The Thirteen original colonies(New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, & Georgia) revolted against Great Britain in 1775-83 in what was known as the American Revolutionary War for Independence. Great Britain was forced to respect the colonies as independent nations. The U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1788 & the bill of rights in 1791. Overtime, many more states would join the Union prior to the 1860's.
Seven southern states seceded between December 20, 1860 to February 3, 1861(South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, & Georgia) & formed the Confederate States of America on February 3, 1861. This was due to GOP Republican President elect Lincoln's plan to impose protective tariffs on steel which would harm the South's economy. The South was also a different nationality from the Northern states dividing the United States of America between the Yankees(USA) & Dixies(CSA). Lincoln would eventually order an invasion on the CSA after the attempts of the Dixies to claim sovereignty over Fort Sumnter in South Carolina. Shortly after the start of the American Civil War(April of 1861), several more southern states moved to secede & join the Confederate States(Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, & Arkansas) with Missouri, Kentucky, & Maryland hanging in the balance fighting for secession. Union troops stormed Maryland in efforts to prevent secession. Missouri & Kentucky didn't officially secede from the Yankee United States until 1866 but were unofficial Confederate States. Three new U.S. states were created between 1861-64(Kansas, West Virginia, & Nevada). West Virginia was illegally ceded from Virginia into Yankee territory. Thanks to the Dixie victory at the Battle of Vicksburg, the Civil War was prolonged & eventually ends with a Southern victory on May 4, 1870 after getting some help from Great Britain, France, & Mexico. During the 1860's, Lincoln's GOP was de facto the only political party in federal Yankee politics with Democrats facing persecution. Lincoln held onto power through dictatorial means such as fraudulant elections where votes were manipulated through force, especially in the 1864 & 1868 presidential elections. Lincoln would be deposed by a military coup by rebellious Democrats known as "Copperheads" led by Clemente Valladigham of Ohio, staunch opponents of the GOP regime.
Lincoln would be overthrown in 1870 & the Treaty of London established on May 4, 1870 would recognize the Confederate States of America as a sovereign confederation & officially end the American Civil War. Missouri, Kentucky, & Maryland would become Confederate states in 1866. West Virginia would be annexed back to Virginia as part of the Treaty of London in 1870. Washington D.C. would remain a Yankee territory being the capital of the United States of America.
Robert E. Lee would succeed Jefferson Davis as Confederate States president in 1868 & would pass away just months after the Treaty of London. Robert E. Lee would die on October 12, 1870 & John C. Breckinridge would succeed Lee as the 3rd president of the CSA. Arizona & New Mexico territories would be ceded to the C.S.A. with what is today Las Vegas belonging to Nevada.
United States of America(1870-1910): The GOP would be dissolved after the war with Horace Greely being elected by U.S. Congress as temporary president in November of 1870, when the new Congress of fresh Democrats & Liberal Republicans were recently elected, after a provisional military government. The United States experienced rise in food prices after the war due to failure to establish trade relations with their Southern neighbors. Ontario would join the U.S. on July 1, 1867. Reformist Republican Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio was elected in 1876 over Democrat Samuel Tilden of New York. Hayes created some more diplomatic relations with the Confederate States in terms of trading steel & agriculture. The Yankees & Dixies were high in steel manufacturing & agriculture respectively. The United States would lose much of it's western territories which sought to form an independent federal republic in the 1880's. What was left of the contigous United States was Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Iowa, & Minnesota plus the District of Columbia. The Progressive movement began to grew during the last year of Grover Cleveland's presidency in 1896. William McKinely of Ohio was elected president on the Republican ticket in 1896. Theodore Roosevelt of New York was Vice President in 1901 when McKinely was shot to death by a Polish-Yankee anarchist named Leon Czolgez. It was during the 1901 Pan-American Expo in Buffalo, New York. Roosevelt was a Republican of course. During World War I(1896-1902) The North Americas were involved in the Spanish-American front of the war with the United States gaining the Indies of both West & East. The United States ceded Cuba to the Confederate States of America in 1902. By 1906, the United States would have the following colonies: Puerto Rico, Liberia, Phillippines, Micronesia, Guam, Yankee Samoa, Guyana, & Yankee West Indies.
Confederate States of America(1870-1910): The Southern Democratic party was the major majority party until 1951 elections. The Confederate States finally win the war after nine years of fighting off Yankee invaders. The CSAs best industry was agriculture & in the 1870's established a free trade agreement with the United States in exchanging manufacturing & agricultural products. The Confederate States would gain some territories in Northern Mexico in the mid 1880's mainly Rio Grande, Chihuahua, & Sonora. In the 1890's, the Confederate States Congress passed a law to limit non-white immigration & encourage white immigration. Most of the immigrants that arrived in the CSA were Jews from central Europe. Slaves were no longer recognized as slaves by the Confederate government & in 1870 slavery was partially abolished & free blacks were granted citizenship & slavery was prohibited in Confederate territories & no new states could legalize slavery. Slavery continued to exist in some CS states but by the 1890's most states already abolished slavery with Alabama becoming the last State to abolish slavery in 1911. Alabama would be the last subnational entity to abolish slavery in the Western World as the United States abolished slavery in 1866. Many of the slaves in the Confederate States were freed by the end of 1870 after fighting in the Civil War with some blacks receiving medals of honor. Blacks began migrating to the Western Confederate territories in Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Sonora, Rio Grande, & Chihuahua as well as other states in the 1870's & 1880's. Since 1891, laws have been passed to segregate whites & blacks while aboriginals remain citizens of their homelands while they are protectorates of the CSA government. The Confederate States would purchase Cuba from the United States in 1902 after the Spanish-American war with residents of Cuba being granted citizenship on May 1, 1902. Cuba would become a CSA commonwealth. Oklahoma before 1907 was an Indian reservation exclusively for Native Americans until Oklahoma became a state in 1907.
Cascadia(1870-1910): Composed of the Western states & territories of the United States, settlers in California & Oregon proposed a seperate nation for the Western non-Yankee & non-Dixie states & territories in North America. A War for independence started in 1871 & lasted until 1882. The seperatists were fighting against the United States for independence with the Seperatists being aided by the Confederate States. On April 23, 1885, the Federation of Cascadia was born with the ratification of it's constitution. It's first states were California, Nevada, Oregon, British Columbia, Colorado, Nebraska, Manitoba, & Kansas with the territories of Washington Territory, Alaska, Northwest Territories, Dakota Territory, Montana Territory, Utah Territory, Wyoming Territory, & Idaho Territory with Yukon Territory being created in 1898. Leland Stanford of California was elected president on the Whig Party ticket in the 1885 election & presidential terms would be five years long being renewable once. The three major parties in Cascadia's early years were the Whig, Liberal Democratic, & Unionist parties. Just one year after Cascadia was formed, the peninsula of Baja California was purchased from the poverty stricken Mexico. Baja California would be a federal Cascadian territory until it gained statehood on January 9, 1952. The Whig Party dominated Cascadian politics until the end of the 1910's with a Unionist president being elected in 1910. Cascadia restricted non-white immigration from only a few years after it's birth. Many of the territories in Cascadia would form the following states from 1889 to 1905: North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Alberta & Saskatchewan. Hawaii would be a territory of the United States from 1893 to 1899 until the U.S. ceded Hawaii to Cascadia. A quota was placed on Asian immigration in 1905 when many Japanese immigrants started coming to Hawaii. The last Whig to keep the consecutive record for president in Cascadia before losing election to a Unionist was Ezra Taft Benson who would express classical liberal views similar to the Liberal Democratic Party during his term as President. He would sadly loose the election of 1910 to Unionist Party candidate James P. Pearson of Kansas. The Whig Party would still hold a plurality in Congress.
United States of America(1910-1940): Immigration from Europe helped build America's working class & give people new opportunities. The Progressive Era was growing & by the 1912 elections, the Bull Moose Progressive Party became a major party with Teddy Roosevelt, once a Republican President from 1901-09, winning a third term in office. There were progressive acts made which included Income Tax, Federal Reserve, regulation of child labor along with previous progressive reforms like the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. Roosevelt became president in third term from 1913-17. Pierre Trudeau was elected US president as a Democrat in 1916 & was president from 1917-21 & would become the last Democrat president of the United States. He became unpopular by the end with Republicans gaining a supermajority in the 1920 elections & the Progressive Party coming in second & Democratic Party in last with less than 5% of congress. Republicans by this time had 72%, Progressives 24%, & Democrats 4%. This would be the last time a president in office was a Democrat & Democrats became the third party trailing behind Progressives & Republicans. Republican John B. Anderson of Illinois became president in 1921 until 1925. Anderson reigned in a new era of prosperity with laissez-faire policies that stimulated the economy, making the 20's a decade of prosperity. Prohibition during this era lasted from 1919-1933 at the federal level & women gained the right to vote by 1920. Republicans did lose their supermajority in the 1922 elections but still held a majority in Congress. Brian Mulroney of New Brunswick would be elected as a Republican for president in 1924 & he would remain president until after the 1932 elections. The Stock Market crashed in 1929 & Republicans & Democrats lost respect with massive Progressive Party gains in the 1930 & 1932 elections with the election of a Progressive Party president. Progressives would hold a 61% in Congress with Republicans at 28% & Democrats at 11% in 1933. The New Deal under Jean Chretein would begin & last throughout much of the 1930's with Progressives having a 75% supermajority in 1937 but a recession sooned diminished peoples faith in the New Deal, giving massive gains to Republicans & Democrats. Progressives would still hold majority in Congress. Chretein would win election again in 1940 & lead the U.S. during World War III.
Confederate States of America(1910-1940): In the 1890's, many Dixie states had segregation that was "Seperate but equal". Aboriginals were given special homelands in which they could have self-government as commonwealths. By 1925, five western territories gained statehood: New Mexico & Arizona 1912, Chihuahua 1913, Rio Grande 1917, & Sonora 1924. The CSA was the most social conservative countries in the world but treasured western freedoms such as free speech, the right to keep & bear arms, due process, & free markets. The CSA's economy was based mostly on Agriculture throughout it's first 80 years. Although womans suffrage was legalized in some states as early as the 1910's, there wouldn't be a constitutional amendment ratified at the Confederate level guarenteeing woman's suffrage until 1947. During the 1920's, the CSA's economy grew to record levels unseen in it's first 60 years. The GDP per capital in 1870 was 26th in the world but grew to 11th by 1925. Jesse Helms(Southern Democrat) of North Carolina was president from 1922 to 1928. Anti-Communism legislation was passed in the Confederate States as early as 1924 by prohibiting foreign Communists from entering, banning the Communist Party, & prohibiting advocacy for overthorw of government with goals of replacing it with a marxist-leninist state. North America was impacted by the 1929 Stock Market Crash & economic growth decreased. The Southern Democratic Party was becoming less popular as Confederalist & Farmer-Labour Parties gained seats in subsequent elections. The Southern Democratic Party was the majority party in Congress since 1861 but did have opposition parties: Confederalist, Populist(1890's-1920), Prohibition(1890's-1931), & Farmer-Labour(1930-1940's). The Farmer-Labour party was a centre to centre-left party concerned with defending farmers during the Great Depression. The Southern Democratic Party remained in power as they have for 72-78 years consecutively following the 1933-39 elections respectively, though the Southern Democrats has a razor thin plurality just few seats above the Confederalist & Farmer-Labour Parties. From 1861 to 1925, the capital of the CSA was Richmond, Virginia but was changed to Ft. Davis-Lee near Dallas, Texas.
Cascadia(1910-1940): Cascadia would celebrate it's 25th anniversary in 1910 honoring one of the recently deceased & oldest founders Mary Ramsey Wood of Hillsboro, Oregon who was born on May 20, 1787 & died on January 1, 1908. She was a Liberal Democrat who was partially successful at crafting a Jacksonian Democracy for Cascadia including drafting in part with others the Cascadian constitution. Women had the right to vote in all Cascadian states since 1896 though there have been some mountain states where women could vote as early as 1869, when these states were then territories of the United States of America. The federal capital was changed from Hillsboro, Oregon to Prince George, British Columbia in 1915, renaming the city Columbia & making it a federal district. In North America, many Americans would reject interventionism & choose to worry about matters that concerned them. The Whig Party lost it's majority to the Liberal Democrats in the 1918 elections with the Union Party president Pearson losing popularity for involvement in wars. The Whig Party would adopt the same platform along with Liberal Democrats in rejecting Trudeau's proposed League of Nations. 38 year old Senator Preston Manning of Alberta would be elected in 1920 on the Liberal Democratic Ticket facing Whig & newly formed Progressive Party. Liberal Democrats would hold a 56% majority with Whigs at 27% & Progressives at 13%. The Union Party which lasted for 35 years was dissolved after the 1920 elections as most members joined the Whig Party. Economic prosperity began in Cascadia along with North America, Europe, Japan, & Australasia with higher standards of living with Cascadians & Dixies enjoying no federal income tax. Yankees enjoyed low income tax. Anti-Communist & stronger anti-immigrant sentiment emerged as many Chinese immigrants were turned down & numerous communists were arrested & charged under anti-communism legislation. Cascadia would have the highest GDP per capita in the 1920's thanks to high oil & natural gas production with gas being used more often since many states prohibited alcoholic beverages in which prohibition would decline in 1924 into 1931. Unlike the United & Confederate States, Cascadia had no federal alcohol prohibition. Liberal Democratic Party would remain the majority party until the 1930 elections after the 1929 stock market crash with people turning their support towards the Progressive Party. The presidential election was contested between Whig Bob Dole of Kansas, Progressive Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, & Liberal Democrat Steve Symms of Idaho. A runoff election between Bob Dole & Bob Kerrey commensed after the general election. Despite Kerrey winning the popular vote, Bob Dole secured more electoral votes & was elected president. Progressive Party would become the majority party in Congress. The Liberal Democratic Party would dissolve shortly after due to numerous factions concerning how the economy should be run, which was between Classical Liberals, Conservatives, & Social Liberals. Many of them emigrated to the now two major parties: Whig & Progressive Liberal Parties. Those two parties would be the major parties in the 1933 elections with gains in Liberal Progressive seats due to the unpopularity of Bob Dole. Dole planned to impliment New Deal programs to try & win votes from those angry about the state of the economy. Two new political parties emerged: New Democratic Party(Social Democracy) & Social Credit Movement. The 1935 elections would feature two new political parties which looked more appealing to voters with a four way presidential race between Whig Bob Dole, Liberal Progressive Bob Kerrey, New Democrat Ray Martin of Alberta, & Social Credit Movement Kent Conrad of North Dakota. Bob Kerrey would win the 1935 presidential election with New Democrats & SCM gaining seats while the Liberal Progressive Party was reduced to a plurality followed by the Whig Party with New Democratic Party & Social Credit Movement being runners up. Kerrey started to implement numerous New Deal & Social Credit policies with stimulus spending to stimulate the economy. The recession of 1937 reduced people's faith in the New Deal in Both the United States of America & Cascadia. The 1938 elections saw declines in Progressive Liberals with Whig Party trailing by a razor thin minority. Liberal Progressive Party retained a plurality with 27% of seats. Kerrey would win re-election in a 4 way race in 1940.
United States of America(1940-1952): Chretein was re-elected on the Progressive Party Ticket in 1940 against Republican challenger Alan Keyes of Illinois. Chretein faced unpopularity concerning the 1937 recession which saw gains in Republican & some Democratic gains but Progressives still held a majority in Congress. Although the U.S. held the Commonwealth of Palestine fighting on the allied side against axis powers, the U.S. was not directly involved in World War III until after the September 11, 1941 attacks. The U.S. & Cascadia fought alongside the allied forces against Islamic Iran, Turkey, North Korea, & Venezuela. The U.S., Israel, & U.K. were the Big Three of the West with U.S.S.R., People's Republic of China, & India as the Big Three of the East. Manufacturing for war technology increased as guns, tanks, & uniforms were being made for troops as well as food & medicine. Chretein was elected for a 4th term in 1944 & continued to lead the U.S. in WWIII until 1946 when illness forced him to resign with Vice President Bob Rae of Ontario succeeding him. WWIII ended in 1947 with Rae winning the 1948 election by a narrow margain. His term as president would lower his popularity with Republicans controlling the House after the 1950 elections. Anti-communism legislation was passed under Rae's administration as well as the Korean War of 1950-present. Rae opted out of re-election in 1952 with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo running on the Progressive ticket against Republican WWIII hero David H. Petraes of New Hampshire with Cuomo winning the 1952 election. Republicans retained their majority with Progressives retaining their senate majority they held since 1933. In 1949, Liberia gained independence from the United States. Liberia was a U.S. commonwealth from 1847 to 1949.
Confederate States of America(1940-1952): The CSA entered World War III against Venezuela in 1943 & also joined the Middle Eastern front in WWIII. The CSA's economy would grow in the late 1940's to the same standards as their Northern neighbors they fought off eight decades before. President John Edwards became unpopular after a scandal hit & resigned in 1950, leaving Bill Richardson to be president. Cuba became a Confederate Commonwealth in 1902 & an independent nation in 1940. During the 1930's, the Confederate States did pursue some sort of Keynesian path but did not have the same new deal policies. The Confederate States declared war on Venezuela after the February 3, 1943 attack on Dixie oil ships bound for Mobile, Alabama. CS & South American allied troops defeated Chavez in 1946. John McCain was president during World War III & was just days from exiting office when Chavez was overthrown. John Edwards was elected president in 1945. Edwards resigned on January 4, 1950 amid corruption & money laundering allegations & possible impeachment. Bill Richardson succeeded Edwards but suffered unpopularity. This led to Confederalist Party victory in 1951 when Texas Governor Richard Perry Defeated Southern Democrat Bill Richardson. Rick Perry was inaugurated on February 22, 1952 with his Vice President Jim Gilmore of Virginia as the first Confederate States president to not be of the Southern Democratic Party which has held the White House & Congress for 91 years. Anti-Communist sentiment hit the least progressive nation on Earth and Rick Perry was a devout Anti-Communist. Perry maintained close relations with Cuba which was a Confederate States commonwealth from 1902 to 1940.
Cascadia(1940-1952): Cascadia was attacked by North Korea on September 11, 1941 with the declaration of war being given afterwards. Bob Kerrey was president at the time until he was term limited in 1945. Kent Conrad of North Dakota won the 1945 presidential election on the Progressive Liberal ticket against Wildrose ticket candidate Douglas Christie of British Columbia. Conrad was former part of the Social Credit party but was dissolved & moved to the Progressive Liberal party where he was elected president. He was inaugurated on November 15, 1945 & led Cascadia throughout the rest of World War III. His administration was responsible for forming an agreement with United States president Bob Rae on defeating North Korea after Islamic Iran collapsed. Kent Conrad was an Anti-Communist but was unpopular & Wildrose, New Democratic, & Whig parties gained seats with a near major loss for Progressive Liberal Party in the 1948 midterm elections. The Cold War began & Communism was being seen as more of a threat with Labor Unions & the Communist Parties being seen with infidelity. The Cascadian Congress passed the Union Regulation Act of 1949 which restricted collective bargaining rights of Unions in federal employment. Conrad would veto the bill only to have it overridden thanks to the Wildrose Party influence. In 1950, Conrad would lose re-election to Wildrose Candidate Doug Christie of British Columbia & running mate Jason Atkinson of Jefferson State. Jefferson was formed from Border counties of North California & Oregon in 1941. Christie was inaugurated on November 15, 1950 & was a staunch anti-communist. The 1951 amendment to the National Security Act of 1942 banned Communist activities including the Communist Party as well as sever diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, the same was the Confederate States of America severed their diplomatic relations with Communist countries in 1924.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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