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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Worst US Presidents in History, Part 1

I have not written a blog for quite some time but I am here to tell you that Ron Paul is rising in the polls in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina & Florida. The media keeps ignoring this presidential figure however it still does not stop Dr. Ron Paul. Newt Gingrich on the other hand is a colossal embarrassment to conservatives. Gingrich even wants' the constitution to 'die' and be replaced. I'm not going to explain the rest because I want to continue with listing the worst presidents in American History. These top losers have gained disgrace for dictator like power exercises, warmongering & mass murder, violating the US constitution & limitations on power & have dramatically changed American history for worse.

John Adams (March 4, 1797-March 4, 1801)(Federalist)
                I'm starting off with Adams first 'cause to be fair, he did do some great things for America's founding but had much anti-liberty blood in his veins. I will start off with the first major anti-liberty legislation enacted by Congress called the Alien & Sedition acts of 1798 making it a crime to make any strong criticism or speech against the government. These laws were unpopular & some ended up getting arrested & punished with a fine and/or jail time however, the longest sentence lasted until 1801. In 1800, Thomas Jefferson & Democratic Republicans dominated the White House & both houses of congress defeating John Adams & Federalists. Jefferson unconditionally pardoned all violators of the 1798 acts & congress repealed the Alien & sedition acts of 1798 in 1801 & president Thomas Jefferson signed the repeal of the unconstitutional sedition acts.

Lyndon Baines Johnson (November 22, 1963-January 20, 1969)(Democratic)
                A lifelong career politician, Franklin Roosevelt Democrat & New Dealer, Lyndon Johnson was responsible for creating his "great Society" of welfare & two monstrosities called Medicaid & Medicare which are almost bankrupt today & was also responsible for the escalation of the Vietnam War, one of the most embarrassing events in US history & resulted in needless deaths of thousands of US troops. First, I want to clarify the civil rights record first. Lyndon Johnson was against civil rights legislation before he was for them & only wanted to receive the credit for civil rights. It was Dwight D. Eisenhower & John F. Kennedy who advocated hard for civil rights in the mid 1950's & early 60's. It wasn't until after John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963 that Johnson fully supported the civil rights movement upon signing the Civil Rights act of 1964. I do have doubts about the constitutionality of the civil rights act of '64 being the expansion of the commerce clause.  In 1964, Johnson signed into law student loan programs that would eventually drive up tuition costs, in 1965, Medicare & Medicaid would be created and within decades time, it would nearly go bankrupt, socio-economic welfare programs such as food stamps making the poor more dependent & still in poverty. The War on Poverty is a catastrophic failure keeping poverty the same & not reducing it. Only free markets can correct the problem. The Vietnam War was a humiliating experience for America and ruined many lives. In fact, Johnson declined a re-election bid in '68 because of his unpopularity. Another action I cannot forgive him for is signing into law the Gun Control Act of 1968, which destroyed the meaning of the second amendment's right to keep & bear arms.

Richard M. Nixon (January 20, 1969-August 9, 1974)(Republican)
                "I am not a crook" said Nixon. He's wrong. He's a dishonest, corrupt power grabber who abused executive authority. His policy atrocities included escalating the Vietnam War as LBJ did, severing the US dollar from gold standard, freezing prices & wages, war on drugs, more bureaucracies such as the EPA, & watergate scandal. Nixon even said "When the president does it, it is not illegal." Nixon was a dishonest defacto dictator who abused executive power & expanded big government & bureaucracy that goes with it.

Bill Clinton (January 20, 1993-January 20, 2001)(Democratic)
                Clinton's regime is not one to be forgotten by crusaders of liberty. Oh yes, I'm talking about strong enforcement of the war on drugs, aggressive & violent military intervention in Iraq for example, support for gun control, prosecutions of political opponents for "political" offenses, attempts to centralize juvenile "justice", & abuse of executive power. I will explain the bombings over the Middle East in which Clinton's administration ordered sanctions & bombings over Iraq that crippled the country. People in Iraq including innocent children were impoverished & ill due to starvation, war & poor healthcare due to sanctions prohibiting importations of essentials such as food & medicine. A private charity was even fined for trying to bring medicine to the dying victims of war in Iraq. More children in Iraq under Clinton's regime of unprovoked warfare against Iraq than children killed in the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki by the US government. The Clinton administration's lack of accountability in the aftermath of the 1993 Waco siege operation involving the DoJ, ATF & other federal agents in what appeared to be militarized assault on innocent victims on the Waco ranch compound in an attempt to arrest David Koresh on automatic/sawed off shotgun weapons possession charges under the NFA of 1934, despite fact that Koresh was never in violation of any natural rights enjoyed by others. I have a feeling that Attorney General under Clinton Janet Reno was primary responsible for the attacks & civil rights violations occurred at Koresh's ranch in Waco, Texas. It seems the left is not antiwar but pro-empire & Clinton is no exception.

That's all for part 1 of this article trilogy.

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