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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Radical Muslim Plotted to Bomb Federal Reserve in NYC. Hero or Enemy?

The Federal Reserve is a threat to economic stability alongside the IRS. Only the Fed does more economic damage to individuals finances than the IRS & other regulatory agencies combined. The U.S. dollar is devalued thanks to this central bank with no oversight from Congress. A militant patriot is more likely to hold the Fed accountable than government.

This here is about a 21 year old Bangledeshi national who packed a van full of fake explosives set by an undercover informant. Nafis intended to bomb the Federal Reserve! Should sound money proponents such as Ron Paul be proud of people like Nafis for effort in fighting the Federal Reserve militantly in order to prevent more havoc on the economy or is there much good at stake here?

Nafis's motive was to undermine America & bring it to Islamic domination. What if a classical liberal(libertarian) plotted the same kind of attack with the only targets being the building itself & the Fed employees, including the chairman? What if Ben Bernanke were deposed & the FED was destroyed permenently through terrorist-like means?

I don't feel that destroying the FED would advance Islamic Supremacy but as Thomas Jefferson would say that the blood of the employees & chairmen would grow the tree of liberty forward.

If the Federal Reserve buildings in Washington D.C. & New York were to be destroyed, then it would send an extremely powerful message that as Thomas Jefferson would also say "When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty." It would send an even more powerful & strong message if the employees & leaders responsible for inflating the economy through counterfeiting force were destroyed in the destruction of the buildings they were inside.

However there is speculation that gold reserves are being held at FED buildings, making it a bad idea to bomb the building for fears of destroying the gold supplies.

Nafis intended to target Obama & the New York Stock Exchange but the latter does not deserve to be attacked.

The 9/11 attack on the WTC was absolutely sick & the radical muslim extremists should go to hell! Our country is being violated by our own government & I feel any terrorist like attack on tyrannical government facilities & against tyrannical public officials while avoiding non-belligerant deaths is patriotic & revives the spirit of '76. Trying non-violent civil disobedience is encouraged when effective.

It seems the easiest way to destroy government buildings is to strike it with an aircraft. This was the case with tax resistence hero Joe Stack who struck an IRS building in occupied Austin, Texas on February 17-18, 2010, killing one IRS employee. Joe Stack was a hero who sacrificed his life in a brazen attempt to send a powerful message to the federal government to stop terrorizing defiant political opponents trying to fight unconstitutional tax laws. Sadly, it wasn't strong enough & the attack could have been stronger had a truck full of 30 ton explosives successfully detonated towards the IRS building, causing it's nearly complete destruction! That would have really got as many headlines as the Oklahoma City bombing back in '95.

However there must be measures taken to prevent as many non-belligerent deaths/injuries as possible & that's why targeting the federal building in Oklahoma City back in 1995 was a bad idea considering possibly knowing about the daycare center inside which was responsible for the many deaths of young children.

Bombing government buildings of agencies responsible for destroying freedom is justified since liberty is a birthright & people have the right to fight back through whatever means necessary. It's not stealing if it's already yours so why should we allow failed election after failed election to stop us?

Note: This is only to express views & not to advocate any form of violence

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