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United States
I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Personal secession

Why wait for referendums? Being a sovereign citizen has numerous benefits including freedom from debt, invasive searches, bureaucracy, gun control, lack of property rights, taxation, restrictions on travel, inflation, fiat currency, forced unionism, censorship, & other shit.

Sovereign citizen movements have been suppressed due to massive government force with unchallenged weaponry. When some say you don't "need" semi automatic rifles, right to keep & bear arms is not about sports & hunting. It is about resisting & defending against government tyranny the same way a country has a military to defend itself against foreign enemies. When someone secedes, they face foreign enemies & must be armed in order to protect oneself, without exception. This includes fully automatic weapons like Uzis, miniguns, turrets, automatic rifles, & even anti-tank/anti-aircraft weaponry.

I would like to call my secession gradual secession, which involves more & more groups of people declaring their independence by renouncing subjecthood & choosing a new set of code to be governed by "consent of the governed". Examples would include assembly of armed militias ready to defend their independence from tyrannical government. Who better supplies these weapons. Gun dealers of course supply weapons but are bound by the tyrannical BATFE which seeks disarment. Gun dealers could face a war of aggression against them from the BATFE & DC empire should secession take place. Aggression against self-determination violates the Geneva Convention & thus is an act of war, making the DC empire a major war criminal.

What I'm saying here is for there to be a peaceful solution to the problem of the tyrannical DC empire & the best option is gradual secession. Get groups of masses to personally secede & eventually enough will help you with your quest for absolute secession. The use of firearms & explosives for for defense purposes only, following the Swiss model of defense. Switzerland has not faced heavy violence or conflicts since the early 19th century yet still has a strong military & armed civilians. That's why Switzerland is an unappealing target to pilage & wage war against. Any place armed will be safeguarded against violent attacks & if a foreign force has threatened thy homeland, then it is customary for there to be armed resistence against thy foreign invader.

What foreign invaders will sovereign citizens & seperatists face? The DC empire most of all & other foreign tyrannical regimes like China, Iran, Saudi Arabia. Of course it's likely there will be few battles involved & once other people/states start seceding, the DC empire will lose base & fall.

Why wait for referendums when gradual secession is more effective yet non-violent.

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