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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Left-Wing Activist Alleges 36 year old sexual assault committed against her by Brett Kavanaugh

If the recent charades & antics expressed not only by left-wing political activists but by Democrat U.S. Senators doesn't indicate how desperate the American Left & the so called Anti Trump Resistance are to try to sway midterm outcome by delaying the confirmation vote of Kavanaugh beyond the midterms.

These allegations have been baseless from the beginning as nothing more than a political manuever to favor Democrat chances during the midterms by delaying the confirmation vote beyond the midterm elections.

However, the GOP leadership in the U.S. Senate & even some GOPe Senators such as Mitch McConnell & Lindsey Graham have stood up to the Democrat tactics. A vote for Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court will be held by Friday.

The Democrats intended for the sexual misconduct accusations against Brett Kavanaugh to be used to delay the vote so the Democrats will use that vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court as a campaign strategy. Should Kavanaugh be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court, that would deprive the Democrats of their midterm campaign point as well as demoralize the Democrat/left-wing base.

All this Kavanaugh witch hunt has been a partisan attack from the Democratic establishment. Fortuantely, Kavanaugh has gracefully defended himself from these confusing & non-credible allegations against him. In fact, Kavanaugh's accuser Christine Blasely Ford has been unable to identify who was really at the party or where it even took place, owing to the fact Ford is very confused & is being manipulated by political operatives of the Democratic Party. In fact, witnesses that ave come forward have debunked claims Kavanaugh sexually assaulted anyone and even debunked claims Kavanaugh was a heavy drinker in college years.

All this accusing from left-wing loonesses has been about make examples out of great family men like Brett Kavanaugh & demoralize society. This is a major attempt to crush & demoralize conservatives in America by making Brett Kavanaugh the crown jewel trophy of the feminist left in their war against masculinity.

Besides, Why don't Democrats ever mention and even defend the likes of Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, Cory Booker, & Ted Kennedy? In fact, these four scoundrels have or had personalities that fit very well with that of rapists, domestic abusers, & drunkards.
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Mitch McConnell has been bold & determined to get Brett Kavanaugh confirmed despite the attacks thrown at conservatives by unhinged left-wing operatives. Just last year battles between the MAGA base & the GOPe were happening but now just weeks before the most important Midterm elections of our lifetimes have complete reconciliation between the GOPe & the MAGA base. Mitch McConnell may have been lousy in some respects but when it comes to one of the most important events that could make or break midterm results
Image result for lindsey graham
Perhaps the most astonishing moments of this confirmation battle is Lindsey Graham(South Carolina) passionately opposing the Democrat led offensive. Who would have ever expected Lindsey Graham of all Senators to stand up so passionately for not just Brett Kavanaugh but for the MAGA agenda as a whole. Ever since John McCain passed away, Graham has been passionately defending Donald Trump's MAGA.

The Democrat plan was for the GOP to surrender like cowards, never intending a massively tough fight from them. In fact, Kavanaugh due to immense pressure & gas lighting over ridiculous sexual assault allegations was supposed to withdraw his nomination, giving the Democrats a midterm issue to run on for their base. However, this plan has completely fell apart as the Democrats have managed to look far less appealing to voters outside the typical "resistance" base, identical to crazies who harass & dox GOP senators such as Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Jeff Flake, etc.

The Democrats hoped to derail the Kavanaugh confirmation but instead Dr. Ford's claims were easily debunked and her lies exposed. Unfortunately for them, it instead led to a very short FBI review with nothing else turning up that could hurt Kavanaugh's chances of getting comfirmed. In fact, Kavanaugh was just confirmed with a 50-48 vote, just one Democrat(Joe Manchin-WV) voting in favor of Kavanaugh's confirmation.

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