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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

No Harm, No Foul v. Obey & Submit: Introduction

Free societies respect No Harm, No Foul more because this principle means that one has freedom & responsibility to do what he wishes so long as the rights others enjoy are not violated. If someone is harmed or something broken due to someone's reckless and/or deliberate actions, the perpetraitor is responsible for redeeming the damages done. Authoritarian societies rely on Obey & Submit to retain power & if someone disobeys the laws government makes, regardless of harm done to society or individual(s), that "criminal" is punished to a fixed term regardless of dmage done.
America, Canada, Australia, & New Zealand are supposed to be free societies. Canada, Australia, & New Zealand are more stable & freer countries than the United Soviet States but still suffer some difficulties such as repressive gun control laws in Canada & Australia, although New Zealand has gun laws more liberal than Canada & Australia, NZ still has some gun control laws that are damning to liberty. The United States is not much different & has some Gun Control laws stricter than New Zealand's such as age restrictions for purchase (16 in NZ, 21 for handguns in the US). Freedom of the press is endangered in the United States as protesters & reporters are harrassed & arrested by gestapo police like in the Soviet Union & Cuba & the US ranks 47 in press freedom. Australia ranks 30, New Zealand in 20's & Canada 10. Economic freedom has taken a hit in the US, AUS, NZ, & Can as self serving politicians have rejected the will of the people they are supposed to represent.
Terrorists don't attack America because of freedom & prosperity because if they did, then terrorists would attack Hong Kong & Switzerland, countries with more economic freedom & prosperity. America is actually less prosperous than Hong Kong, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Macau, & Chile for examples. Good people's lives are ruined because of Obey & Submit.
Countries that follow the Obey & Submit approach to lawbreakers are authoritarian-totalitarian regimes like North Korea, Cuba, & Venezuela where if you don't obey whatever law they have on books no matter how repressive & non-violative of anyone's rights, you will be imprisoned & harshly treated. North Korea is beyond any doubt the most tyrannical, repressive & restrictive regime in the world today where big brother is watching over the subjects 24/7, people get arrested for pretty much anything the regime dislikes such as even talking negatively of the Supreme Leader of North Korea, showing any signs of non-conformity or disobedience to the regimes laws. North Korean subjects can't own cars for private ownership nor is private property allowed. North Korea experienced a massive famine in the mid 1990's, devastating North Korea's people. The foreign aid that North Korea recieved from South Korea & the United Soviet States ended up being eaten by Kim Jong-il & his regime when the subjects were supposed to recieve it.
In the 1980's, Communist Romania was ruled a tyrannical & cowardly dictator Nicolae Ceasceau who lived a life of luxury while people suffered from lack of heat & electricity due to government rationing. In December of 1989, Romanians had enough & decided the only way to become free is to overthrow Ceasceau & Communist Romania for good! Anti-Communists became victors on Christmas Day of 1989.
Kim Jong-il has kept cowardly propaganda & cult of personality to an ultimate high so his subjects don't rise up & overthrow him just like the subjects of Romania did to Ceasceau in December of '89. What happened in Romania Christmas of 1989 is redeeming the social contract theory created by English Philosopher John Locke who argued that people have the right to alter or abolish any government as they wish & in extreme circumstances violently overthrow it.
It's not a smart idea to try & overthrow the United Soviet States government due to their nuclear weaponry, advanced military technology. Fighting the USSA military is like trying to fight the USSR Red Army. The USSR dissolved despite being a superpower. As many of the Soviet Union's satellite states fell & many of it's republics declared independence, the Soviet Union fell Christmas 1991 when Russia declared independence & as the USSR's successor state.
The United Soviet States is going to collapse like the Soviet Union by 2020 due to economic turmoil & bad foreign relations. It's very important that states start declaring independence from the USSA before another superpower takes them with the USSA. The New Country to be formed should be the New Confederate States of America proposed on it's website, I just found this website & it's not mine. It's proposed constitution is the greatest legal document I've ever seen that has yet to be ratified.

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