I'm surprised not to see the woman on the left be a Muslim in a hijab. I saw this NYC Commission on Human Rights(no Whiteys allowed!) ad telling the diverse non-whites that if those evil whiteys were "discriminating" against them, they should come to them.
Why are Americans too afraid to have White people be given the same protection as third-world immigrants? Should America be called Home of the Brave?
How could America, especially the White majority allow themselves to be less of the majority and even allow the possibility of becoming an outnumbered minority? Plus, why do even the most conservative Republicans avoid talking about demographics and the projected plight of White America and all White majority countries?
For decades the media and academia have have much powerful influence over the policy of this country and many western nations whether it be Europe, Oceania, or even South American countries with White majority regions such as South Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile for example.
Even Donald Trump will not bring attention to White Genocide and Discrimination by openly talking about reaching out to White Americans. If America is ever to be Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, our elected officials must take the boldest measures on policy, even if they themselves feel uncomfortable.
Back around 2014, Mo Brooks openly stood up for White people in a bold move that many GOP members of Congress have been too afraid of doing. Brooks has never suffered politically for his remarks and has even said the massive legal immigration is as much of a problem as illegal immigration.
Another Congressman who understands the demographic and cultural problem is Steve King(R-IA).

Rep. Steve King from Iowa also proudly displays the Confederate flag, a symbol of resistance to corporativist federal tyranny. Steve King is also the most explicitly pro-White Congressman, given he has not backed down from saying White people and Western Civilization has made the most accomplishments to human development, over the objectives of whiny minority babies.
Other things Steve King has said to point out the unfairness directly or indirectly disaffecting White Working Class people includes Obama's favoritism towards Blacks(for the purpose of creating more left-wing Democrat voters). I was however disappointed that after saying Demographics are destiny that he sounded as if he completely forgot about race altogether, pretending like it's a social construct despite evidence of policies affecting races differently.
It's been 52 years since Third-World immigration was allowed to eventually overtake White European immigration despite the lies that were told by the proponents of the 1965 Immigration Act. Everything Ted Kennedy said back in 1965 is a lie, as this immigration bill did cause immigrants to flood major cities like Los Angeles for example, led to California going from 75%-85% White in 1970 to 60-63% White(both Hispanic & Non-Hispanic) in 2015. However, some Mestizos are considered White, possibly because they resemble Caucasians more than Amerindians. Plus, the average wage has decreased in value for the working class due to the mostly Third-World immigration where a majority of immigrants are accustomed to receiving lower than average American wages and then their wage becomes closer to the average wage.
How come Whites were not declining at the current level before the 1970's? Immigration policy alone and overly generous welfare mostly for Blacks and Latinos has cause a less than natural decline in non-Hispanic White birthrates.
Political correctness made America a land of cowardly Whites who have been too fearful to fully fight for the interests of White Americans collectively, even as Black, Hispanic, and Jewish caucuses exist. The stigma and shame applied to those who openly fight for White interests by forces in media and academia for example and fears of losing employment or opportunities to make a living has allowed Whites to allow themselves to decline. A majority of White majority countries have no plan to prevent Whites from becoming a powerless minority and even President Donald Trump has not vividly addressed demographic issues in America though much of what he's said about immigration, especially condemning Angela Merkel's Anti-German refugee policy indicates Trump is open to addressing the issue of White Genocide.
I will quote Representative Steve King's quote "when you describe Western civilization that can mean much of Western civilization happens to be Caucasians. But we should not apologize for our culture or our civilization. The contributions that were made by Western civilization itself, and by Americans, by Americans of all races stand far above the rest of the world. The Western civilization and the American civilization are a superior culture."
Whites have been the only group in the Western World so easily subject to criticism and even condemnation without fair trial and are the only racial group in the World having their homelands targeted for racial and ethnic demographic replacement on a global level. Only a few countries such as Hungary and Poland for example are fiercely fighting for Whites to be the absolute and guaranteed majority in their own homelands. Though Donald Trump has hinted he at heart knows of White Genocide and the demographic replacement of Whites, he has yet to take major action not just on the home front but also on the global front.
I don't mind some individuals of non-White extraction within a primarily White built society but immigration and natal policies should not be designed to make Whites a helpless and politically defeated minority subject to the will of Marxist anti-Whites. Third-World immigration should not outnumber First-World immigration and if Americans can't be brave enough to demand Whites are guaranteed a prosperous future free from anti-White bias and discrimination, America has lost it's right to be known as the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
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