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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

US Supreme Court Delivers a pro-free speech and business decision

On Monday in Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association, the US Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that government has no authority to "protect minors" from video games that are deamed harmful to psychological health. Antonin Scalia worte the opinion of the court and was joined by all but justices Breyer and Thomas who dissented. California's regime claimed it was protecting parents rights. They were playing favorites by picking the parents who oppose video games over the parents who view video games as mere entertainment. Another issue is the morality of using force to solicit video game suppliers into refusing to sell certain violent video games to young people. Breyer's dissent has no real deal. Thomas dissented because he believed that our founding fathers approved of the right of parents to have absolute control of their children. Slavery was also legal in the southern states in the 1790's up to 1865 when the 13th amendment was ratified abolishing slavery. The 14th amendment established equal protection of the law and applied due process and other rights and freedoms to the states. The only constitutional distinction of age and gender would be voting, members of congress. The constitution is the highest law of the land and supercedes any law inconsistent with it. The 14th amendment means that all status offenses are unconstitutional and that the constitution is based on moral principles when dealing with rights rather than pragmatic approaches. Hopefully in future cases challenging status offenses or any law that treats youth like second class citizens this case can be of great help and from the looks of it I feel that status offenses could be struck down by no later than a few years from now if somebody acts soon. Wal-Mart v. Dukes was another case the court decided on last Monday and ruled unanimously that Wal-Mart is free to do their business, rejecting claims of discrimination of female employees. The US Constitution's commerce clause is only meant to prevent states from treating out-of-state goods more harshly than in-state goods and enables congress to enforce that policy, that's it. Commerce clause also gave congress the power to settle disputes between states and Indian tribes and set a trade policy with foreign nations such as tariffs. Government at all levels has turned from being a servant with limited powers to a fearful master with unlimited powers. I also want to tell you that house rejected a proposal to allow president Barack Obama to continue US action in Libya by a 295-123 vote with suprisingly a majority of Republicans voting AGAINST the Libya resolution. If this keeps up, government could once again become the fettered servant with limited powers within a whopping two years should Obama be defeated that is. Ron Paul is the strongest candidate against Obama, even going ahead in a recent poll. For Ron Paul's running mate, I propose that former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson be Paul's running mate. Johnson is also a libertarian who opposes interventionalist foreign policy(wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and potentially Libya for examples), the Fed, War on drugs, centralized economy and high taxes, and assaults on civil liberties like the PATRIOT Act and hates socialized healthcare known as Obamacare. I hope to see the Paul & Johnson ticket next year and hopefully defeat Obama on Tuesday November 6th of next year which happens to be election night, where real libertarian change will come to America!

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