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I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Egyptian Protests Source of Inspiration

"It can't happen here" is such a provocative lie in Western civilization. Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi is on limb for his dictatorship the year after being democratically elected, facing mobs of protestors. The Egyptian military agrees with anti-Morsi protestors and the military also overthrew Morsi recently.

How come the U.S. Military hasn't overthrown Obama and Biden? If the USA is suppose to be free, then why can't our U.S. military overthrow tyrants. Despite several U.S. Presidents being tyrannical, not one has been overthrown! Though there have been four assassinations and one resignation due to threat of impeachment, the U.S. has lots to learn from other countries, even third world countries. Overthrowing Abraham Lincoln around New Years 1865 and replacing his regime with anti-war administration would have granted Southern victory and secured peace for a divided North and South.

The reason Morsi was overthrown July 3 was because he was an Islamic tyrant who gave the Muslim Brotherhood preferential treatment over Coptic Christians. Plus, the Egyptian Military acted to prevent Egypt's destruction in the best and only way to do so, by overthrowing Morsi.

Why can't the U.S. Military forsake democracy to protect a constitutional republic from destruction by expelling Barack Obama and his cronies from their offices? America is not a democracy but a republic and when elected officials violate their contracts they're bound by, they should be overthrown regardless of what any other laws say. An oath is an oath and Morsi used power for selfish purposes while the Egyptian Military used theirs as a selfless favor to the people of Egypt.

Regardless of democratic elections, anyone in power can become a tyrant. History tells more than any speeches as Germany was a liberal democracy from 1919 to 1933 until the Nazi Party made gains in the Weimar Republic elections and secured Adolf Hitler's rise to power. Hitler became unstoppable and consolidated power and molded Germany into a single party totalitarian state. This is exactly what Morsi was helping the Muslim Brotherhood establish and also what Obama and Biden favor.

Hitler was able to avoid a military coup by deceiving the military into believing that a military coup of a democratically elected leader would make them depraved and Hitler was able to replace the Republican military with a Nazi military. Hitler's rise to power was made possible by not only unsecured democratic elections but political turmoil and defenseless opponents. Unfortunately for Morsi, the Egyptian military was more loyal to the rule of law than to Morsi himself. Both Hitler and Morsi were elected through democratic elections but Hitler was able to consolidate power to the point no political force could peacefully oppose him and the Nazi Party.

Not only that but Turkish Prime Minister Recip Erdogan is working to downgrade Turkey from a secular, westernized, and 1st world country to an Islamic Third World hellhole like Iran. Protesters however aren't willing to leave it that way as they take to the streets and Erdogan's thugs slash the protesters much like the Chinese gestapo. If the protestors were armed to the teeth, Erdogan would have been soundly overthrown.

No wonder cowards such as Obama and Erdogan support Morsi. They possibly see Morsi's overthrow as a threat to using democracy as an excuse to become a tyrant. That's one other reason than supporting the tyrannical Muslim Brotherhood.

Final line is democracy is volatile and having a constitutional republic is better, even if it has to be protected through undemocratic actions such as coups of tyrants and armed insurrection.

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