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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Reconcilliation solution to Gun Violence

In California, a law was passed to confiscate prohibited person firearms without due process, which is a bill of attainder in which legislation cannot directly impose penalties a judiciary would with due process.

The recent shooting at a college in Santa Monica, California most definitely shows the failure of gun confiscation as it failed to disarm crazies like the lone gunman whose shooting spree ended when police shattered his spine with a bullet. Gun control proponents make it seem as if the gun itself is the problem. If you can get past the gun itself being the problem and recognized that someone had something in their mind that motivated them to do horrible things then you can understand why gun control is not only failure but tyrannical.

Gun control such as registries have failed to track criminal firearms as most firearms used in crimes come from the black market. However, there have been more punishments for non-compliance of gun control laws by law abiding citizens than there have been for capturing criminals. In fact, self defense punishments under "firearm" offenses have been punished more harshly than knife muggings which should be reviewed by courts.

Any solution to gun violence must respect due process and not compromise other rights such as freedom from warrantless searches. What we also must recognize is the inalienable right to self-defense against violent aggression and that all state constitutions DO have provisions acknowledging unremunerated rights meaning that simply because such a right isn't listed doesn't mean people have no right to it. In fact, the true meaning of rights is protecting ones that have been under common law.

The Founders understood that freedom cannot be preserved without citizens bearing arms strong enough to oppose tyranny.

If there's going to be a solution to gun violence the core problem must be addressed. Islamic terrorism for example is rooted in Jihad, or Muslim for Holy War.

Instead of singling out guns, why do you think criminals are able to commit crimes? White Supremacist Benjamin Smith of Illinois was able to easily obtain firearms from a completely black market source and open fire on minorities back in 1999.

Plus, what other problems such as third world immigration and soft on crime failures? The reason New York City has lower crime rate than Chicago and Detroit is that NYC is better run despite having Nazi gun control laws. Ever thought of why Chicago has higher crime rates than Austin, Texas?

Another fact is that firearm deaths are far lower than automobile and swimming pool deaths.

Plus, ever thought of enforcing existing laws against crime that have been around for centuries? I'm talking about common law crimes.

I also want to point out that the NRA is not really a gun rights organization but a corporatist-fascist gun control club deceiving it's members into handing over membership fees, certificates, and merchandise which secretly works hand in hand with the tyrannical BATFE, the most dangerous threat to gun rights. Both organizations work together to deceive people and gain money and power, especially for the major gun dealers over the freedom loving mom and pop gun shops in conservative states.

I also want to point out that violence occurs based on three factors of evil: existence of it, imbalance of power, and betrayal of trust.

What should be the solution to any violence. It all depends on how much law and order there is. If criminals and tyrannical officials are not held to account enough they will not be deterred sufficiently to preserve justice. Justice is the enemy of crime, tyranny, and evil. A justice system that holds criminals accountable while preserving the rights, freedom, and property of innocents is one that preserves law and order.

More important, self-defense is a natural human right because it allows the individual to defend him or herself as well as others from aggressors who seek to violate life, liberty, and/or property of others.

To end this post, here are some key points that should be remembered:
  • Self-defense against aggression and tyranny is a natural right and that police are unable to protect you in ways you could do so at an individual level
  • Merely because constitutions don't outline such a right doesn't mean government can infringe on such a right as punishing self defense is a violation of due process right to life, liberty, and property
  • kindness towards victims doesn't mean less rights for others as victims rights cannot interfere with other rights
  • respecting a near absolute right to something doesn't mean support for violence, so grouping bitter clingers with mass murderers is nonsensical.
  • police also have evil ability to turn against certain people for political reasons and genocides have been made possible mainly due to gun control.
  • people have a right to use terror against gun controllers in efforts to protect self defense and right to keep and bear arms.
I hope to help expand right to keep and bear arms around the World as the final check on tyranny. Why haven't Switzerland and the U.S. been invaded during World War II? Gun Ownership!

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