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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Liberal Democracy vs. Elective Dictatorship

There's a major difference between Liberal Democracy & Elective Dictatorships.

A Liberal Democracy secures individual liberty & holds those in office accountable regardless of elections.

An Elective Dictatorship on the other hand despite having non-one party elections the office holders act like dictators with no regard for economic & individual freedom. This creates an illusion that elections appear to exist but are exploited to the fullest extent without blowing cover. What I mean is election laws protect establishment parties against all others either through major party laws, winner take all with no majority run off elections, or both. In elective dictatorships, the elected dictators will claim they have a license to pursue totalitarian policies based on elections, even if they only won a plurality.

People think that simpling changing the dictators will bring change but that is false. No elected official should have a license to pursue a barrage of economy crippling & totalitarian policies in between elections, even if we can simply vote them out of office. It's frightningly possible for a country to go from a prosperous economy from one election & lose prosperity with lower standards of living within six years.

Government must have consent under liberal democracies & if elected officials act like dictators, what about the individuals who didn't vote for them? Should people suffer lower standards of living & prison like standards of living through no fault of their own simply because elected officials became dictators. All it takes is for a few senators/congressmen to propose laws that will affect the entire country for worse, creating an infamous regime. The president does worse by exercising dictatorial executive power & Obama has done just that. What if elected officials are term limited, won't run for re-elections, or will simply be re-elected de facto by default like a king?

Another issue here is does the elected official have a vested interest in enacting bad policies? Are special interest groups contributing to their campaign in return for favors? Congress is just way too professional & that creates unaccountable public officials who make elected politics a career. This makes voting to reform government hardly ever work or not work at all since these newly elected congressmen become wooed by party hierarchy & luxurious salaries/benefits. Looking for benevolence is acknowledging & accepting elective dictatorship but falsely hoping for change from within.

What are our outside options? Civil disobedience is direct action at breaking fiat laws. Fiat means what the state says it means such as fiat currency, where government determines the value of the currency.

I like to point attention towards paramilitary approaches such as fighting back against government agencies with firearms & explosives. Law enforcement agencies use paramilitary force in some cases which gives just cause to fight back using the same methods. Law enforcement agencies & armies are too dangerous to be taken on without the use of firearms. Law enforcement & armies have advanced weaponry & vehicles to crush opposition. Acting along leaves no power but creating a united paramilitary organization based loosely off of Al-Qaeda will give the regime a real scare.

Armed insurrection may seem frightning to some but what's even more frightning is being close to a highly centralized state like North Korea which has an awful human rights record. Education could be hijacked by the federal government as students will be as controlled as North Korean subjects.

This can be avoided by staunchly defending gun rights & condoning violence against gun confiscators & gun control activists. What's more frightning? Having bureaucrats control your life or militant freedom fighters engaging in guerilla warfare against the Fasco-Communist regime?

Elections to change government hardly work but militant action & civil disobedience does. I do favor non-violent tactics when they actually work while favoring as less of violence as possible. Don't be fooled into believing that if there was one single global state & arms control, we would have a more peaceful society. What we will have under world government of disarmed subjects is a totalitarian communist state where violence is legitimatized by the regimes actions against it's subjects.

What is the best way to prevent it from happening? Paramilitary approaches are necessary & a duty to defeat tyrannical government when non-violence fails. The United Nations is a far-left organization which secretly advocates a world government & has fought secretly for leftist & marxist interests. What if a giant object such as an airplane were to crash into the U.N. Headquarters in New York City? Should it be condoned & praised? Seeing the collapse of any tyrannical government's building or their activists is something for freedom fighters to be proud of. The American Revolution was all about fighting the British Crown through militant action, especially after the invasion of Concorde & Lexington on April 19, 1775 by British troops.

If people have no right to shoot law enforcement officers & armed force members destroying liberty, life, & property, then our society has failed to be a free society. Don't allow government to decide what liberty is. You know what individual means & know right from wrong & defend these truths at all costs.

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