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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

What does Brexit Mean?

By a 51%-49% vote, the UK referendum has succeeded and I am here to analyse how the people voted. As you know by the above map, blue means exit while yellow means remain. Notice how England and Wales voted overwhelmingly to leave the European Union, mainly based on issues such as immigration and fishing. English people don't want to be ruled by bureaucrats(unelected) in Brussels and be threatened with arrest for saying negative shit about non-white immigrants.
Now that we see an EU without Britain, cucktard PM David Cameron has announced he is resigned and his departure from office and has left the office on July 13. BTW, Cameron was in favor of staying in the EU while former Mayor of London Boris Johnson was in favor of leaving. However, who seems to be much like Cameron's right-hand lady, Theresa May(Home Secretary) has become Prime Minister as of July 13, 2016. Unfortunately, she has been part of the remain camp and has no plans of initiating a British "Glasnost" and "Perestroika".
trump law and order
But America, the most powerful nation on Earth has the power to tear down the Apartheid Wall known as Political Correctness and Self-Destructive decline of Western Civilization as well as gradually tear down the liberal dictatorships in not just North America but also in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and even in South Africa.
trump lion
A Trump presidency will not just be about true border security, worker-friendly trade policies, health-care, the economy, and strong national security but also about paving the way for White racial unity and the tearing down of the Apartheid Wall in the 1965 Immigration Act making it more difficult for First-World White Europeans to attain permanent residency and even citizenship while Third-World immigrants are given more favor-ability. Donald Trump has stated before he thinks it's complete injustice for example ethnic Germans, Swedes, Britons, Italians, Afrikaners, and other true Indo-European peoples have it harder when it comes to permanent residency than for example Mexicans, Africans(Blacks), and Asians for example, hey even Muslims have it easier than Christians when immigrating to the United States.

Just remember the idea of a Centralized Europe is a Bolshevik principle, which means the tearing down of national borders and further subjugation of European heritage.
We all know the cunt who's leading that effort! Non other than Potato Faced uber-cuck Angela Merkel. Unfortunately for her, that will only be a pipe-dream should Trump be elected U.S. president, Merkel's worst nightmare!

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