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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

The United States of America as the New Soviet Union & Nazi Germany

The United States is now reached the point of being identical to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The United States is the most extreme case of transforming from a free & prosperous society into a morally dystopic & fascist society. The United States government follows national socialist(Nazism) policies making the cost of living hell & the standard of living that of communist & fascist countries. Civil liberties have been casted to sea & unseen by millions of Amerikans indoctrinated by the mainstream fascist & socialist media & also in the disgraceful public education hoax. Shame is that some Amerikans will rush to Wal-Mart & Target like dumb-ass's for outrageously cheap items on Black Friday when they should have been waging hell on the Central Banking criminal enterprise led by Ben "Counterfeiter" Bernanke. Why do people hate him? Because he F-ed up the Dollar & has no problems about hyperinflation happening. The United Soviet States of Amerika may have the largest economy(GDP), but has the largest debt & ranks no higher than 13 in terms of PPP per capita.
Amerika has become a country of liars, butchers & hypocrites who fail to see that the only way to save America is for states to secede & new constitutions to be drafted, curbing the abuses that state governments commit as well as the federal regime.
We have lawless government in this now horrible nation & in many states the state can prosecute anyone who resists UNLAWFUL arrest or interference by law enforcement officers. The Indiana Supreme Cocksuckers ruled on May 12 of last year that you can be punished for resisting UNLAWFUL arrest by Gestapo. What kind of drugs were these justices taking when they came up with this disgrace for the rule of law? It was a 5-2 decision. Fortunetly, the Indiana legislature has a bill set up to overrule the five injustices who ruled in favor of the police state. It should be easier for reform to take place unless it gives government more power so that more people won't have to suffer what the victim of the state had to go through.
The court system is corrupt & Nazi-Soviet influenced, denying the right to a trial by jury of PEERS & the right for jurors to be notified of judging the law as well as the facts. Judges have taken a more activist role by denying this sacred right fought for by the founding fathers & forcing anyone harmed by laws to rely on higher courts for redress. What happens is the higher courts screw you over! Politically correct government lawyers don't give a damn about your liberty & about constitutional government. Neither will your representatives if the laws they enact are subject to citizens veto through initiative and/or if rogue representatives are removed with vote of no confidence before the end of their term.
I DON'T HATE AMERICA! I HATE WASHINGTON D.C. because of their lust for power & violation of our sovereignty! The only way America can be saved morally, economically & socially is for individual states to peacefully secede from the United States initiatives & county conventions drafting new pro-liberty & pro-independence constitutions with easier ways to repeal bad policies & check government without the help of the appellent courts.

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