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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

How Donald Trump can call for the preservation of the White Race and Directly Appeal to White voters

Donald Trump is beyond any doubt the leader of the European peoples not just in America but around the World. He's more than just a presidential candidate. He's the White Working Man's hero and despite a declining White population, Trump has a greater chance to win the 2016 White House election against Crooked Hillary by appealing mostly to White voters.

White voters have felt disenfranchised by their lack of a real choice but Donald Trump has offered them a clear choice this November to overcome White Genocide and rebuild their white communities.

Here are some points Donald Trump should make in a speech I hope he makes in uniting White Europeans:

  • White Europeans overwhelmingly support traditional American values while non-whites are less likely to, but that doesn't mean Trump should forsake African Americans and Hispanics who have supported him to the end but rather that when White European Christians are the elite of America, America will achieve the highest prosperity, rule of law, and human quality of life when compared to Third World shitholes like Zimbabwe.TrumpChristianMeme
  • White Europeans must also work to strengthen the role of the church as not only a cultural organization but also a force for the spirituality of White people, including encouraging White women to have more White children, similar to how the Mormon Church's influence in Utah has produced not only a strong sense of cultural conservatism but also higher birthrates as a majority of Utah's population is below the age of 21. Removing restrictions that strip churches of tax-exempt status will encourage White majority churches to rally support for White Racial Unity and encourage Whites to vote as a block and have solidarity for each other! White Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture will soon reign supreme over America should a Trump presidency become a reality!
  • Donald Trump has reshaped the Republican Party to be a National Populist party with a strong White European elite dedicated to preserving the heritage and rights of European Americans but also reach out to White Democrats to change their political affiliation from Democrat to Republican or Independent as the Democratic Party shows itself to be Anti-White for the purpose of creating a corrupt Third World fiefdom for the Democrats such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
  • The problems faced by White Europeans as a result of lack of organizations standing up for European Americans must be addressed as the consequences of failing to do so will only deepen the plight many White Americans face. Any White European American that cares for the future of his/her children and grandchildren or future children there of must stand up and prove themselves worthy of bravery.
  • White Europeans are still the overwhelming majority of the electorate so directly appealing to White American voters will not harm Trump's chances of getting elected though he does openly appreciate his Black and Hispanic supporters since these two groups don't usually vote for generic Republican losers like Mittens Romney and Low Energy Jeb Bush.
  • White Europeans must be energized and proud to be who they are as their forefather's race and civilization were responsible for enhancing the quality of life for ALL human beings. Trump has shown sincere concern for what is happening in Europe with Third World terrorism, including raping of German and Swedish women by Islamist sub-human parasites.
  • Even though the mainstream media portrays and even celebrates a declining White electorate, the truth is that if the GOP directly appealed to White voters, the Democrats would not only fall behind the Republicans but the Democrats would eventually become a minor party, but not overnight.
  • The fact of the matter is that not only are White Americans roughly around 70-75% of the total electorate, the GOP has seen a 60% rise in voter turnout from 2008 while the Dems have suffered a 20% decrease in voter turnout from 2012. This means that a rise in mostly White as well as a rising African-American turnout for Donald Trump will mean that a Trump presidency will only be more likely.
  • White Americans need to be informed that they have the most political power as voters in nearly every U.S. state, motivating Whites who refrained from voting for Mitt Romney in 2012 to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 as we've seen a rise in voter turnout for the GOP by 60%. If America is to retain the founding principles and if White Europeans are to save themselves from becoming strangers in their own nation, 
  • Plus, should Trump win the presidency, there is a major possibility that the GOP will start standing up for and appealing directly to White Working Class voters. Should Whites become a minority outnumbered by Third World Invaders, conservative politics will have almost no place in an America where Third World peoples outnumber White Americans.
White Americans have the power to retake America from Third World hordes and corrupt Democrats, more than they know. The mass media has failed to destroy Trump now and will fail to do so as time goes by. Hillary has seen her support drop not just since the DNC fiasco with disgruntled Bernie supporters hoping for real change but overall and Hillary will continue to drop, causing Hillary to most likely lose to Donald J. Trump.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

How A Donald Trump Victory Can Reverse the Declining White Demographics in America

Make America White Again
Thank's to Trump's candidacy, more and more White American voters are set to vote for Donald Trump to stop Hillary Clinton and the decline of White Europeans. For the first time in decades, White Americans have a real choice on how to decide their future.

2016 will decide whether White Europeans will reverse their declining population through a Trump Presidency or continue their decline and eventual destruction under a Clinton Tyranny.

For those who don't know, defender of European-American Civil Rights Dr. David Duke is running for U.S. Senate in Louisiana! This means that David Duke has the opportunity to be the architect of Post Anti-White America, not just stopping the demographic decline and genocide of White Americans but also help reverse such declines.

A rising racial conscience among Whites has become a reality as the silent majority comes out to support Donald Trump. I hope that should Trump get elected, Third World Immigrants who fail to share American values will leave America for good because unless we have an electorate and population that respect the values of this nation, we can no longer have an America worth living in.

Third World immigration must come to a complete halt while White birth rates must be raised by encouraging fertile White women in America to have 3 or more children. First World immigration must be welcomed and White Europeans sharing American values fearing persecution should be granted full asylum status and other First World immigration should be welcomed as new arrivals for making America White Again.

In 1965, America enjoyed a 90% White European demographic, but thanks to the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 and massive Third World Immigration, Non-Hispanic Whites are a mere 60-63%, with the youngest generation of non-Hispanic Whites being just 49%. Of course, a majority of Hispanics here legally are White European, making the total White American population roughly around 76%.

There's no reason for the White Majority now to accept their decline and be attacked by a media more powerful yet less accountable than any elected official.
For my next blog I will be discussing why Donald Trump must call for the unity of European Americans and call for the preservation of the White race. The media has tried to discredit Donald Trump too many times but failed as he not only has the nomination but 14 million popular votes in the primaries, the most for any GOP primary season. Donald Trump has stood up to the dishonest media before and has succeeded, so why should calling for White racial unity be any different?

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

What does Brexit Mean?

By a 51%-49% vote, the UK referendum has succeeded and I am here to analyse how the people voted. As you know by the above map, blue means exit while yellow means remain. Notice how England and Wales voted overwhelmingly to leave the European Union, mainly based on issues such as immigration and fishing. English people don't want to be ruled by bureaucrats(unelected) in Brussels and be threatened with arrest for saying negative shit about non-white immigrants.
Now that we see an EU without Britain, cucktard PM David Cameron has announced he is resigned and his departure from office and has left the office on July 13. BTW, Cameron was in favor of staying in the EU while former Mayor of London Boris Johnson was in favor of leaving. However, who seems to be much like Cameron's right-hand lady, Theresa May(Home Secretary) has become Prime Minister as of July 13, 2016. Unfortunately, she has been part of the remain camp and has no plans of initiating a British "Glasnost" and "Perestroika".
trump law and order
But America, the most powerful nation on Earth has the power to tear down the Apartheid Wall known as Political Correctness and Self-Destructive decline of Western Civilization as well as gradually tear down the liberal dictatorships in not just North America but also in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and even in South Africa.
trump lion
A Trump presidency will not just be about true border security, worker-friendly trade policies, health-care, the economy, and strong national security but also about paving the way for White racial unity and the tearing down of the Apartheid Wall in the 1965 Immigration Act making it more difficult for First-World White Europeans to attain permanent residency and even citizenship while Third-World immigrants are given more favor-ability. Donald Trump has stated before he thinks it's complete injustice for example ethnic Germans, Swedes, Britons, Italians, Afrikaners, and other true Indo-European peoples have it harder when it comes to permanent residency than for example Mexicans, Africans(Blacks), and Asians for example, hey even Muslims have it easier than Christians when immigrating to the United States.

Just remember the idea of a Centralized Europe is a Bolshevik principle, which means the tearing down of national borders and further subjugation of European heritage.
We all know the cunt who's leading that effort! Non other than Potato Faced uber-cuck Angela Merkel. Unfortunately for her, that will only be a pipe-dream should Trump be elected U.S. president, Merkel's worst nightmare!