Some Conservatives in America have viewed the California GOP as a lost cause and have been convinced California is to remain a Democrat dominated state indefinitely.
However, Republicans in California are starting to realize the need to rebuke certain Republicans like "Cheating" Chad Mayes(Assembly Minority Leader), with numerous GOP County parties including two counties part of his Assembly district that include Riverside and San Bernardino Counties rebuking Mayes for his Cap-N-Trade vote said to raise Gas Taxes by 70 cents per gallon. Plus, his affair with GOP Vice-Chair and former Assembly Minority Leader Kristen Olsen of Stanislaus County has got the Grace Community Church, the church Chad Mayes has belonged to his whole life delete their own facebook page. Unbelievable.
In my opinion, despite Chad Mayes' efforts to remain Assembly Minority Leader, he was replaced on September 15, 2017 by Brian Dahle of California's Far North.
Now for the real topic of this post is statewide races Republican candidates could win. The statewide CAGOP should be promoting and helping statewide GOP candidates win these statewide races.

San Diego area businessman John Cox has been running for CA Governor since February 2017. Plus, Cox has as of August 1, 2017 raised $3,205,122 and is polling at 14.1%, behind 1st place Gavin Newsom's 25.2%. Not only is John Cox polling in 2nd place for the open blanket primary but is also 2nd place for raising money. He has put $3 million of his own money into his campaign as well as received $204,000 in total from individual donors.
Not only has John Cox started defying the naysayers who think the CA Governor's race in 2018 will be between Gavin Newsom vs. Antonio Villaraigosa, but Cox has also outraised former Mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa by nearly $1 million. I'm confident that in the coming months Cox will connect so well with voters across California that he could be further ahead of the 2nd major Democrat running(whether it be Antonio Villaraigosa, John Chiang, or Delaine Eastin) than Gavin Newsom being ahead of John Cox. Gavin Newsom in my view is the only serious contender stopping Cox from becoming governor should Cox be the only major Republican left in the race.
Even though I like Travis Allen's positions and charisma, Allen has only managed to raise $78,403 so far, though he has been polling at 9.6%, ahead of State Treasurer John Chiang(7.4%), and former assemblywoman and State Superintendent Delaine Eastin(3.2%).
Cox is in the best position to be the GOP contender(if there will be one) to make it to the Top-Two for Governor of California come 2018. Another point I want to bring up is his "Neighborhood Legislative Districts and Working Groups" initiative that has more than half of required signatures to make it on the November 2018 ballot. This proposal would carve the existing Assembly and Senate Districts into 100 smaller districts with one of the 100 delegates acting as an ambassador for their Senate or Assembly district(not neighborhood district) in Sacramento. A majority of the neighborhood district delegates would have to approve of non-urgency legislation before their Assembly or Senate district gives a yes or a no vote on any legislation.

Should the "Neighborhood Legislative Districts and Working Groups" not only make it to the 2018 ballot but also pass, to the special interests controlling CA State Legislature it would be like throwing water on the Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of Oz causing her to melt into oblivion!
Government corruption and Special Interests should they dominate California's 2018 election cycle could bring massive GOP victories to the once Golden State, attracting not just Republicans and Independents but also Democrats disgusted with the way California's state government is being run.
Government corruption and Special Interests should they dominate California's 2018 election cycle could bring massive GOP victories to the once Golden State, attracting not just Republicans and Independents but also Democrats disgusted with the way California's state government is being run.

Should Travis Allen drop out of the race, Cox will only have to compete with four Democrats, raising chances of a GOP candidate making it to the top two. Even with another GOP candidate Cox has managed to overtake all of the major Democrats in both polling support and fund raising with the exception of Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom(most left-wing candidate in the race.)
In fact, Gavin Newsom might even fear a scenario where he has to face a principled GOP conservative candidate instead of the former Democratic Mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigoa. That scenario is only becoming closer to reality for Newsom as Cox will continue appealing to the disaffected Conservatives and Moderates of California fed-up with the rampant and chronic Democrat corruption in Sacramento.
Newsom's lead in my view is accompanied by the big Democrat machine in California but having a head start early in the race won't guarantee he become Governor of California, given that the polls might be skewed to discourage any GOP opposition from trying to retake the Governor's mansion as well as the fact 11 counties have more registered voters than eligible residents is being challenged by Judicial Watch's threat of lawsuit should California's voter rolls remain dirty in violation of the National Voting Rights Act.
Cox has the momentum early in the race and could even overtake Newsom in the June 2018 primary. A few months from now only Gavin Newsom and John Cox could become relevant, even causing one or all of the other 3 major Democrats(Villaraigosa, Chiang, or Eastin) to drop out before June 2018.

While Cox's 4 major Democratic opponents are busy battling each other and for support in mainly Los Angeles County and counties surrounding the San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland Metropolitan area, John Cox will be campaigning for California's heart and future, bringing back true prosperity, freedom, and accountability back to the Golden State. In my view, Cox should have no problem overwhelmingly winning counties outside Los Angeles County, and Coastal counties north of San Luis Obispo but south of Upstate California.
Lt. Governor:

The only Republican running for Lt. Governor so far is LA County businessman David Hernandez. He did make a run for Mayor of Los Angeles but didn't even come close to close unfortunately. Hernandez is openly calling himself a staunch conservative and Trump supporter. He seems very smart and has a great idea for dealing with illegal aliens who have been jailed for committing crimes other than being in America illegally known as "family reunification" where families of illegal aliens are sent home together to rule out the "separating families" canard used by pro-illegal immigration activists.
Hernandez has also sued the City of Los Angeles for it's monopolization of waste disposal, making waste disposal in LA City rubbish. I also like that Hernandez has been a great friend of the true conservative Beach Cities Republicans, a charter organization of the Los Angeles GOP(with a central committee corrupt to the core) as well as being an open Trump supporter.
California has lacked principled Republicans standing up for their convictions within the past two decades. However, the power vacuum for the CAGOP has opened and David Hernandez has grabbed the opportunity to become Lt. Governor. Lt. Governor also sits on board of higher education, pledging to safeguard freedom of speech on college campuses across California.

Known candidates for Lt. Governor of California already include State Senator Ed Hernandez, Dr. Asif Mahmood, former U.S. Ambassadors Eleni T. Kounalakis & Jeff Bleich to Hungary & Australia respectively. BTW, all of these candidates are Democrats.
However, it is said that President Pro Tempore of the California State Senate Kevin De Leon is preparing to be the dark horse candidate for Lt. Governor by not announcing his candidacy until a certain point. De Leon will be unable to run for re-election in the State Senate due to term limits. De Leon will be the most well known of all Lt. Governor candidates, regardless of Democrat, Republican, or Independent political affiliation. As of August 2017, De Leon has not announced his candidacy, though he does have some compelling reasons to run for Lt. Governor.
David Hernandez could mention De Leon's support for use of forged documents, fake ids, and stolen social security numbers among illegal aliens. De Leon would love to see blanket amnesty for illegal aliens, especially in California. Republicans could talk about the costs massive illegal immigration brings on California, given most illegals consume more taxpayer benefits than pay in taxes as well as lower the value of wages.
Though I have high hopes for John Cox becoming Governor of California in 2018, David Hernandez will need to get out the message more so he can be elected Lt. Governor of California. David Hernandez has already been endorsed by the Apartment Owners Association of California.
Secretary of State
I know Carl DeMaio has not announced any plans for nor has indicated any plans for running for the office of California Secretary of State but with all of the potential packed into DeMaio including his activism skills that include initiatives to Repeal the Car & Gas Tax passed back in April 2017 as well as efforts to recall Democrat State Senator Josh Newman, how could he not even consider running for CA Secretary of State to bring back integrity and honest government to California.
If DeMaio does decided to run for CA Secretary of State, he will be challenging incumbent Alex Padilla, who I assume knows that massive voter fraud is going on in California but permits it to happen since it chiefly helps Democrats. Plus, he was recently served by Judicial Watch with 90 days notice to clean the voter rolls in which 11 counties have more registered voters than eligible residents or face lawsuit. My prediction is the State of California will blow this off and will need to have their voter rolls fully audited by the DOJ. The National Voting Rights Act requires states to maintain clean and honest voter rolls to minimize voter fraud. Unfortunately, California's state government will not voluntarily comply and will have to be ordered to either by the Department of Justice under Jeff Sessions or by the Federal Courts. I prefer the former fully auditing California's voter rolls as California will not voluntarily comply with maintaining clean and honest rolls.
Padilla is just another one of the many CA Democrat gangsters maintaining the Democrat machine. Padilla's job as CA Secretary of State has been inflating the Democrat voter rolls with automatic voter registration(including illegal alien driver's licenses) as well as allowing dead people and illegal aliens to be registered to vote. I'd say fraudulent voter registrations as well as slovenly voter rolls have contributed to Democrat voter registration being near 45% in California.
Since the Secretary of State election is more narrow in issues, should DeMaio run he could talk extensively about the corruption of California's State Department and offer real solutions to California's corruption problems.
State Controller
Before I reveal who should run for State Controller in California, allow me to explain what this position is. The State Controller is the head official sitting on the five member State Board of Equalization, the state organization responsible for tax collection throughout the State.

Since the Secretary of State election is more narrow in issues, should DeMaio run he could talk extensively about the corruption of California's State Department and offer real solutions to California's corruption problems.
State Controller
Before I reveal who should run for State Controller in California, allow me to explain what this position is. The State Controller is the head official sitting on the five member State Board of Equalization, the state organization responsible for tax collection throughout the State.

Travis Allen has put himself in the public eye for authoring the ballot initiative to repeal the April 2017 Gas & Car Tax as well as knowing much about taxes and finance. My opinion says Travis Allen would make a decent candidate for State Controller rather than Governor.

The last California State Controller election(2014) saw the Democratic candidate Betty Yee win with just 54% of the vote, winning more than one million less votes than her predecessor John Chiang. Should Travis Allen enter the State Controller race in 2018 and appeal to Californian's displeasure over recently passed Gas & Car tax as well as most taxes in general, Travis Allen has the opportunity to potentially unseat incumbent Betty Yee. The California State Board of Equalizers has two Republican board members compared to three Democrats, making the State Board of Equalizers 60% Dem, 40% GOP.
Final Reflections:
Though I haven't talked about all the statewide elected positions, there are three in which can be made competitive and brought into national public eye simply by addressing Government Corruption & Cronyism, Special Interests, and Tax Increases.
The main reason in my view why CAGOP has lagged in victories is because of the lack of winning attitude and the will power to more boldly challenge the Democratic machine in California.
California's GOP could make itself a competitive force in California simply by being the party that stands completely against Special interests and government corruption, thereby not just energizing the Republican and Independent bases but also attracting disaffected Democrats. Though whenever Democrats hold more political power in any part of America they manage to nearly bankrupt whatever city, county, and/or state they hold political power in; there are a significant minority of registered Democrat voters that disapprove of the government corruption and cronyism being perpetrated in states such as Illinois and California.

BTW, two examples in states more heavily Democratic and liberal than California where GOP candidates won Gubernatorial races in 2014 including Larry Hogan(Maryland) and Charlie Baker(Massachusetts). What's also amazing here is both Charlie Baker(Massachusetts), and Larry Hogan(Maryland) have the highest and second highest approval ratings of any governor in the United States, standing at 71% and 68% respectively.
Is it any surprise or coincidence that two heavily Democrat and liberal states could have GOP governors with record approval ratings? Charlie Baker won Mass. Governor with 48.4% by 1.9 points while Larry Hogan won Maryland's Governor's race with 51% by 3.8 points. What's also more astonishing is it was harder for a Republican to win a statewide race in Maryland than in Massachusetts yet despite lagging behind a month before the election Larry Hogan was able to pull off a political upset and perform better than Charlie Baker performed in Massachusetts where Baker was more likely to win Massachusetts than Hogan was to win Maryland.
In Massachusetts Democrats have a 24.4 point average(35.3-10.9) while in Maryland Democrats have a 29.2 point advantage(54.9-25.7); yet Larry Hogan was able to not just go from virtually a lost cause to barely ahead of Dem. candidate Lt. Governor Anthony Brown within 3 weeks but Hogan also won 51% of the vote and won by 3.8 points despite being ahead in just one poll before the election.
If in California, Democrats have just a 15-16 point advantage(44-28) over Republicans, then if John Cox can be the only Republican running in California's Gubernatorial race and make it to the Top Two 2018, if Maryland's Larry Hogan 2014 victory is an example, California Democrats will have to worry about being forced to compromise with their opposition.
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