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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, April 16, 2018

Paul Ryan announces retirement, what does this really mean?

Image result for paul ryan
Paul Ryan has announced he will NOT be seeking re-election, leaving the position of Speaker of the US House of Representatives open after this year. The MAGA base was thrilled to hear the news as Ryan announced his retirement. As you well know, Paul Ryan's tenure has been symbolic of the GOPe trying to maintain their power over the only other major party having any potential to resist the Demographic replacement of White America through mass 3rd world immigration. While the Democrats fight hard to maintain the current flow of migrants and even fight for MORE third world immigration, the GOPe has forced the forgotten Americans to fight with them rather than Democrats to stop the 3rd world immigration flow.

The daily caller posted an article referring to a Washington Post article mourning Paul Ryan's retirement(after all, Paul Ryan is just 48 and he could hold on until the Demographic displacement favoring Democrats is virtually irreversible). The Washington Post actually confesses what kind of "Conservatism" the GOP should follow. How do you like that a left-wing Newspaper is telling America what kind of party the GOP needs to be. That's like Erdogan's Turkey telling Bulgaria what kind of national identity it needs to pursue.

Paul Ryan is saying the reason for his retirement is he doesn't want to be "Minority Leader" when the Democrats "Win" the House other than wanting to spend more time with his family. I call bluff on that given Paul Ryan no longer sees a viable future for Big-Business Cronyism & NeverTrump dominating the GOP any longer. Paul Ryan's not alone as Senators Jeff Flake(Arizona) & Bob Corker(Tennessee) would rather not seek re-election than be forced to enact Pro-Trump policies.

The Washington Post has conceded the Republican Party is no longer the party of Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, & John Kasich; and now the GOP is the party of Donald Trump & the Freedom Caucus. This hasn't stopped the Washington Post from confessing their "ideal" Republican Party.

WaPo's "ideal" GOP is one in which it would be a vassal for the Left-Wing Democrat machine that has owned a majority of the establishment media, education, judiciary, entertainment, big religion, big labor unions, & bureaucracy for decades. WaPo has also demanded the GOP stand down on issues such as gun control, immigration, cultural issues, etc., respect the liberal institutions as superiors, while only allowing some arguments over economic policies such as taxes & entitlement reform.

Americans elected Donald Trump because they wanted a figure to fight the establishment left, instead of cowardly RINOs refusing to fight back against the Leftist machine. WaPo talks about "Civility" & "Bipartisanship" but what that means really is complete surrender to Democrats on cultural, social, and demographic issues.

Both major parties no longer share the same values & concerns. While Pro-MAGA Republicans are concerned for the future of America becoming 3rd World & inferior to China & Russia, Democrats seek to radically transform America's cultural, social, & demographic destiny into a miniature version of Post-Apartheid South Africa. The vision the Democrats have for America cannot be fulfilled without a Republican Party that simply surrenders to them without a fight.

WaPo has confessed one of their worst fears and that is a strong opposition to their vision of America being within the Republican Party. WaPo's acknowledges the Republican Party is leaning toward's the likes of Donald Trump and that MAGA has overtaken Paul Ryan's GOP.

What good is "Conservatism" without fighting for a traditional America that was more than 80% White? "Conservatism" will become a permanent minority of Demographics are changed to favor 3rd world vermin.

The only way Trump's legacy can be permanently enshrined in America's future is for a strong Pro-White GOP to declare full & total war on the Anti-White Left-Wing institutions and enact an immigration policy favoring White Caucasians of Christian extraction while securing America's future demographics for a White majority(whether it be Hispanic or Not) above 70-80%.

Trump's vision & legacy cannot be preserved unless there are people of future generations willing to favor and preserve such traditions. Without cucks like Paul Ryan, the likes of WaPo fear the worst for their "ideal" America, an America in which Whites would become a balkanized, persecuted, and despised minority while low IQ Negros, Muslims, & Central Americans express deep contempt of the last remainders of a previously White America.

Any potential candidate for Speaker to replace Paul Ryan, whether it be Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, Mark Meadows, or Jim Jordan are miles better for the MAGA agenda than Paul Ryan's failed leadership.

I've also heard stories about Paul Ryan first refusing the job of House Speaker shortly before john Boehner's resignation but was pressured into it. Ryan's tenure as House Speaker represented Neville Chamberlin style capitulation to the likes of Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton all while implying he would rather see Hillary Clinton become president over Donald Trump. In fact, Paul Ryan even said he would NEVER defend President Trump before Trump was elected.

The shift in the Republican Party is favoring the MAGA/Freedom Caucus wing of the GOP but don't be entirely fooled as the GOPe will try to undermine GOP victories in 2018, seeing Democrats retaking the House as the GOPe's only way of dismantling the rise of MAGA.

Paul Ryan's retirement brings joy to the MAGA base who felt betrayed by Ryan's terrible leadership. Understandable why Donald Trump called Paul Ryan a good man but Trump's not upset about it. In fact, this provides Trump with a grand opportunity to influence who become's U.S. House Speaker, having someone with a better relationship.

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