I can honestly say compared to the other schmucks running for both the Republican(Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kaisch, Jeb Bush) and Democratic(Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders) nomination, Donald Trump is the only candidate worth any trust. Not only is Trump the only candidate worth any kind of trust, he has the ability to run America like a business instead of a super-orgy whore house like Bill Clinton, War House like George W. Bush, and a Communist Revolution like Barack Obama(a.k.a. Barry Sotoro) and also is free from being bought and paid for.
Some Americans have their doubts and I myself do not place absolute faith in Trump but he's the only candidate worth any benefit of the doubt. Jeb Bush has left the race just as Rand Paul and Lindsay Graham have. I say all other Republican candidates should hand Trump the nomination if they want to beat Hillary Clinton(I call her Shillary Cunton), and Comrade Bernie Sanders.
Though Jeb Bush is out of the Republican primary race, Trump still has John Kasich, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz to deal with in the Republican Primaries before racing off against either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders(who will destroy the fuck out of America!). I know I'm omitting Ben Carson here but Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich are the ones more mentioned.
If not for Trump, crucial issues such as illegal immigration would not be talked about as fiercely. Trump also opposes Stasi Bitch Angela Merkel's migrant plan to destroy Europe. Trump is the only presidential candidate who cares about Europe being Europe and wants to help nationalists in Europe reclaim their countries. Trump has also crossed the line on political correctness by talking about the decline of White communities in the West and his will to reverse that.
Jobs have taken a hit in America as cheap labor from third world neighbors such as Mexico and Central America have decimated the wages of not only White European peoples but also African Americans and even Hispanics that have lived in the United States for generations.

Ben Carson BTW was director Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins Hospital from 1984-2013 and from what I've seen he is a descent person with a big heart, compared to the wrecked African-American community of the 21st century. Ben Carson was the victim of Ted Cruz's lying to Carson supporters in Iowa that Carson left the race so they would support Ted Cruz. My god what a snake Cruz is, but that's not all! As I respect Ben Carson for his sincerity and how he denounces the divisions occuring in America today, I feel he is too inexperienced to be president and lacks required presidential characteristics even though he is better than Shillary. He dropped out and endorsed Donald Trump.
For those endorsing or thinking of supporting either Ted "Snake Eyes" Cruz and Marco "Sweaty Bus Boy" Rubio is either ignorant of their true identities or know about their evil dealings. On a recent CNN debate, Marco Rubio went after Donald trump in a desperate attempt to lift the former's image by attacking the latter(Trump) with claims that Trump is a conman who uses immigrant labor for his building projects. That was during the 1980's and Rubio has become more desperate in attempts to climb up to the top of the Republican Primary barrel.

Ted Cruz is truly owned by Goldman Sachs as he omitted the low in interest loans from Goldman Sachs and his wife is VP of Goldman Sachs. Heidi Cruz is an architect of the North American Union that would erase America's borders with Canada and Mexico and subject America to unfair competition with corrupt Mexico. With Americans losing their jobs, the North American Union will guarantee an unlimited pool of cheap Mexican labor.

Ted Cruz never mentions his ties to Goldman Sachs and he calls himself an outsider! His wife Heidi(ironically attractive) is Vice President of Goldman Sachs and member of the Council on foreign Relations, a group pushing for globalist policies.
If you hadn't noticed, Heidi was promoted to VP of Goldman Sachs 9 DAYS after Ted Cruz was elected senator and that Heidi is passionate about the creation of the North American Union. Heidi is actively supportive of Ted Cruz's campaign yet Cruz campaigns himself as a "Constitutional Conservative". What does he mean by "Constitutional Conservative"? Does he even mention low interest loans he used to fund his U.S. Senate campaign while claiming to be against Wall Street?
Ted Cruz even has audacity to call Donald Trump supporters "Low Information" voters but do Ted Cruz supporters even know about his and his wife's connections to Goldman Sachs and his wife's support for a border-less North American Community that would merge the economies of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Plus, Heidi was a Bush staffer on economic policy that resulted in expanding NAFTA, a job killer and wage decimator.
Regardless of the attacks against Trump, he still prevails in the primaries and set the stage for Establishment vs. Anti-Establishment politics. Donald Trump needs less than 40% of the remaining delegates to earn enough to avoid a contested convention but Ted Cruz needs est. 65% of remaining delegates at this point.
Ted Cruz has received endorsements from GOP establishment hacks Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, making Cruz the new establishment candidate replacing Marco "Foam Boi" Rubio(who dropped out on March 15). What about John Kasich? Well he won't be able to reach the required delegates to avoid a contested convention. The only two Republican candidates at this point who can reach the required 1,237 delegates to avoid a contested convention are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Some well known endorsements of Donald Trump include Senator Jeff Sessions, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, political commentator Ann Coulter, and Conservative talk host Michael Savage.
I do understand Donald Trump has supported liberal causes in the past but it is Trump who has attracted new disaffected voters who never voted before or simply stopped voting cause the electoral process sucked. Plus, who does the establishment fear and hate the most? Who has their rallies met with vicious protests that are often violent?
Seriously, does Hillary Clinton or even Ted Cruz get such protests? Guess who funds these violent mobs attack Trump rallies? Funded by George Soros, the most evil billionaire in the world. Hillary Clinton fears running against Donald J. Trump the most! Why would Hillary fear an opponent who is said to trail her by 9 points but ignore opponents(Ted Cruz and John Kasich) who are said to be ahead her in polls?
While Donald Trump may not be the ideal candidate, he certainly is the most realistic candidate who wins on the most important issues Americans care about such as immigration, jobs, economy, and certainly a more sensible foreign policy that puts America first, not Israel. Every other candidate will do what is in the best interests of Israel but not America. Trump is the fierce opposite. Though Cruz is the more Conservative type on social issues, he is still financed and sponsored by Goldman Sachs, the bank that gave him sweetheart loans for his senate campaign even as he said he would sell off owned assets to finance his campaign.
Plus, Trump is the only candidate self funding his campaign and spending LESS than his opponents. Donald Trump spent just several million during the New Hampshire primary and won NH while Jeb Bush spent well over 100-150 million and placed virtual last. Bush's loss was so great that he dropped out of the presidential race and is now endorsing Ted Cruz.
A Trump victory will ultimately mean both the Democratic and GOP establishments will see the same fate as the Berlin Wall and how the Communist establishment in Eastern Europe was destroyed. Donald Trump is the ONLY candidate in the presidential race not taking ANY Super PAC money unlike the supposed "Constitutional Conservative" Lyin' Ted Cruz!
With America's falling infrastructure, Trump is the only one not only to address the issue of America's infrastructure looking Third World compared to Dubai but also identified that cause of such massive spending but failing infrastructure as the disastrous Iraq and other Middle East wars.
Trump is the only candidate responsible for threatening political correctness and making the Silent Majority the Verbal Majority! Trump has brought new kinds of voters including Blue Collar Democrats disaffected with the Democrat establishment, White middle class workers re-emerging from silence and isolation from the electoral process, people never voting before, and vast pool of independents. This election is establishment vs. anti-establishment and not the typical left vs. right or liberal vs. conservative bullshit that's been going on for decades.
Trump has supported liberals in the past but why do George Soros and Hillary Clinton fear and hate Trump so much to seek his downfall as well as fund massive Anti-Trump protests that are truly acts of violence and rioting. Ted Cruz can say all he wants about Trump being a supporter of liberals in the past but Neo-Conservatives like Bill Kristol openly prefer Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. With a Clinton regime, the special interest lobbyists not only keep their wealth and power but gain god-like power, wheres a Donald Trump presidency would see the massive decline and eventual collapse of both the Democratic and GOP establishment along with their special interest conglomerates, including the criminal banks such as Goldman Sachs(funding Ted Cruz), and Lehman Brothers(John Kasich membership)
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