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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

Blog Archive

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Why California is Important for GOP in 2018

California has been viewed by some right of the left to be a lost cause while others want to have a concrete GOP candidate to take on and hurt the Democrat machine. The reason Democrats had higher than expected votes compared to GOP in 2016 was because of turnout. Why such low turnout?

1. Two Corrupt Democrats were running with no GOP candidate other than Donald Trump statewide.
2. California was not a battleground state as activists for Trump in California were focusing on important states like in the Midwest as well as Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico.

However, with the idea of Democrats retaking the House of Representatives should the GOP screw up so badly by making excuses, the need for the GOP to have lions leading them is important, especially in California. In fact, there could be as many as 10 vulnerable GOP seats for the House of Representatives and California could provide as much as half of the potential Democrat gains.

In fact, many GOP congressman representing districts in California like Devin Nunes(22nd Congressional District) are worried about GOP strongholds like Orange County becoming more Democrat. Now that Trump is president and the GOP holds BOTH chambers of Congress, the time to act for all of America is now!

I present to you an inspirational message from 2016/2018 GOP contender for California's 26th Congressional District Rafael Dagnesses:


BE BOLD, TAKE RISKS, CUT TAXES, REPATRIATE TRILLIONS of DOLLARS BACK HOME, let's flood the market with jobs and opportunity for everyone!
Stop acting like the minority party and allowing the LEFT to kick you at every opportunity. Fight the opposition in the heart of their headquarters, show you are unafraid. Ignoring hard left states like California affects the rest of the country. There is nothing progressive about keeping people poor, reducing the middle class, being among the worst in education, exploding homelessness, increasing crime and pretending to support our troops and Veterans then behind the curtains voting the opposite. Help us expose the LIE. This is why California matters!
Communicate to the American people what you are working on and how it will benefit them, then DO IT! Do what you said you were going to do! Think of country NOT SELF.... 
Then act like a humble WINNERS....


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Fortunately, California has a wonderful opportunity to elect a businessman who cares about California's quality of life and want's to Make California Golden Again by taking on special interests and reforming the structure of the state legislature. Given how Democrats would rather steal and cheat off of Californians of all races, John Cox and Republicans have a great opportunity to humiliate the Democrats, especially after they passed the Gas Tax Hike back in April and established new rules favoring a certain Democrat Freshman Senator(Josh Newman).

In fact, Cox is even considered to be the top GOP contender in the 2018 Governor race. With 11-12 months to go before the open primary, Cox has plenty of time to exploit the anger and despair Californians feel. 58% of Californians are opposed to the new Gas Tax increase, spelling potential doom for the California Democrats.

Even though Establishment Republicans in Washington DC will continue to make excuses before America-First agenda is passed, California Republicans are starting to become more aware of their abilities not only to appeal to voters in their state but also realize why they have been losing(possibly). The California GOP in my view has many opportunities to increase their standing in California politics, thanks not only to Trump's presidency but the Democrat's stupidity and insanity.

Democrats across America are digging their own grave, even in California due to their insane, reckless, and retarded actions as well as having no policy or platform other than baseless opposition to Donald Trump as well as continuing the same corruption and moral decay of American society and politics.
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Some ask, "Shouldn't we just abandon California and focus on the rest of America?". Seriously, California is economically and historically the most valuable and important state in the country, given it's the #1 agricultural exporter of any U.S. State. Plus, California has been known for it's beautiful beaches, extraordinary Mediterranean climate not found in any of the other U.S. states, and Glamorous scenery that's 2nd to none.

Who could possibly rally the GOP not just in California but across America to penetrate the belly of the Demoncratic beast?
Mike Pence official VP portrait.jpgImage result for ronald reagan
You may be thinking that Donald Trump will be rallying the GOP but someone whose less busy with presidential duties would be more suited, such as Vice President Mike Pence. Congressional Republicans both establishment or not have more respect for Pence than Trump plus Pence has more political experience.

I also would like to mention Ronald Reagan made his career both acting and political in California and he is considered a Republican idol, respected even by the lowest of neoconservative trolls. How could any Republican in America support the nightmarish idea of California becoming a 3rd world neo-Marxist wasteland like Cuba or Venezuela?
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California Democrats are at the height of their power and ironically, they are at this height while a National-Populist Donald Trump is president, someone who is against illegal immigration.
The California Democrats are not going to be defeated without some kind of soft paramilitary action including relying on the California State Militia, an unorganized militia of armed citizens. Not suggesting resorting to terrorism but there was a most noted event in U.S. history where military veterans forced their corrupt county government to dissolve and be reformed to honor the rule of law and honest elections.
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I'll talk more about the Battle of Athens(1946) but the overall starting summary of this is when a group of WWII veterans engaged in an armed rebellion against a viciously tyrannical and corrupt county government that denied guarantee of honest elections while doing anything to hold onto that power at the expense of American citizens(sounds very much like California's state government). The end result of this battle was the abolition of the McMinn County government and establishment of a far less corrupt and altered government more accountable to American citizens.

I'll add more details comparing 1946 McMinn County, Tennessee & 2017 California governments.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Some Bernie Sanders supporter commits shooting at Congress Baseball Practice, Shooter said "Kill As Many Republicans as Possible"

The morning of June 14, 2017 will be a day where a deranged ultra-left wing Bernie Sanders follower shot several people, including House Majority Whip  Steve Scalise of Louisiana.

The shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporting psycho leftist named James Hodgkinson, and he has been shot dead by Capitol Police. He even has a hateful history including many tweets expressing threatening hatred against President Trump.

While this was a massive evil provoked by the evil fake news media and Hollywood, this shooting has proved appeasement and cowardice from Conservatives and Republicans that only benefit the Left-Wing and the Democrats is counterproductive. I found it disgraceful how in 2014 Rep. Scalise was smeared and defamed as being a Ku Klux Klan sympathizer simply for speaking at an organization that defends the rights and interests of White America back in 2002.

Scalise only made this more embarrassing by then apologizing to the Left-Wing Black Power Caucus and begging them for "forgiveness" without any proof whatsoever that the meeting Scalise attended had anti-black or white supremacist sentiments. There has been no proof whatsoever that simply defending the rights and interests of White Americans that same way the Jews around the world do for themselves equals oppression of non-whites.

Modern Liberals will never be persuaded by arguments of logic or truth nor will liberals be satisfied with being spoiled by their enemies via appeasement. The left has shown even thicker and more vicious colors by not calling the shooter anything more than a vicious psychopathic scumbag!
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For crying out loud, many following the politics of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have celebrated the shooting and could even think of this Bernie Sanders volunteer as a martyr!

CNN, one of the largest fake news media conglomerates had the nerve to say the shooter was not evil but just "frustrated". Millions of Americans are frustrated with politics, but will shooting lawmakers just because you don't like their politics going to be a remedy for any political problem?

In fact, plenty of times celebrities have called for or have legitimized violence and assassionations against President Donald Trump including some lesser known comedian Kathy Griffin holding a bloodied replica head of Trump, ISIS style, Madonna back in January saying she'd like to "Blow up the White House", Snoop Dog music video mock assassination Trump, and a play depicting a Trump look alike being assassinated Julius Caesar style.

If anything can be learned from what happened, The American Right must have total victory over the left as well as a guarantee that White Americans will not be anywhere near becoming a marginalized and politically weakened minority so Democrats can come close to super-majority rule in the future.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Trump Vindicated: Comey's Testimony Before Congress Ends with no Conclusion of Russian Collusion!

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It's official now, the Russian Collusion canard against Donald Trump waged by both Democrats and even Establishment Republicans has died on June 8, 2017 following former FBI Director James Comey's testimony to U.S. Congress Intelligence Committee.

Liberals were furious that James Comey did not destroy Donald Trump but instead spoke more truthfully under oath(after first trying to smear Trump), thereby decimating any hopes towards impeaching Donald Trump on "Obstruction of Justice" charges.

At first, James Comey tried to smear Donald Trump to make him look bad but once Senators like Marco Rubio for example mentioned that only minor details were being mentioned rather than key facts proving whether or not Trump interfered with the investigation as well as colluded with the Russians, Comey began to capitulate, even admitting he committed perjury.

Despite James Comey being the lying SOB Clinton mole that he is, Comey's testimony was not only unable to move the "Russian Hacking" investigation closer to impeachment but all but destroyed the Russian Collusion canard the Democrats have been accusing Trump and Russia of.

Comey has even admitted that he was the #1 leaker who leaked classified information to the press.