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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Proposal for an Afrikaner State & Partition of South Africa

South Africa is forgoing the final stages of an all out race war between Bantus and Afrikaners. Virtually all of the World is uninterested in intervening to prevent racial conflict and save lives in South Africa by proposing a partition of South Africa similar to how India was partitioned in 1947.

Since 1994, South Africa has been a failed experiment for a quote "Rainbow" nation that including all racial and ethnic groups in South Africa. Non-Blacks have been discriminated viciously in terms of economic opportunity, resulting in record poverty levels for Whites, Coloreds, and Asiatics. Since Bantus comprise 80% of South Africa's population, they are favored by the ruling ANC regime. Also, South Africa's far-left parliament voted to allow land to be seized from mainly White farmers WITHOUT compensation. The brutal attacks on White farmers by kaffirs has been ongoing for more than a decade, intensifying in the past few years.

Though right-wing populist governments have been elected in Central and Eastern Europe during the mid 2010's, emigrating from South Africa is still not easy enough as Afrikaners are not counted as refugees. Despite having a right-wing populist president in the USA, the administration branch still needs to be overhauled to establish more efficiency and response to these tragedies. While US politicians demand action to protect the Rohingya Muslim refugees from Myanmar, no words said about Afrikaners and other non-bantus facing persecution by the Bantu supremacist ANC regime.
Afrikanerland by 19North95
Here's my take of what a likely Afrikaner state would be like. The above map shows the areas that are majority Afrikaner(both White & Colored), it also includes potential subdivisions.

I also want to bring up this Alternate History map of a possible partition where the Apartheid government would cut off massive portions of land to separate Whites from Bantus. The Bantus would be relocated to the state of their ethnicity. For example, Xhosa would be relocated to Xhosaland in the Eastern Cape and Zulus relocated to KwaZulu-Natal. Tswana would have their lands in South Africa annexed by Botswana.

In addition to the Western & Northern Cape provinces as well as the Western & Port Elizabeth districts of the Eastern Cape province, western portions of the Xhariep & Motheo districts, most of the Lejweleputswa & Northern Free State districts of the Free State province, southern and eastern districts of North-West province, the entire Gauteng Province, far-western portions of the Mpumalanga province, far-southern portions and Kruger National Park corridor portions of the Limpopo Province, and the Durban-Pietermaritzburg corridor region of KwaZulu-Natal province.

The final partition will have to be determined through diplomatic means, getting the United States, Russia, India, China, Brazil, and Visegrad countries to get involved in partitioning South Africa and supervising a population exchange.

Once South Africa is properly partitioned, population exchanges between Whites, Coloreds, and Asiatics & Bantus will take place in a peaceful & humane way. Any U.S. Troops stationed in Africa for example should be used to protect racial minority groups in South Africa while a partition is underway.

However, the Trump Administration can act unilaterally by making the Afrikaner farmers and persecuted Afrikaners a refugee priority:

the difficult part about getting that done is Trump is the busiest person in the World as he may not receive the message. Contacting the Bureau of Population, Refugees, & Migration would help get the Trump Administration's attention given Trump himself is busy but if the head of the Bureau I've mention received these cries for help, he would meet with President Trump, informing him to take action and help save Afrikaners!

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