Donald Trump has reached more than 270 electoral votes needed to win the U.S. Presidency. ALL of the results however have not been announced yet but it seems through some funny business Crooked Hillary managed to get slightly more popular votes than Trump.
I'm very excited about Trump becoming the next president but I'm disappointed it didn't show a landslide. It doesn't matter much however but the final results in some states do show Trump has to make election integrity and honest counting of votes a priority, so such voter fraud never happens again.
When Trump has been saying the system is rigged, he's right. Why is the popular vote this close you might wonder as a Trump supporter. Trump did however win every state Mitt Romney won in 2012 as well as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and possibly New Hampshire.
I do however have to doubt the results of some states such as Colorado and Nevada as Democrats are known to commit voter fraud, especially handing in mail-in ballots with fictitious names. I assumes some mail-in ballots for Democrats were manufactured and stored in a warehouse somewhere. Seriously, why is Florida THAT close? I heard that Brownard, Pinella, and Miami-Date counties have engaged in election fraud.
Now Trump has to work on building not only his administration but also a Republican-majority Congress. So many issues to address, Congress needs NEW leadership. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have got to go! Seriously, they nearly destroyed the G.O.P.

I would love to see Jeff Sessions as Senate Majority Leader! Yes, Jeff Sessions is not only one of the greatest Senators in the U.S. Senate, he is the closest to Trump in terms of policy and will be an even greater asset should Sessions become Senate Majority Leader. Though no Republican gains were made in the U.S. Senate, the re-election victories of Richard Burr(NC), Ron Johnson(WI), and Pat Toomey(PA) guaranteed the G.O.P. retains control of the U.S. Senate.
However, there are several moderate Democrats needed to negotiate with to create a Pro-Trump coalition so as not only to hinder leftist Democrat opposition but also to hinder a handful of establishment Republicans.
Plus, the 2018 Midterm elections provide an enormous opportunity to increase GOP senate control beyond 60 seats, giving Trump a greater base to work with. 7-10 of the vulnerable seats up for Grabs in 2018 are held by Democrats, providing a great opportunity to crush them, even in some states where there are slightly more Democrats. This depends on the success of a Trump presidency.

As for a new House Speaker, I really like Rep. Steve King(left) as he has the courage to speak out in favor of White people, something nobody in Congress has the nerve to do. Rep. Steve King would be a powerful voice in the U.S. House of Representatives, able to have most of Trump's policies passed. Whites in this country could finally have more unity should the next congress be a success for Middle America.
Of course should Steve King not be elected House Speaker, Rep. Jason Chaffetz(Utah) would be my second preference as he has investigated the Clintons very aggressively. Plus, Chaffetz has a more conservative record than Paul Ryan.
With Trump as president, America will fix the rigged system and give more power to the American people.
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