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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Can Travis Allen be California's Next Governor? Examples of much tougher races say so.

I sometimes read about or hear about when surfing the internet about the chances of a Republican Governor of California. Some will tell you California is a lost cause and that Conservatives and even Moderates should simply leave the state altogether. If you were to listen only to these sentiments, you wouldn't bother trying to Take California Back from the Semi-Communist Democrats. However, Republicans since the late 1990's have failed to have a true principled Republican who acts like a true opposition leader to the San Francisco Democrat machine. The 2003 recall that brought Arnold Schwarzenegger to become GOP Governor of California was a short lived and long-term failed attempt to make the GOP in California more competitive in fighting the corruption of California Democrats.

In both 2010 & 2014, Governor Jerry Brown was elected twice mostly because his two GOP challengers Meg Whitman(2010) & Neal Kashkari(2014) were RINOs who supported Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for president respectively. What kind of self respecting Republican or Independent would vote for someone who acts half-Democrat? Why would Democrats and left-leaning Independents vote for Democrat-Lite when they can get the full meat? Also, the California GOP has failed to have proper direction nor a battle plan to become more competitive in California elections.
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Fortunately, there is a GOP crusader running for Governor of California who is not only a principled Republican but also fully supported Donald Trump for President in 2016. Travis Allen is campaigning to Make California Great Again by cutting taxes, getting tough on crime, fixing roads & reducing traffic, massively improve education, & complete state water storage project. Travis Allen tells voters in a straight forward way of what must be done to make California great once again.

Travis Allen is the leading Republican in most polls and has gotten lots of statewide news attention and an army of volunteers.

I'll give you a brief political history of Travis Allen here. Back in 2012 when he was first elected to the CA state assembly, he was not expected to win against a very well known and power establishment GOP candidate(top two) and was massively outspent. However, Allen performed a massive upset against the hand-picked GOP establishment candidate winning 55.7% of the vote. Allen also led a volunteer effort to get GOP candidate Andy Vidak elected in a vacated State Senate district that was 20-22% Democrat advantage over GOP in 2013 but won with 51.9% of the vote(by 3.8%). Plus the district Vidak ran in had a greater Democrat advantage than statewide in 2018. Allen's volunteer army were responsible for electing GOP councilman Kevin Falconer as Mayor of San Diego in 2013 after Bob Filner(D) was ejected from office for sexual harassment. Plus, his volunteer army participated in 12 assembly and senate races, winning 11 of them and breaking the 2/3rd Democrat supermajorities in both legislative chambers. In 2016, Travis Allen won re-election with 58% of the vote(16% margin) when Hillary Clinton won Travis Allen's district(72nd assembly) with 51.4% compared to Trump's 43.1%.

The 2016 72nd assembly district results alone should show that supporting President Donald Trump does not damage your ability at re-election.

The other major GOP contender businessman John Cox voted for Gary Johnson in the last election. BTW, Gary Johnson is a hardcore social liberal favoring legalized drugs, legalized prostitution, and open borders! Cox has tried acting like one of MAGA but has failed miserably to get the affection of delegates and spectators watching him at debates. Plus, Cox has lied about Travis Allen being Pro-Choice as well as lied about his Neighborhood Legislature being on the ballot. Cox has also lied about winning debates, while Travis Allen get's overwhelming support from Republicans!

Also, John Cox in a political sense is a big loser. Cox has been a typical milquetoast centre Progressive Republican wen he lived in Chicago, Illinois. Cox has only lived in California for less than 7 years while Travis Allen is California born, having family and friends leave to states like Oregon, Arizona, and Texas.

Cox has bold ambitions to become a career politician, having lost EVERY race he ran in, and lost miserably. John Cox not only has a legacy of failure in the political arena but resembles a typical GOPe RINO, relying on the broken and unreliable consultant class. Travis Allen received the endorsement of the California Republican Assembly. Conservatives and even Moderates see John Cox as Democrat Lite, which fails most miserably in Solid Democrat states.

Now it's time to mention examples of races won by Republicans when not expected to win:
Image result for Andy VidakImage result for kevin faulconer
State Senator Andy Vidak(pictured left) & Mayor Kevin Faulconer(pictured right) won races they were never expected to win for both State Senate & Mayor of San Diego respectively.

Andy Vidak was running for State Senate in a district with 20-22% more Democrats than Republicans in a 2013 special election. In fact, he managed to win 49.8% of the open primary vote as the only Republican in that race, then won with 51.9% of the vote, by a 3.8% margin. Vidak won a full term in 2014 with 54.1% of the vote, by an 8.2% margin. BTW, Vidak's State Senate district is more than 70% Latino population. In 2014, Governor Jerry Brown won Vidak's district with 55.5% of the votes, double-digit margin.

Kevin Faulconer ran for Mayor of San Diego after Democrat Mayor Bob Filner resigned due to backlash over sexual harassment. Faulconer would poll at 22% September 2013 but rose to 40% by November 2013, winning 1st place in top two as the only major Republican in the race. He faced off against Democrat David Alvarez and won with 52.9%, a 5.8% margin. Faulconer won re-election in 2016 with 57.2% of the vote.

Massachusetts and Maryland had the greatest Dem-Rep margins in 2014 yet elected Republican governors.

In fact, these states are more liberal than California. Without furtherado, I will present you with Governors Charlie Baker(Massachusetts), and Larry Hogan(Maryland).
File:Charlie Baker official portrait.jpgFile:Larry-Hogan.JPG
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Charlie Baker(pictured left), and Larry Hogan(pictured right) were elected Governor in 2014 in Massachusetts & Maryland respectively. Charlie Baker had an easier time getting elected Governor than Larry Hogan did.
Maryland Governor Election Results by County, 2014.svg
I want to mention Maryland's 2014 Gubernatorial election in a state that had 20% more Democrats than Republicans. Larry Hogan trailed between 12-18 points behind Democrat Anthony G. Brown(who was Lt. Governor) until just 3 weeks before the election with the final poll released(internal poll) showing Hogan leading Brown 44-39, the only poll to show Logan leading Brown.

The results came in on November 4, 2014 showing Larry Hogan winning with 51% of the vote compared to Anthony Brown's 47.2%, a 3.8% margin of victory for Hogan, a larger margin than Charlie Baker winning 48.4% of the vote compared to Martha Coakley's 46.5%, a 1.9% margin of victory for Baker.

A bonus to give an example of how a Safe Democrat U.S. Senate seat was flipped Republican:

Massachusetts Senatorial Special Election Results by Municipality, 2010.svg
Scott Brown would go on to win not just a Safe Democrat U.S. Senate seat but the same seat held by Ted Kennedy(who died August 25, 2009).
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On approx. December 30, 2009, Scott Brown aired a remarkable ad starting out with JFK announcing and explaining tax cuts to America with the picture fading to Scott Brown while still in classic 1960's black & white, reminding Massachusetts of the economic benefits tax cuts bring.

Coincidentally, Scott Brown went from trailing an average of between 25-30% behind Martha Coakley(D) in November of 2009 to making the race a "tossup" and even polling ahead by an average of 4-9% ahead of Coakley by Mid-January 2010(just days before the special election). Massachusetts' U.S. Senate special election 2010 became nationwide news due to the fact a Republican was never intended to win that seat. Scott Brown polled as much as 30% behind Coakley just weeks before but managed to have a higher chance of winning just several days before the January 19, 2010 election.
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January 19, 2010 came and Scott Brown was announced the winner of the special election to replace the late Ted Kennedy. Scott Brown didn't receive any assistance from the RNC yet managed to win with 1,168,107 votes, winning 51.9% of the vote, winning by a 4.8% margin. Scott Brown won more popular votes in that special election than John McCain received in Massachusetts during the 2008 U.S. Presidential election(McCain received 1,108,854 votes, just 36% of the vote).

Scott Brown received roughly 5% MORE of the votes than John McCain while Martha Coakley(received 1,058,682 votes compared to Obama's 1,904,098 votes for Massachusetts in 2008) received just 55% of the votes Obama won in 2008 Massachusetts.
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Jerry Brown received roughly 4.3 million votes in his 2014 re-election bid, Donald Trump's nearly 4.5 million exceed's Jerry Brown's 2014 count.

In fact, Travis Allen in my view could win as much as roughly 5.2 million votes while Newsom could receive as little as 3.8 million.

California patriots must however not assume this race to be an easy battle as they must turnout enough Republicans, Independents, and even some moderate Democrats to vote for someone independent of the tyrannical mono-party regime of the Democratic Party. In my opinion, the Republican Party of California needs to be transformed into the Independent-Republican Alliance to attract Independents into a coalition with Republicans against the Democrat Juggernaut.

California's Republican Party has failed to act as a true opposition party and challenge the Democrat regime for more than 20 years. California has failed to be a competitive state since the mid to late 1990's because leading Republicans have cowered and failed to fight a real fight. CaGOP has been shirking it's responsibility and duty to Make California a better state to live in once again!

Fortunately, Republicans and Independents have had enough of milquetoast, low-energy RINOs letting the Democrats get away with ransacking California dry. As California's primary season gets hot this Spring, Republican and Independent voters will follow and cast their votes for Travis Allen, seeing him as a true outsider California has waited for over 20 years to have.

Under the leadership of Travis Allen, the California GOP will be radically reformed along with California, becoming a true populist big-tent party opposing the radical leftist and communistic agenda of the vile Democrats.

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