ultimate goal of the murderers” That would be a cause that will earn you the respect of your Homeland forever and ever.
If there's any character Ms. Theron has played that she most relates to in real life, it's got to be from Young Adult(2011). I'm not fucking around here! I really mean it lady! You really are a terrible person inside and I am very ashamed with the way your mother raised you!
I can also compare Charlize Theron to Ebeneezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol.
May the ghost of Boer Warrior Daniel Theron visit you on Christmas Eve and may you Charlize be visited by the Ghosts of Afrikaner Christmas Past, present, and Future. If you know the Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, then I prey to God you will have a change of heart this Christmas and may December 25, 2015 be they day your heart grow three times and you view Daniel Theron as your greatest role model.
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