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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Serious Government Reform & Downsizing as an Alternative to Raising Debt Ceiling

Congress debates raising the debt ceiling and president Obama says that if this debt ceiling is not raised or a deal is not made, interest rates will rise and credit rates will rise as well and also claims a rise in taxes for everybody. However, something more serious and alternative needs to be done and that is dramatically reduce the size and scope of the federal government to less than 1/10 of its current size or even more than that. Article I Section 8 outlines enumerated congressional powers that the federal government can exercise. Almost everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. Spending cuts need to be made and must be legitimate. The rising debt ceiling will make things worse and could destroy the economy and even instigate riots and revolutions like the riots in Greece over their debt over 110% of their GDP. The American Revolution and independence from the British Empire had to be gained through the use of taking up arms against their own government back in the 1770’s and 1780’s. I wouldn’t accept the fact that the USA will become a debt slave to other authoritarian-leaning countries and if other foreign countries try to take over the USA then the US military must be vigilant and fight the threat of losing America. If debt keeps growing and it’s not being paid off, the possibility of a debt war could arise and the United States of America as the countries that America owes money to could possibly try to enslave America. Would this be a World War III, possibly, but hopefully there will not be a nuclear attack so long as the national security of the United States is strong and that no foreign entanglements and nation building are engaged. US foreign policy most of the time has been focused on nation building and military entanglements with interests that do not truly threaten the security and sovereignty of what is supposed to be a great nation. The only time that the United States should go to war is to protect the nation from foreign threats and domination. The last war that the United States was legitimately involved in was World War II which US involvement was from December 8, 1941-September 2, 1945 after Japanese air forces bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941.  Nazi Germany along with Empire of Japan aspired to conquer the world and their actions proved their words to be true. If it weren’t for vigilant allied troops and the factory workers who manufactured weapons, vehicles, armor, food, clothes, etc. then Germany and Japan would have possibly have conquered the world and Adolf Hitler would have become the most powerful dictator in world history. War is the very last option to protect national security. “People don’t start wars, governments do”-Ronald Reagan. Peace through strength is a great foreign policy where it involves diplomacy in cases of hostile disagreement and forbids nation building and intrusive foreign policy. The constitution requires congress to declare war. It is best to avoid war and every government policy should involve the least-restrictive and least expensive solution. War should be the final option when a nation is in danger.
            Now I’m going to what should be reformed in the government and my solution to this financial crisis. This is very simple and easy to understand despite some people’s objections. First of all, most government bureaus, agencies and departments are expensive, ineffective and some even unconstitutional. Here is a list of US departments, agencies and bureaus that should be retained:
·        State-bureaus and agencies those are important to foreign policy, national security, immigration & citizenship, a few domestic affairs to be determined later on.
·        Treasury-In charge of government finances and revenue collection. It’s also in charge of currency that is approved and coined by congressional approval.
·        Defense-In charge of national security and raising a military including army, navy and air force military departments. Veterans affairs should be handled by this department with very little bureaucracy.
·        Justice-In charge of legal affairs. US Marshals, Secret Service, CIA, FBI should be retained only. In charge of judicial matters.
·        Budget Management office
·        Executive office of president
·        Council of economic advisors
·        Interior department duties and powers should be moved to the Department of State under domestic affairs.
·        A new bureau should be created under a shared partnership between the state & treasury departments to address debt payments and payments of debt interest as well as a gradual plan to phase out all entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and eliminate other entitlements. Liabilities should be paid off and promises to senior citizens should be met. Youth should be able to leave entitlement programs and the private sector should take care of retirement.
I would like to tell you that Senator Rand Paul’s proposal for a balanced budget is way better than establishment loser Paul Ryan’s proposal and double loser Barack Obama’s disastrous budget. The constitution should be restored to it’s fullest and federal activities should be reduced to protecting the borders and strengthening defense while keeping a pro-peace and non-interventionalist approach, payment of debts & interest, make sure that social security & medicare programs are paid off, sound money is installed in US currency and should include competing currencies. Bankruptcy laws, postal services, laws against counterfeiting, treason, piracy, settling disputes between states, enforcing prohibitions on states imposing discriminatory tariffs on out of state goods, all matters in District of Columbia(federal district) and non-self-governing territories, copyright protections, maintaining federal buildings that have agencies and departments with constitutional purposes, maintaining a military and military bases, arsenals, armories, institute a military code of justice and set rules for disciplining the military, set rules for naturalization and citizenship and any actions and spending to enforce the above proposed operations of what the federal government should be doing.

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