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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Mental Illness, Psychotic Drugs, lax Background Checks, & Omissions: A School Shooting Tragedy in Florida

MarjoryStonemanDouglasHS 22Jun2008 (cropped).jpg
Usually what happens after major school shootings is Democrats will call for gun control and the NRA is mentioned as a big bad wolf obstructing "common sense" gun control. Before I ask some questions as to why this school shooting was able to happen, I want to describe the deranged manic who would kill as many as 17 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School(pictured above).

Nikolas Jacob Cruz(pictured both left & right) had been expelled from two private schools for violent and anti-social behavior. In fact, Cruz had an uncanny fixation with guns & other weapons, loving to kill animals and wished to be a "professional school shooter"
Image result for professional school shooter
on Nikolas Cruz's social media pages and youtube channel he said to have fantasized about being a mass shooter with the FBI knowing such threats were being made but failed to even prevent Cruz from purchasing the AR-15 he used to kill 17 and injure 15.

In fact, someone even warned about Cruz's violent tendencies and threats to commit mass murder. The FBI knew about these threats and the fact police were called to Cruz's residence 36-39 times. Seriously, why has the FBI been so incompetent to stop would be mass shooters who post disturbing content on the internet indicating they will harm others? Can anyone tell me that?

In fact, Gov. Rick Scott(pictured right) has called on FBI director Christopher Wray(pictured right) to resign for not doing his job as FBI director to stop crazies like Nikolas Cruz who left numerous red flags spanning over a period of several months. Why couldn't "director" Wray direct the FBI to arrest crazy would be shooters who leave red flags before they go on a rampage? The FBI was warned about these threats yet failed to act and failed to ensure the background checks were efficient enough to prevent deranged prohibited persons from purchasing firearms.

Even before Wray, the FBI has failed to react to warnings about dangerous future mass murderers.

There were once shooting ranges in the basements of U.S. Schools before the 1990's. Why have shooting ranges in school basements disappear? There were never any major shootings in frequency before psychotic drugs were over prescribed and mental asylums were closed. Also, proper law enforcement has failed the victims of mass shootings in the past 25-30 years.

Some leftist Democrats are already calling for a complete elimination or several curtailment of the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms, believing guns themselves are the problem. No, the problem surrounding mass shootings from Fort Hood(2009), Orlando nightclub(2016) for examples including killers able to purchase firearms despite red flags indicating they are dangerous individuals. Plus, the clips used on the guns used to kill multiple victims were more than 20-40 round clips that are not needed to hunt deer or for self-defense in most circumstances.

Also, Trump has called for some teachers and some staff(military trained) to be armed in schools. Not to crazy about his alleged proposal favoring raising the semi-automatic rifle age from 18 to 21(didn't even know 18-20 year olds could purchase them), since a better idea would be to limit gun magazines to 10 rounds per clip or only allow under 21s to purchase guns with fixed rounds to prevent 12+ clips from being installed.

I did however like Trump bring up the issue of mental asylums being closed down given certain mentally ill people have been pouring into the streets when mental asylums prevented them from harming themselves and/or others. Seriously, have America's streets become outwards for mentally ill individuals?

So much has been asked here and what is needed is to address psychotic drugs being over prescribed and the interlocking corporate directorships of major news networks(which should be illegal).

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