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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, June 19, 2017

Some Bernie Sanders supporter commits shooting at Congress Baseball Practice, Shooter said "Kill As Many Republicans as Possible"

The morning of June 14, 2017 will be a day where a deranged ultra-left wing Bernie Sanders follower shot several people, including House Majority Whip  Steve Scalise of Louisiana.

The shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporting psycho leftist named James Hodgkinson, and he has been shot dead by Capitol Police. He even has a hateful history including many tweets expressing threatening hatred against President Trump.

While this was a massive evil provoked by the evil fake news media and Hollywood, this shooting has proved appeasement and cowardice from Conservatives and Republicans that only benefit the Left-Wing and the Democrats is counterproductive. I found it disgraceful how in 2014 Rep. Scalise was smeared and defamed as being a Ku Klux Klan sympathizer simply for speaking at an organization that defends the rights and interests of White America back in 2002.

Scalise only made this more embarrassing by then apologizing to the Left-Wing Black Power Caucus and begging them for "forgiveness" without any proof whatsoever that the meeting Scalise attended had anti-black or white supremacist sentiments. There has been no proof whatsoever that simply defending the rights and interests of White Americans that same way the Jews around the world do for themselves equals oppression of non-whites.

Modern Liberals will never be persuaded by arguments of logic or truth nor will liberals be satisfied with being spoiled by their enemies via appeasement. The left has shown even thicker and more vicious colors by not calling the shooter anything more than a vicious psychopathic scumbag!
Image result for john hodgkinson shooter
For crying out loud, many following the politics of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have celebrated the shooting and could even think of this Bernie Sanders volunteer as a martyr!

CNN, one of the largest fake news media conglomerates had the nerve to say the shooter was not evil but just "frustrated". Millions of Americans are frustrated with politics, but will shooting lawmakers just because you don't like their politics going to be a remedy for any political problem?

In fact, plenty of times celebrities have called for or have legitimized violence and assassionations against President Donald Trump including some lesser known comedian Kathy Griffin holding a bloodied replica head of Trump, ISIS style, Madonna back in January saying she'd like to "Blow up the White House", Snoop Dog music video mock assassination Trump, and a play depicting a Trump look alike being assassinated Julius Caesar style.

If anything can be learned from what happened, The American Right must have total victory over the left as well as a guarantee that White Americans will not be anywhere near becoming a marginalized and politically weakened minority so Democrats can come close to super-majority rule in the future.


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