The martyrs who made freedoms and revolutions possible. For memorial day, what martyrs shall I mention? As the federal government becomes more tyrannical and a Velvet Revolution/Arab Spring style unrest is needed to change elections from very corrupted by partisanship to non-partisan and freer, it's more needed that law enforcement and armed force members remember and keep their oaths. I support Oath Keepers as the best law enforcement affiliated organization due to them truly taking their oath seriously. If only they would be more union like to scare other law enforcement organizations off.
Gun control proponents mock the NRA all they want but are afraid to mention other gun rights groups like Gun Owners of America and Jews For Preservation of Firearm Ownership since they don't fuck around on not only gun rights but others rights like due process. JPFO is arguing for a bill of rights culture which would seal the gun control nightmares for good as people will see that the gun itself isn't the problem but the socio-economic roots such as gang culture and poverty that breed crime. The NRA's problem is they fail to stand for the constitution as a whole such as due process which helps barricade use from arbitrary state action.
Also note that people who have directly fought their own governments here in America deserve the same praise as those fighting foreign belligerents. The 1946 Battle of Athens, Tennessee involved World War II veterans shooting at McMinn County deputies loyal to the corrupt sheriff. This was a major victory for We The People as not only did those responsible for fighting government get off scot-free but McMinn county became more accountable to we the people.
What about the crimes committed in which the root causes were not addressed. Some Jihadi bastard in London beheaded a 25 year old British Soldier because the Quran had verses which told Muslims to kill infidels who fight Islam. Yet officials fail to acknowledge attacks like these are motivated by hatred of non-believers, especially armed force members while disarmed victims pay the price of numerous stabbings since criminals feel safer knowing with gun bans that victims are likely unarmed and defenseless. Around 70% of crimes committed are the result of recidivism. Many criminals fail to be rehabilitated and are more ruthless and cunning criminals than before their first arrest. While not all countries with gun bans suffer higher crime rates, it's important to note that owning a firearm is a right in which to resist tyranny. Regulating it against law abiding citizens and punishing self-defense is like regulating political speech and targeting political opponents only wanting a constitutional republic.
What also influences crime is the area's economy. Chicago and New York have higher crime rates not only thanks to gun bans but thanks to the inability of justice to reduce crime and cut recidivism. Throwing youth in jail for smoking pot will only subject them to harden criminalhood, especially Blacks and Hispanics.
Forgot to mention that Oath Keepers encourages armed force members and law enforcement officers to keep their oath to We The People and the constitution seriously. What if troops were faced with having to suppress a secessionist movement and prevent self-determination? Would they blindly obey the fuhrer in chief or asset the Declaration of Independence and Constitution? What if Union troops refused to obey Lincoln's GOP invasion of the Confederate States of America and aided Clemente Valladigham in resisting Lincoln. What if instead Union troops joined the Copperheads in taking a more paramilitary approach and violently overthrowing Lincoln and GOP government in the 1860's, therefore ending the American Civil War with a Southern victory and securing peace between Yankees and Dixies as separate countries.
If troops fight for freedom, they must be willing to overthrow their own tyrannical governments by 20 July Plot style coups. Our law enforcement and armed force members don't take their oaths to politicians and man's law but only to We The People and God's law. As the Irish of the Early 20th Century once said "We Serve Neither Kaiser nor King!" This made Ireland a proud republic and had a less tyrannical military than the United Kingdom.
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About Me
- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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