The Sandy Hook Shooting last month & it's root causes were of a rare occurence due to the background of killer Adam Lanza. The root causes of the tragedy may never be addressed completely but there are demogoges planning on destrying gun rights & due process as we know it.
Gun Grabbers are saying guns are terrorists when in fact no gun has ever been named the perpetrator of any violent crime since it was a person who ABUSED weapons to commit violent crimes. What gun grabbers ignore is there are millions of good law abiding people disenfranchised from purchasing & even owning firearms when a black market for illicit goods exists in gun free zones criminals never obey. In reality, they ignore millions of deaths overseas due to a violent foreign policy. Now video games & violent movies have been shot at for this.
Never will these souls be put at ease with political correctness & I must point out what the media does not want revealed.
Why is it just guns that need attention? Many objects such as automobiles, planes, chemicals, fire, & melee weapons like hammers & knives can be used for mass murder. Lanza was such a sick fuck that he could have stolen a plane from a nearby airport & struck the targeted school, not only claiming more lives but causing massive destruction to the school building itself due to impact.
The media also ignores that many people arrested & imprisoned for illicit firearms offenses have not been proven to engage in any risky behavior. Other words, the media ignores that thousands have been jailed for misunderstandings such as the cases with Brian Aitkin victimized by New Jersey prosecutors & David Olofson jailed for 3 years by the federal regime in the Midwest. Aitkin was illegally searched for firearms & police charged him with firearms violations which landed him in prison until Governor Christie intervened & commuted Aitkin's sentence to time served. Olofson was said to have posessed an unregistered automatic weapon which was a semi automatic rifle jammed. This misunderstanding was treated like a common law crime & Olofson should be vindicated by vigilante justice carried out against the tyrannical BATFE!
The Media also ignores that youth like 18 year old mother Sarah McKinely of Oklahoma used a shotgun for self defense. What about the restrictions based on age? They almost disarm people like McKinely who would have been barred from purchasing handguns cause she was under 21. However, this is simply pre-emptive in nature & cannot be considered constitutional because of violation of due process since someone under the legal age could still be charged in an adult manner which should void arguements of one's maturity. This means if someone is held responsible as an adult, it should be presumed responsible for adult rights.
The 2nd amendment was not granted by government but reinforced people had a right to own arsenals of weapons for defense purposes against enemies foreign & domestic. Forced dependence on government is a breeding ground for tyranny. The 2nd amendment was placed to block monopolization of force.
Questions here include what can be upheld as constitutional? What about felons & mentally ill? First of all, most felons imprisoned for firearm possession have not been found to be dangerous enough by a court of law to be considered too dangerous to own a firearm. Lanza was in fact mentally ill & could have been adjudicated mentally dangerous which could justify involuntary committment had that been the case. The US Supreme Court has ruled that someone cannot be involuntarily committted without due process of law.
In Louisiana, gun laws are required to meet strict scrutiny criteria. Strict Scrutiny has been applied to free speech & due process cases. What regulations would be struck down under strict scrutiny.
Background Checks: Back ground checks would be unconstitutional since they constitute a prior restraint. For decades, requiring of government permission to publish something is unconstitutional & requiring buyers to pass background check or fill out forms plus mandatory record keeping would also be unconstitutional. How frustrating can background check process be?
Prohibited Persons: Prohibited persons have generally included felons, mentally ill, domestic violence offenders, minors, aliens, & non-residents. Prohibited persons wasn't even heard of until the 1930's so why should there be prohibited persons? Most convicted on firearm charges haven't been adjudicated too dangerous for firearm ownership by a court of law. How about these being applied retroactively? I wonder if someone presumed dangerous could be imprisoned retroactively for status that was applied before the law was passed. There will always be a black market for illicit goods. Even non-prohibited persons intending to committ crimes will still choose a black market if they don't want to be traced. All criminal defendents are treated equally depending on what crime was committed. Age restrictions would fail to meet strict scrutiny cause if they did, then younger offenders could be constitutionally be treated less fairly than older ones in adult courts. For a fact under strict scrutiny someone would have to be adjudicated unfit by a court of law through fair due process.
Kind of Weapon: Question here is what weapons should be regulated or banned? Talk about limiting magazine rounds & what weapons people can own is like limiting what kind of speech they can make. Hate speech in America is protected speech conditioned it's not a real threat towards any person's life. Are machine guns protected by 2nd amendment? Since having government decide what weapons we own is as despotic as having them decide what speech is appropriate. Just because someone doesn't need an AR-15 doesn't mean it can be banned since the 2nd amendment is supposed to reinforce a barrier between people & tyrannical government. People cannot adequately resist tyrannical government if they cannot have the same kind of weaponry as their own government. I'm not talking about weapons like biological, chemical, nuclear, & radiological. What I'm saying is it would be unconstitutional to jail someone for possessing fully automatic weapons, sawed off shotguns, grenades, explosives, & even anti-tank/anti-aircraft weaponry.
Government vs. People: The 2nd amendment was meant to reinforce people had the right to keep arsenals & form their own militias to check government militaries. Do people seriously think our own armed forces will turn against the American people. The gun grabbers believe that only government agencies & certain security forces should be armed. This makes people vulnerable to tyranny. Do not allow these wretched snakes force you to become dependent on others for security. Take initiative & stomp them out. Criminals in gun free zones have guns from black markets since they want their crimes to be kept without trace. Fast & Furious should ring a bell to gun grabbers but the Obomba regime refuses to acknowledge their horrific crimes against humanity. What makes government more trustworthy than people in everyway? America was founded on the notion of distrust for government & that people held original power. This means that government is to be restricted in terms of what weapons it will have since all of it's powers are granted by people. Government acts strictly by contract & constitutional law. There is no clause in the U.S. Constitution which allows the federal government to restrict people's interstate commerce nor regulate firearms.
Crime Control: Is gun control part of crime control? Gun grabbers will have you believe you're helping mass murderers easily access firearms by insisting on exercising your rights & wanting to have easy access to them. When gun shops are regulated in an authoritarian manner, it affects law abiding citizens more than criminals since criminals have dependend on the black market to not only make their living but hide any trace of their crimes. Crime control involves adressing crime directly such as enforcement against common law crimes. When the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed, it created new criminals who did not engage in criminal activity. Gun dealers found themselves under the tyrannical watch of the BATFE with one act of Congress. Prohibited persons created were not done through due process but by one act of Congress. Some of these on the list shouldn't even be there such as banning expatriates, youth, misdemeanents in domestic violence, non-dangerous mentally ill, & non-violent felons. I feel much of these are political & have more to do with an agenda than public safety. Criminals have always been dealt with the criminal justice system before it was corrupted & there were no problems with the absolute right to keep & bear arms. It does not extend to the reckless use of such arms since such abuse clearly endangers public safety in an unpredictable manner. The Wild West was actually the safest place in the World at the time where people were independent & freely carried firearms. Hollywood movies depicted it as violent & anarchic but the fact of the matter is that bank robbers were caught before they could do much more harm since people owned guns. The best crime control policy would be a reactionary one in which gun ownership was very permissive & therec was almost no regulation of firearm ownership as long as it is in appropriate usage.
Gun Dealership regulations: It has always been a crime for someone to offer aid & housing to fugitives yet Hotels are not regulated in the same manner as gun dealers. Many gun shop employees/owners have been jailed for paperwork misunderstandings & it would actually be safer to do so illegally than be registered. BATFE has an abusive history dating back to it's incorporation as a law enforcement agency in '68. The BATFE is a deadly threat to the 2nd amendment. Not every act of Congress is constitutional & judges do not have the soul power over legal matters. The argument proponents of the Gun Control Act will make is that if gun dealers went unregulated, violent criminals would have easy access to firearms. That problme has been shifted to black markets & now law abiding citizens find it more difficult to exercise their rights than criminals.
Registration: Felons don't have to register any firearms since it would violate their right to freedom from self incrimination. Non-prohibited persons however must register any fully automatic firearms. Registration is ineffective since criminals want no trace of their crimes & registering their firearms would leave trace. Most or almost all firearms used in crimes are illicit. Gun grabbers deny that reality & want more law abiding citizens arrested for illicit firearm ownership.
Other weapons: Melee weapons & police firearms are not mentioned but statistically worldwide Knives are the most commonly used weapon for violent crime. Scotland has a high number of stabbings despite U.K.'s gun ban. Other weapons used in melee attacks are everyday items like kitchen knives & chainsaws. Most sexual assaults are done at knife point. Semi-automatic rifles are rarely used for crimes & while handguns are the most commonly used firearm for crimes, knives are the #1 weapon. Anything with impact could be used as a weapon, enough said.
What would be the definition of strict scrutiny under the right to keep & bear arms? The government would have to prove such restrictions on the right to keep & bear arms are of necessary importance to keep the public safe from specifically identified threats. Adam Lanza could be adjudicated mentally ill in a court of law & prohibited from owning & carrying firearms but only if the court deemed it necessary for public safety. Sarah McKinely was 18 in December of 2010 & I assume she's 20 today & still barred from purchasing a handgun from a FFL dealer even though she has saved her infant son's life & has not been in anyway proven to be irresponsible as the courts upholding such arbitrary bans say.
Bottom line on this here is in Louisiana & strict scrutiny I would expect the only restrictions on firearm ownership would be against those adjudicated too dangerous for firearm ownership beyond a reasonable doubt just like defendants have due process rights in court of law. This doesn't mean crime will be more acceptable but reinforces firearms & our rights will not be singled out while providing aid to fugitives & criminals preparing to commit crimes will still be a crime called"aiding & abetting" which has been a crime for centuries.
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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