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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & Switzerland Governments on Criminal Records & Federalism

I’m wondering if you are convicted of underage drinking in a US State & you move to Canada, will Canada still consider you a criminal if you committed the “offense” at 18 or 19 or 20? Canada’s drinking age is 19 except for Quebec, Manitoba & Alberta which have drinking ages of 18. Australia has a drinking age of 18 in all states & New Zealand has a drinking age of 18 as well. I’m guessing Switzerland has drinking age lower than 18. It seems that nowhere in the world can I be completely satisfied with my government. Canadian federalism is weak & makes the provinces municipalities & counties with the Federal government having most of the power. One of the federal government’s powers in Canada includes legislating matters on public safety. This means that unless it’s ruled that gun control violates the charter of freedoms, the federal government has the power to legislate on that matter, even at its originalist interpretations. Provinces of Canada are not respected in the same fashion as states in the United States were in our founding father’s views. Provinces in Canada are not seen as those who made up the federal government, they are seen as creations of the federal government. It’s semi-unitary, where the federal government is more powerful than the lower leveled governments & although state/local governments cannot be completely abolished, it is still possible for the provinces to become mere puppets of the parliament. The founders of Canada in 1867 should have taken more lessons from America’s founding fathers of the 1770’s and 1780’s on enacting a constitution so the federal government does not become too powerful. The provinces of Canada should act as a check on federal power & violations of rights and Canada should adopt a new constitution that is identical to the US Constitution, where provinces are not mere municipalities & counties but free & independent states that have more powers than the federal government & federal government has less powers. If only Canada had founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, George Mason, James Wilson & Patrick Henry. Unlike the United States who divorced itself from any monarch or federation above the federal government of the United States, Canada still is part of a federation called Commonwealth of Nations where monarchy plays a role in government. A monarchy is a form of government America’s founding fathers of the late 18th century despised and wished for a representative democratic-republic with a federal government that is sovereign with limited, enumerated powers and where states have sovereignty as well with a few restrictions.

                Australia has a system of federalism identical to the United States of America. Australia became a federal republic in 1901 & its federal government had powers that were limited & enumerated. A bill of rights was not included & the bill of rights in Australia’s constitution is still lacking. Australia was once a land of individualism & adventure until its federal government became too powerful starting I believe in the 1940’s. What really makes me mad as hell is a national gun ban enacted in 1996 after the Port Arthur Massacre on April 28 of the same year. Before late 1996, the states had jurisdiction over firearms & the federal government was barred from regulating civilian ownership of them. Federal governments must have control over customs & militaries, but that doesn’t mean the right to keep and bear arms is reserved for troops of the military because the theory of collective rights are non-existent. Only individuals have rights which come from god & our creator, whatever you want to call it. Just don’t tell me that rights come from the state! Ownership of your OWN life is absolute. It does not extend to injuring another human being because it is inflicting interference on the victim’s life. Australia was the last country on Earth that I know to have a federal government that in any way outside of its federal district regulate firearms & in 1996, the federal government of Australia passed a national gun ban. Only 5% of Australians own firearms for hunting & sporting purposes. Self-defense & keeping a check on tyranny are out of the question. Switzerland is a federal republic, however, its central government has regulated firearms for a while but I don’t know when federal gun regulations first started in Switzerland. I definitely know Australia’s federal government did not regulate firearms in any way outside of its federal district until 1996.

                New Zealand has a unitary parliamentary government but gun control laws are more relaxed in New Zealand, even though a license is required for ownership of firearms. New Zealand’s government repealed registration of guns requirement in 1983 because of its ineffectiveness. I sure hope NZ doesn’t make the same mistake again. Neither should any other country or state.

                The United States is supposed to have the most restricted federal government in the world as our founding fathers in America viewed it. The states are a check & balance on federal power & the states are truly the ones who have the final say on the federal constitution of the United States. If this is considered a lie, then there can be no such thing as a true federal republic or confederation. In a federal or confederal system, the states delegate some of their sovereignty to a central government by choice & the federal government can only operate within the confines of the constitutionally limited & enumerated powers delegated to them by the states & the people of those states. If states became mere puppets of the federal government & were not considered sovereign at all, then it would be a unitary government. Unitary governments have complete control over local governments & can abolish them at will & if the federal constitution will allow it. I also believe it’s time to abolish every U.S. Court of Appeals courts except for the D.C. Circuit, Federal Circuit, tax & military courts. The Supreme Court will always stay the highest court in the nation as the constitution establishes it. However, the Supreme Court of the United States is not the absolute arbitrator of the laws of the land. There are jurisdictional restrictions on what cases the federal courts & Supreme Court can hear. The state courts will replace the U.S. court of appeals & that way the federal government will have no choice but to fear the state governments & the people who live in them. However, the people do not need to get permission from their state government to have federal power restricted. If the federal government is sued by someone harmed by the actions of the feds, the state courts can strike down federal laws that conflict with the constitution regardless of state laws.

                I won’t write too much here on this blog but I will say that the goals Tenthers should have are repealing the 16th & 17th amendments allowing for income tax & requiring senators be elected by popular vote as well as modify the 14th amendment to restrict the federal government only in terms of citizenship & equal protection of the law as well as to prevent the federal government from assisting states in enforcing tyrannical laws such as stripping the federal court’s power to force a non-compliant state to extradite a fugitive should the fugitive return to the state he/she fled from that the fugitive’s constitutional rights will be harmed should he/she be returned. Humans have the ability to reason according to John Locke, a libertarian English philosopher whom our founding fathers in America followed to the fullest. If government becomes too tyrannical, Thomas Jefferson said it is the right of the people to take up arms against the government harming their unalienable rights & this also applies to state & local governments. The Federal Government has become more tyrannical than all but 4 state governments. Only California, New York, Massachusetts, & Rhode Island are as tyrannical as the federal government.

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