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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

NJ Governor Chris Christie’s Endorsement of Mitt Romney Should Disturb Fiscal Conservatives

Well, Chris Christie has endorsed Mitt Romney, former governor of Taxachussetts, I mean Massachusetts, which had the highest taxes of any state during Romney’s reign. Christie was elected in 2009 and defeated incumbent Democratic governor Jon Corzine on a fiscal conservative platform & seen as a fiscal hero. I guess Christie is either ignorant or actually as moderate progressive as Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is a Rockefeller Republican in every way from being pro-abortion, anti-gun rights, pro-amnesty, fiscally irresponsible, and finally in 2006 signed socialized health care named after him. RomneyCare is a predecessor to ObamaCare only Romney Care was signed by a Republican governor at the state level & ObamaCare was signed by the incumbent Democratic president just a year and a half ago at federal level.

                Currently in the 2012 presidential race, Mitt Romney & Ron Paul are the two most major competitors and they are almost polar opposites with Romney being a big government liberal progressive & Ron Paul being a Libertarian Constitutional Conservative. If you don’t know about Christie he endorsed staunch progressive Republican Mike Castle running for US Senate in Delaware over constitutional conservative Christine O’Donnell last year. What is Christie thinking? Either he’s ignorant of the candidates he endorses or he’s not a true conservative & is a Schwarzenegger Republican. Christie should be best described as a moderate. He along with nearly all politicians in the US and the World are reluctant to abolish public education and steer it towards a free market, anarcho-capitalist status. Public schools have sucked bad & No Child Left Behind act passed in 2002, signed by George W. Bush has really been pulled by the very depths of hell. Even Satan wouldn’t accept the reckless spending in Washington DC & 14.5 trillion dollar debt!

                And do you know which so called “conservative” is a joke? Rick Santorum! Yes, rubber stamps for George Bush along with Arlen Spector. In 2004, Santorum claimed Spector was no progressive! Are you kidding me sir?! Were you saying that Pat Toomey was less fit to lead Pennsylvania in the US Senate than Bush Republican Arlen Spector? Arlen Spector & Rick Santorum were perfect stupid dick brained neoconservative progressive Bush Republicans and they were proud of it! Any true conservative would have supported Pat Toomey over Arlen Spector in 2004 & Christine O’Donnell over Mike Castle & Chris Coons in Delaware in 2010. The Barry Goldwater Republican Party has lain dead since 1989-90. Hell, George W. Bush made Bill Clinton look fiscally conservative. At least there were budget surpluses when Republicans dominated congress and Bill Clinton was president. The budget surpluses quickly turned to deficits when Bush Jr. took office in 2001. The Republican Party is close to going to Barry Goldwater days once again! Vote Ron Paul-Gary Johnson ticket 2012!

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