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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

If I were Running For President

Forgive me for not posting a single blog in 19 days. I watched the presidential debates for Republicans last night on CNN and I have to say each candidate says they are going to have Obamacare repealed, free markets respected, and the constitution respected. I trust Ron Paul the most because he actually KEEPS his words and does the WALK when it comes to policy meaning he means what he says and is honest. Mitt Romney as governor of Massachusetts has a liberal record and the most notable is Romneycare, a state level predecessor to Obamacare, a blueprint that the Obama administration has to thank. Romneycare includes a mandate to purchase health care insurance and also restricts patient choice, things common in socialized medicine. Romney was also in favor of the bailouts and TARP before he flip flopped on that issue and others. Mitt Romney is a dishonest Richard Nixon Republican who has flip flopped on issues such as illegal immigration, abortion and gun control. Romney’s position on gun control as governor was 'We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them; I won't chip away at them; I believe they protect us and provide for our safety.' He also supports the “assault” weapons ban and the 5-day waiting period and the Brady Bill. He did win the debate but Michelle Bachman won the debate as an underdog and she is fantastic. She was the first person in congress to introduce a bill to repeal Obamacare before it was even signed into law by President Obama.
          Anyway, if I were running for president, I would have a simple, common sense and understandable policy: Government is a necessary evil and a servant of the people. The holy role of government is to protect rights to life, liberty and property, enforce legit contracts, protect the nation from foreign invaders and threats which is mostly the federal government’s responsibility. Foreign policy and the military are the most important roles of the federal government and when you have more than 130 military bases around the world then military spending will skyrocket and either taxes will have to be raised or money will have to be borrowed but neither of these are acceptable because spending is the problem. 130 military bases are mostly the reason why the United States spends more on military spending than the rest of the world. The neo-conservative foreign policy of interventionalism and nation building has resulted in Islam radicals committing acts of terrorism against America because they want the American military off of muslim soil. The United States is the aggressor in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and not a single war or military action was constitutionally declared by congress since World War II. The last war the United States had legitimate reasons to be involved in was World War II because Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were a threat to America and to the entire world. Japanese air forces bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and after congress declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. Hopefully the assassination of Osama Bin Laden reminds people, especially Republicans who favor war that the radicals had America because they bomb the Middle-East. If these terrorists hate us for our freedom, then they would also be attacking Switzerland. Switzerland has a staunch non-interventionalist foreign policy which involved no military intervention overseas. America has become leaning more towards a third world country because of major embarrassments to a liberty-loving nation such as $14 trillion debt, $1-2 trillion deficit, war on drugs, numerous federal and even state gun control measures, federal mandates, federal involvement and takeover of education, healthcare, transportation, violations of civil rights and liberties, drinking age of 21, criminal “injustice” systems, the state believing that it knows what’s best for us and our children, etc. Terrorists couldn’t care any less about our lifestyle and even if they hated us for our freedoms, our freedoms have been violated in almost every way. Politicians and law enforcement refuse to protect them most of the time and the judicial system hardly helps the situation and in some cases make it worse. Government has become the institutionalized version of violent criminals. This is unacceptable under the constitution and to our founding fathers who fought over 230 years ago to create this once great nation. We can’t condone or escape from these problems because they will eventually catch up and could destroy the world politically and economically. The only crimes should be crimes against people and property, conspiracy to commit those crimes, actions posing imminent and immediate danger.

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