Don't give into the lie that you need a majority of support to bring social change.
Has voting ever been the means of deciding what rights we have or what masters we put in office?
America's Founders viewed protecting liberty through direct means such as civil disobedience and/or armed conflict as essential to protecting ownership of individual.
Voting was meant to be a method of decision making by those who were affected by the state's decision making. Voting however, was never meant to legalize the redistribution of wealth & endangerment of freedoms & property rights, which is what many ignorants think of democracy as.
Property ownership, life, & liberty come first in free societies but it seems that many people accept that the only way to change government policies is through voting & politicians. The Founding Fathers leading Patriots disagreed & after Lexington & Concord on April 19, 1775, the American Revolution started, to throw the British Crown away & establish a constitutional federal republic. This was done through armed conflict against British troops since the latter tried to confiscate the firearms of non-government officials.
The American Revolutionary War began before the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. The Patriots had the right to engage in armed conflict against the British authorities due to the Intolerable Acts of 1774 that created an authoritarian regime in Massachusetts. The Colonies were independent from each other under the British Crown & the North American colonists had no intentions of creating a centralized government.
For any of you who think this was much about representation, the Patriots despised arbitrary taxation even with fair representation. Unfortunately, we don't have fair representation since partisanship elites secretly funded by taxpayers(Republicans/Democrats) unjustly clobber other parties & independent candidates. George Washington, our first president was an independent & he spoke out against partisanship as with many of our founding fathers including James Madison.
Me, I voted for Gary Johnson(L) in this presidential election along with Libertarian candidates for both the House & Senate. Neither Obama nor Romney would damn big government & Paul Ryan's budget is almost as bad as Obama's with no real hope of a balanced budget. It seems Ryan will not be serious about balencing the budget within this decade. I'm not sure if Ryan's budget is worse than Obama's but I can tell you that both budgets will increase spending through the roof. Every President since George H.W. Bush has created more big government with the current illiberal democracy being nothing more than a revolving door between Democrats & Republicans. Good example would be Republicans winning majority in 1994 & Democrats reclaiming in 2006 & Republicans winning again in 2010. From Bill Clinton onto George W. Bush & onto Barack Obama, these presidents are notorious for their legendary ass suckage.
Not voting for establishment Democrats/Republicans is symbolic speech of rejecting the hybrid one party regime. There are very few percentage of good Republicans & Ron Paul is one of them & in my view he should switch to the Libertarian Party. Ron Paul won't be leaving the Republican Party because the Republican Party left him, as far back as the late 1980's & Early 90's. The last president to favor Ron Paul was Ronald Reagan & yet spending & debt rose to unprecedented levels($1T in 1981 to $3T in 1989 under Reagan) with Bush beating Reagan's record by doubling the national debt from $5T to $10T. Obama defeated Bush in the highest debt accumulation of over $6T with the debt being $10T in 2009 & the debt now $16T in 2012. Romney/Ryan won't do a damn thing about the debt & Republicans haven't been of much help because if that were true, the debt, spending, wars, & unconstitutional programs would have disappeared & Bill Clinton wouldn't have won re-election.
Both parties cannot be trusted & despite Tea Party victories in 2010, Republicans don't plan on limiting government in time for disaster. Government was actually bigger in 2005 than it was in 1995 & just keeps getting worse. Republican Party bosses & their establishment followers want their own socialized medicine with RomneyCare as a state-level predecessor to ObamaCare.
If Republicans were actually serious about limited government, they would have listed to Ron Paul, Rand Paul & Mike Lee on budget issues & would have come up with a balanced budget within a matter of months, 3 years tops.
What are the alternatives? Gandhi prefered civil disobedience & people should secede from the United Imperial States of Amerika. There's got to be another Lexington 7 Concord on the horizon & if a small group of people band together & form a resistence movement that can crush the heavy hand of the regime, more people will follow & the resistence will overpower big government, just like the Founding Fathers & Patriots wanted it to be. What matters is going forward with resistance & never planning on surrender. To surrender is to bring shame & dishonor.
Even if our military is winning, would the Allied Powers surrender if Nazi Germany was winning? Of course not because people in the West despised the Nazis & many young men brazenly fought to kill the Nazis. Had they surrendered, Nazi Germany would have prevailed & conquered, destroying great civilizations Earth once enjoyed.
Change and/or restoration will only come through radical reasons, even if the majority disapproves of it. The best way to send that message is for there to be an event so shocking that even the most vile of mainstream medias will cower before it's wrath. Of course, all armed conflict must comply with the Geneva Conventions on Laws concerning War.
I also like to point out that there are numerous law enforcement officers & armed force members who believe in constitutional government & would even defect from the regime & join the patriotic resistance.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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