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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Mental Illness, Psychotic Drugs, lax Background Checks, & Omissions: A School Shooting Tragedy in Florida

MarjoryStonemanDouglasHS 22Jun2008 (cropped).jpg
Usually what happens after major school shootings is Democrats will call for gun control and the NRA is mentioned as a big bad wolf obstructing "common sense" gun control. Before I ask some questions as to why this school shooting was able to happen, I want to describe the deranged manic who would kill as many as 17 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School(pictured above).

Nikolas Jacob Cruz(pictured both left & right) had been expelled from two private schools for violent and anti-social behavior. In fact, Cruz had an uncanny fixation with guns & other weapons, loving to kill animals and wished to be a "professional school shooter"
Image result for professional school shooter
on Nikolas Cruz's social media pages and youtube channel he said to have fantasized about being a mass shooter with the FBI knowing such threats were being made but failed to even prevent Cruz from purchasing the AR-15 he used to kill 17 and injure 15.

In fact, someone even warned about Cruz's violent tendencies and threats to commit mass murder. The FBI knew about these threats and the fact police were called to Cruz's residence 36-39 times. Seriously, why has the FBI been so incompetent to stop would be mass shooters who post disturbing content on the internet indicating they will harm others? Can anyone tell me that?

In fact, Gov. Rick Scott(pictured right) has called on FBI director Christopher Wray(pictured right) to resign for not doing his job as FBI director to stop crazies like Nikolas Cruz who left numerous red flags spanning over a period of several months. Why couldn't "director" Wray direct the FBI to arrest crazy would be shooters who leave red flags before they go on a rampage? The FBI was warned about these threats yet failed to act and failed to ensure the background checks were efficient enough to prevent deranged prohibited persons from purchasing firearms.

Even before Wray, the FBI has failed to react to warnings about dangerous future mass murderers.

There were once shooting ranges in the basements of U.S. Schools before the 1990's. Why have shooting ranges in school basements disappear? There were never any major shootings in frequency before psychotic drugs were over prescribed and mental asylums were closed. Also, proper law enforcement has failed the victims of mass shootings in the past 25-30 years.

Some leftist Democrats are already calling for a complete elimination or several curtailment of the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms, believing guns themselves are the problem. No, the problem surrounding mass shootings from Fort Hood(2009), Orlando nightclub(2016) for examples including killers able to purchase firearms despite red flags indicating they are dangerous individuals. Plus, the clips used on the guns used to kill multiple victims were more than 20-40 round clips that are not needed to hunt deer or for self-defense in most circumstances.

Also, Trump has called for some teachers and some staff(military trained) to be armed in schools. Not to crazy about his alleged proposal favoring raising the semi-automatic rifle age from 18 to 21(didn't even know 18-20 year olds could purchase them), since a better idea would be to limit gun magazines to 10 rounds per clip or only allow under 21s to purchase guns with fixed rounds to prevent 12+ clips from being installed.

I did however like Trump bring up the issue of mental asylums being closed down given certain mentally ill people have been pouring into the streets when mental asylums prevented them from harming themselves and/or others. Seriously, have America's streets become outwards for mentally ill individuals?

So much has been asked here and what is needed is to address psychotic drugs being over prescribed and the interlocking corporate directorships of major news networks(which should be illegal).

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Wall America needs on the U.S.-Mexico border

The Democrats Wall
The cartoon above illustrates how Democrats would build their wall if illegal aliens voted Republican. However, illegal aliens vote Democrat and that's why the Democrats not only want to encourage safe environments for illegal immigration but also encourage unlimited 3rd world immigration to increase their electoral chances.

The cartoon above not only includes a wall but also turrets, deadly electric fence, and a mine field! That would insure that not only would future border crossings(illegal that is) would lower dramatically to virtual zero, but also viciously deter any future illegal immigration, including those who have been previously deported.

Why would Democrats oppose ANY immigration policies that restricts any amount of 3rd world immigration, whether it be legal or illegal? In fact, Democrats even rejected a generous immigration deal proposed by President Donald Trump of allowing 1.8 million so called "Dreamers" a chance to be legalized and have a 10-12 year path to citizenship provided they meet certain work & education requirements as well as have goo moral character & no criminal record in exchange for adequate border wall funding, ending chain migration, mandatory e-verify, and abolition of diversity visa lottery.

Link below is an article by "The State of the Union" blog made by Arthur Schaper about why Democrats don't even care about the DREAMers themselves:
The Democratic Party has gone so far-left that moderate voting blocks have began refraining from voting for Democrats simply because Democrats have lost touch with issues that truly matter, giving Republicans a massive opportunity to court these moderate and conservative Democrat voters.

What do the Democrats rely on the most to ensure they are able to have majority control over both chambers of U.S. Congress and a majority of the state legislatures once again? The Democrats need to have as many 3rd world immigrants come to America as possible and inflate the voter rolls to replace the normative White majority of America. The Democrats never wanted to do anything for the illegal aliens but use them for political gain and graft.

Even the illegal aliens themselves have figured out the Democrats have lied about promising them a clean DREAM act. In fact, virtually any type of amnesty is unlikely to pass the U.S. House of Representatives regardless of how much of a vote it gets in the U.S. Senate. Also, even if any kind of amnesty were to be passed by the U.S. House, President Trump could simply veto the measure if it fails to have even one of Trump's main immigration goals, though the veto could be overridden in the U.S. Senate but not the U.S. House.

Plus, there are 12-13 U.S. House seats held by Democrats in which Trump won as well as the 10 U.S. Senate seats up for 2018 re-election in states Trump won plus the bonuses of Minnesota, Maine, and Virginia. Trump's approval ratings just keep rising and Democrats still don't have a platform to run on in 2018.

Democrats have demonstrated their will to put illegal aliens before the American citizenry. Plus, Democrats support of illegal immigration shows they have no respect for the value of legally immigrating to America. Legal immigrants should be upset about this as Democrats put cheaters and sneaks before the hardworking of America.

DREAMers are feeling hopelessness and defeat as they are threatening to leave the United States if Congress does not pass any form of legalization for the children of illegal aliens. plus, Democrats have never cared about illegal aliens making a better life for themselves and their families but about inflating as many 3rd world migrants into the voting rolls who will vote for leftist Democrats without hesitation. This is why California has shifted more left and more Democrat in the past 20-30 years(and no California is still not a lost cause in 2018) but fortunately the Democrats are far from having enough 3rd worlders to sway elections in Democrat's favor, especially in states with vulnerable Democrat incumbents.

The more the Democrats continue resisting Trump's generous "offer", the more Democrats are being exposed as unreasonable fringes. If Trump's MAGA vision grows stronger and the demographic situation of America improves(by increasing the White birthrate, shutting down non-1st world and non-Western immigration, deporting illegal aliens, encouraging unassimilatable migrants and descendants to leave America, favoring White European immigration), Republicans will become a dominant party in federal politics, with Democrats becoming the Federalist Party of the 21st century.

As a bonus, I would like to list the GOP senators who in 2013 voted for the Amnesty bill who are still serving in the U.S. Senate as of February 2018:

  • Lisa Murkowski(Alaska)
  • Jeff Flake(Arizona)*
  • John McCain(Arizona)
  • Marco Rubio(Florida)
  • Susan Collins(Maine)
  • Dean Heller(Nevada)*
  •  John Hoeven(North Dakota)
  • Lindsey Graham(South Carolina)
  • Bob Corker(Tennessee)*
  • Lamar Alexander(Tennessee)
  • Orrin Hatch(Utah)*
*=Seats up for re-election 2018. Also, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and Orrin Hatch have announced retirement while Dean Heller has been seeking re-election as of February 2018.

Should all 4 of the GOP held seats up for 2018 election be replaced by MAGA Republicans, there will still be 7 GOP senators that voted for Amnesty 2013.

America must decide who can or can't come here and what it means to be an American after nearly 53 years of pro-3rd world immigration. America can't be simply about ideas but about culture, language, traditions, historical norms, and even race.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Trump Shows Preference for European Immigration? Looks Down Upon 3rd World countries

There's a stir of fake news controversy over Donald Trump referring to countries such as Haiti and El Salvador as "Sh*tholes. Trump has also expressed desire for more immigration to come from countries such as Norway. This is very encouraging as massive immigration both legal and illegal has made America more divided and less prosperous.

Trump's administration has immediately began ordering the expulsion of over 200,000 El Salvador nationals who have been on TPS(Temporary Protective Status) since 2001 and have overstayed their welcome.

Why did Trump call Haiti and El Salvador terrible countries? Trump has been frustrated with lack of Congressional efforts to enact meaningful America First immigration reform.

Given the revelations of Trump's opinion being made into a media circus for days, now the left will be forced to defend their preference for Black African immigration over White European immigration. While the left has praised Scandinavian countries for their social welfare state and socialist principles, the left is being forced to take a position on whether it's better to live in Norway or Haiti. The picture above shows the average Norwegian(left) vs. Haitian(right).

I want to be completely honest here as it is essential to shifting the Overton Window further to the Right in saying the reason why Norway is one of those countries with the best quality of life and high standard of living is in part because it has been racially White Nordic European since the beginning of Western Civilization. The reason why virtually every Black African majority and Black African run country has the worst standards of living and worst qualities of life are in part because the average IQ of Black Sub-Saharan Africans is 70-80.

Sure there are plenty of Black Africans who are close to having the same intelligence as White European and East Asians but the massive immigration of non-Whites into White majority countries has caused division and strife. Plus, different peoples will be more or less likely to assimilate than others. America is not a mere "idea" as those who founded America were not merely of the White European stock but specifically the Anglo-Saxon stock.

The Immigration Act of 1790 restricted all immigration and naturalization to "White me of good character". What that means is this system was designed specifically to favor those closer to Anglo-Saxon heritage without explicitly banning non-Nordic immigration. A majority of immigration under this system was to insure the Nordic Anglo-Saxon culture remained the dominant culture in the United States of America.

With the immigration of Eastern & Central Europeans, Mediterranean Caucasians(Christians mainly), and even East Asians during the mid 19th century until the 1920's, there were no specific ethnic quotas until the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The Chinese immigrants during the 19th century failed to assimilate, causing panic and fear among the American population. The Chinese Exclusion Act banned further Chinese immigration to the United States, not out of bigotry or racism but out of concern of having parts of the Pacific coast colonized by Chinese settlers. While the Chinese settlers of the 19th century were lower skilled and less organized than today's People's Republic of China, China is becoming a rising power and it's important to point out the potential for PRC to encourage mainland Chinese immigration to countries like Canada, United States, Australia, and New Zealand as a method of economic & even cultural colonization where Caucasians could be made 2nd class citizens much like Blacks were in the Deep South from 1870's-1960's.

While I do feel a merit-based immigration approach is miles better than the pro-3rd world immigration system equipped with chain migration and diversity visa lottery(both of which Trump wants abolished), I also want pro-assimilation to be part of this as anyone with high skills and high IQs can still easily immigrate to America without having to assimilate into the value system America was founded on. America was founded on Western & Christian values, and if America still accepts too many high IQ Asians, Muslims, and even Black Africans, not only will it still contribute to a scenario where Whites are not only made 2nd class citizens but also a politically powerless minority group that could see more of the declining White population living similarly to Poor White Appalachians. I did mention Muslims because there are plenty of wealthy Muslims, especially from Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and even Oman. Plus, these Muslim countries have some forms of Sharia Law and favor Arab Muslim interests.
The Hole Truth about Immigration cartoon by Ben Garrison
There's a reason why Democrats will NEVER agree to any immigration reform deal that includes an actual wall, end to chain migration, abolition of diversity visa lottery, and merit based immigration, and that's because Democrats rely on unlimited 3rd world immigration to increase their votes in hopes of one day flipping states like Texas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, and North Carolina solid Democrat, effectively establishing a permanent Democrat stronghold over the Executive branch.

Any kind of amnesty can easily morph into a demographic bomb due to massive rates of fraud and poor vetting of amnesty applicants. DACA for example has an over 50% fraud rate plus 70% of DACA recipients are low-skilled and are a net loss economically.

Certainly a merit based immigration system where ability is the highest virtue for immigration such as self-sufficiency is a great leap forward to stopping America from becoming 3rd world, there are problems associated with allowing so many high IQ Asiatics given they're harder to assimilate than White Europeans. Plus, Mainland Chinese are more tribalist and neo-communistic and if there is no system implicitly limiting or barring this type of immigration, then more of these tribalists whether they be mainland Chinese, Muslims from Pakistan, Indians coming to replace American White Collar workers, or even African(not including Whites) doctors, the character and face of America will be radically transformed but with a more intelligent touch.

However, if immigration were to be shutdown for nearly a decade while immigrants already here either assimilate or leave, this would help solve the demographic crisis America and many Western countries are having so Whites are not replaced in the countries their ancestors have cared for centuries.

Is it truly in America, Canada, Europe, or Australia's best interests to have high IQ non-white immigration become so numerous that Whites would be likely to become a minority? Even birthrates alone need to be addressed given non-hispanic whites are the only ethnic/racial group dying at a faster rate than being born thus making them also below the 2.1 fertility rate.

However, should immigration be shutdown for several years plus the expulsion of unassimilated 3rd world immigrants as well as implicitly pro-white natalist policies, White Americans as well as Whites in Canada, Europe, and Australia should see themselves preventing their own replacement, adopting similar policies Israel has to preserve it's Jewish identity.