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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gadhafi Dead! What does this mean for gas prices? Are Alternative Fuel Cars Practical? True Capitalism Does Work!

That former terrorist supporting scumbag dictator Muammar Gadhafi was killed when rebel forces seized his hometown of Sirte. What about gas prices? Will the United States, China & the rest of the world make more energy domestically? I sure hope oil can be domestically produced in the United States as well as Canada. Canada looks like it produces just under a little as much oil as Saudi Arabia. I also heard there is more natural gas in the United States of America than there is oil in Saudi Arabia. I also favor free market environmentalism to create jobs & produce domestic and renewable energy such as hydrogen fuel cells. I sure hope that dependence on petroleum is decreased in decades to come, because petroleum is a fossil fuel that is not renewable & hydrogen & electricity are promising alternative fuels that are renewable. I’ve heard some criticism about electric cars and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles but the same level of criticism would be used 110 years ago with automobiles. I respond to comments about electric cars being a joke. However, technology will evolve over the years & well should we continue dependence on petroleum or even foreign oil? 120 years ago, horse drawn vehicles were becoming less popular due to problems concerning horses pooping & going ape *&*%! When spooked. By that I mean horses could not be controlled when in fight or flight mode. Oldsmobile was four years old when they created the first mass produced automobile in history in 1901. Just seven years later in 1908, Henry Ford introduced the Ford Model T which would make automobiles more affordable & popular amongst the average lower to middle class American worker. The 1900’s decade marked a race for improving automobiles and promising their practability. I credit Oldsmobile as much as Ford for making automobiles practical. Ransom Olds, Oldsmobile’s founder was the first automaker to use assembly lines for automobile production. Henry Ford came second & was credited for making the automobile more common, affordable, and a popular alternative to horse drawn vehicles that have been used for centuries. Although automobiles have been experimented with since the late 18th to mid-19th centuries, it was Ransom Olds who made the automobile a market product but only as a luxury where Henry Ford made his Model T the first economy car in history. Before the 1900’s, automobiles were merely prototypes, concepts & experiments of science & technology.

                Karl Benz made the internal combustion engine practical, but Ransom Olds & Henry Ford would forever change transportation forever. The United States had the highest production of automobiles & highest ownership of automobiles. In fact, most of the world’s automobiles were owned by American & Canadian citizens in the USA & Canada in the early & mid-20th century.

                The same stories of success happened when Milton Hershey created a formula to make milk chocolate from an expensive luxury to a good the lower class can enjoy. After numerous trials & errors, it was finally made a reality in 1900.

                Another great wonder that made these success stories a reality was there were no government grants given to make these successes reality. This proves true capitalism works & that government cannot create innovation. The rise of communism in the early to mid-20th century begged to differ. However, capitalism works & government can only destroy jobs. Taxation is the power to destroy & low taxation, less government & more freedom have helped increase the standard of life which can only be lowered in communist countries like the former Soviet Union, which had heavy taxation, poor quality products & services produced by the government, lack of freedom, especially under the totalitarian regime of Josef Stalin.

                The United States of America went from a land of self-managing farmers in 1800 to an industrial powerhouse in 1899 with new technologies & products introduced to the market such as telephones, electricity & running water in homes, modern medicine as examples which were not available in 1800. From the late 19th century until 1933, America was a free as it ever was with slavery being abolished; woman having the right to vote, foreign intervention being strictly limited to the Panama Canal, limited taxation, spending by congress was limited as examples. The progressive era sought to destroy the prosperity free-markets produced in the late 19th century & early 20 century with labor laws & regulations crippling business, a nightmare which would become a reality starting in 1933 with the “New Deal” of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whom I consider one of the worst presidents in US history.

                No inventor that was known to man in the United States of America ever received any government subsidy in the 18th to mid-20th centuries & became successful in advancing technology while increasing the standard of life without government to play other than being a referee. I will list Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla & Karl Benz as examples of inventors who have changed the World and it’s standard of living. Karl Benz was a German citizen and invented the first petrol powered automobile.

                Karl Benz’s wife Bertha in 1888 was the first person in the world to complete an entire road trip by automobile & Horatio Nelson Jackson becoming the first person to drive across the United States from California to New York in 1903, when paved roads were non-existent except in major cities. Jackson successfully proved the automobile was not just a mere toy for the rich to drive around in the cities. There were also many privately financed roads in the 19th century.

                Enough about cars, I’ll talk about the victory the Libyan rebels enjoy. Qaddafi was injured & bloodied moments before he was about to be sucked into the fiery depths of hell. Qaddafi was a murdering scumbag terrorist aiding prick who was officially overthrown by Libyan rebels. October 20 is likely to become a national holiday for Libya, the day the 2011 Libyan civil war ended, or at least Qaddafi’s reign of terror ended. The United States of America has had its fair share of tyrannical regimes. I reject the idea that government can always be controlled democratically & that it is absolutely unacceptable to overthrow a government that is very tyrannical. There are two types of overthrowing a government. One is a Coup, where the administrations of the government are deposed but the structure & certain laws of government remain active, such as a constitution. A Coup de at is where the entire structure of government along with its administrations are deposed. It can have some elements of both such as the overthrow of some administrators & certain laws through force. I believed that the US Constitution should be protected in all aspects including its foundations, originalist & textualist interpretations, & it’s preservation as the highest law of the land just below the laws of nature.

                Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely & those in power tend to become bullies with power. The former Soviet Union was everything the United States in our founder’s view was not. The state in the Soviet Union was considered to be god on earth, answering to nobody but themselves. The United States of America was founded on principles of popular sovereignty, individual liberty, privacy of the individual citizen, & rights of the states & the people with a federal government of limited & enumerated powers. In the Soviet Union, there was no such thing as natural & inalienable rights & states’ rights. In the Soviet Union, rights came from the benevolence of the state, including rights that are services that must be provided such as health care. If rights were to come from the state, then the state has total control over its subjects like a dictatorship, regardless of if there are democratic elections or no elections whatsoever.

                The death of Qaddafi is not the end for the Libyan rebels. Libya after Qaddafi must hold a constitutional convention and open up their history books and learn about how the Founding Fathers of America established their Constitution. The new constitution of Libya should be identical to the US Constitution in the late 19th century. It would be a tragedy for Libya to have their new country after Qaddafi has a revolution like the violent French Revolution of 1789 & for another tyrant to rule Libya or any other country trying to overthrow their tyrannical dictators. I’m also glad that the rebels overthrew Gadhafi without US military intervention. President Barack Obama’s proposal to use military intervention in Libya was blocked by the House of Representatives, most of whom voted against Obama were Republicans. I really don’t appreciate US foreign aid to Israel. If Israel wants US help, it should join the United States as a US State & pay taxes like all the other citizens of America. The federal government’s main role is to protect against foreign enemies & protect states from invasion & domestic violence. That means national security.

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