Sorry I haven't posted much lately but I come to say that what if Freedom fighters became more like the Crusades and what if colonial powers asserted themselves more?
The crusades from the late 11th century to the late 13th century fought off Arab colonizers and reclaimed most of Islamic occupied Europe such as Spain, Portugal, Sicily, Greece for examples but failed to hold grip on the Levant(Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt) and North Africa.
Before the Arab invasions Europe, Levant, and North Africa were Christian and Western civilizations. Jesus Christ lived his entire life near Jerusalem and nearly all Biblical tales took place on the Levant and in North Africa. The Roman Empire spanned most of Europe, Levant, and coasts of North Africa. Greece composed of Southeast Europe, Cyprus, and Turkey. Even Russia and other Orthodox nations under it's empire are Western in nature such as Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic States, Finland, etc. There are a couple European countries today that are Islamic such as Bosnia and Albania. Israel today is a Zionist controlled British state.
The Byzantine Empire was a Christian society in which it was conquered by the ottoman Empire on May 29, 1453 with the fall of Constantinople, today Istanbul, Turkey. Should Turkey be legitimately considered a Muslim state? While a secular Turkey protects freedom of religion, it would be fair to say that it is truly a Greek Orthodox country. Turkey becoming a secular republic and the expulsion of the Caliphate of Islam did justice for Western civilization as thanks to the greatest Turk of all time Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Turkey has been the only Muslim majority country to be First World. It's a member of NATO alongside North America and Western, Central, and Southern Europe.
Islam began as an Arab Nationalist philosophy founded by Mohammed, who is himself an Arab from Mecca. Mohammed could have made Islam a peaceful and non-oppressive nationalist ideology restricted to the Arabian Peninsula(Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, and Southeast Iraq) and Persia(Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Steppes of the Russian Empire, Bangladesh, and parts of Northern India) that related to Christianity. Instead Islam is a jingoist, totalitarian philosophy of death, abuse of women, children, and non-believers, no respect for freedom, and Third World standards of living with the exception of the high class Muslims such as royalty, government, and imans. Even before Mohammed preached his inhumane philosophy, he was a robber and murderer in his youth trying to fulfill his desires for money. Many of the Islamic practices are due to Mohammed's sickening examples of taking multiple marriages, a child bride(Aisha), robbing and killing non-believers with Jizya, Jihad, and Sharia, forced conversions, death for apostasy, hatred against Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and Athiests, even Muslims who disagreed with Mohammed.
I'm not calling for the persecution of anybody but denouncing the persecution under Islam that started with Mohammed and continues to this day. There have been reform movements in Islam that call for more human rights and more freedom such as Bahai and Ahmadiyya movements for example challenged the Sunni and Shia establishments in Islam though Bahai is not of the Islamic faith. Reform movements in Islam seek more secular freedoms and human rights that Muslim Countries don't have.
Other than the Muslim World there's the matter of North America which has several societies. The United States and Canada aren't nations but multicultural empires. The United States goes no more South than Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Iowa, and Nebraska and no more West than North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. What other nations should exist?
Well for one the Confederate States of America consists of the Southern States and much of what used to be New Spain. The Northern Mexican border states plus the Yucatan peninsula are truly Southern Dixie as well. Had the Confederacy kept independence, they would be the largest superpower in the World, have the largest economy and the largest military in the World like the U.S. Dixies even wanted to expand more Southward as Central America and the Caribbean became a gold mine of land for Southerners. William Walker of the 1850's should be remembered as a hero for a Southern Manifest Destiny. During the American Revolution it was the South that won the war against the British and established limited government in America. Not saying this to insult the Northern states but it's true that Dixies are a larger population than Yankees. Southern-Confederate society is mostly Catholic, Baptist, and agrarian wheres Yankees are more Protestant, urban, rust belt, and Nordic. If the South won the Civil War, the United States would be smaller but also have some non-plantation oriented Islands in the Caribbean such as Bahamas and Bermuda for examples. The Confederate States would consist of plantation style states such as Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic as add on states.
In the End, the Confederate States of America would have consisted of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, South Illinois, New Mexico, Arizona, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Northern Nevada, Southern Nevada, Southern California, Northern California(excluding Sonoma), Rio Grande, Sierra Madre, Chihuahua, Sonora, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Yucatan peninsula, and more plantation islands. Others could include Central America. the CSA capital would be Ft. Davis-Lee near Dallas, Texas.
Plus, what if Russia asserted itself more in North America? What governates would Russia have? Would the Pacific Northwest also be of Russian descent? Alaska was settled by Russia circa 1800 and the Russian Empire settled as far as Fort Ross in Somona County, California. Fort Ross is north of San Francisco Bay. Alaska wouldn't be just confined to one state peninsula but would also include the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountains North of Colorado, Utah, Northern Nevada, and Northern California. It would be called the Alaskan Democratic Federative Republic which before was a federated colony of the Russian Empire. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Alaska became a mandate under the British and Yankee governments until 1923, which became an independent parliamentary republic. The federated states would be called Oblasts as they were called in Russia. Real states that would be part of Alaska would be the Pacifc and Far North Californias north of San Francisco Bay(Sonoma), Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Washington(Columbia), British Columbia(Columbia, New Caledonia, Vancouver, Charlotte, Tongass, Sitka, Borealia), Alaska(Sitka, Denali, Kodiak, Kenai, Far North, Aleutia, New Irkutski), Yukon, Northwest territories(Yukon), Nunavut(Borealia), Alberta(Alberta, Borealia), Saskatchewan(Saskatchewan, Borealia), and Manitoba(pre-1912 Manitoba, Borealia).
Alaskan Democratic Federative Republic would be much like the United States and Confederate States of America in terms of democratic and republican government but would be parliamentary like the United Kingdom and late 19th to early 20th century Russia. The legilsatures would be called Duma, which is also the name of the Russian legislature. Culture is influenced by Russian, British, and American culture with main languages being Russian and English. Main religions include Russian Orthodox, Protestantism, and Catholicism. Many cities and names are Russian and Anglo. The Head of State would be called general President elected by a college of electors while the Head of Government would be Prime Minister that is based on Parliament. The largest ethnic group in Alaska would be Russians, especially when Anti-Communist White Russians fled from Bolshevik terror. From the Early 19th century to 1917, Alaska was known as Russian America and also part of the Russian Empire with the Tsar of Russia as Head of State. Most of ADFR territory was before part of the United States of America and the British Empire. Other ethnic groups would include Brits, Yankees, Dixies, Germanic people, and indigenous peoples as well as others such as Far East Asians(Chinese, Japanese, etc.). Subdivisions of the Oblasts will be called Uyezds. The main political parties would include Constitutional Democratic and Socialist Revolutionary. After the 1930's, they were changed to Evergreen and Workers Party.
Other nations in North America would include Quebec, Acadia(New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Cape Breton), and Ontario would be divided Southeast and Northwest with the Southeast being called Ontario and the Northwest joining the U.S. State of Superior. Ontario would also be a U.S. State.
Other countries to talk about here are Southern Africa, Westralia, and Israel.
Countries in Southern Africa that are rightfully White are South Africa, Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe), and Southwest Africa(now Namibia) and the rest of Southern Africa. Most of Southern Africa was primarily colonized by the British Empire with the exceptions of Southwest Africa(German), Tanzania & Zanzibar(German), Cape Colony(Dutch), ?. The late 20th century in Southern Africa saw the Pagan indigenous Blacks conquering these White lands through stealth with assistance from the internationalists. Was the European settlements of the Americas and Australia plus New Zealand wrong because it put White-Western civilization at the highest sovereignty? The precedents set in Rhodesia and South Africa send a bad message that Europeans had no right to settle in vast, pagan lands and instead must be punished with minority status as pagans rule over them in a pure democracy. Nearly all of Southern Africa is full of White nations that were wronged of their identity. Apartheid in South Africa and Rhodesia could have ended by giving coloured indigenous people opportunity to assimilate into Afrikaner and Ango-African society, therefore loosening the inhumane aspects of Apartheid while retaining Afrikaner nationalism. Non-assimilated indigenous people can stay on reserves and have autonomy within their reserves similar to the indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australia. The Bantusan System in south Africa and Rhodesia should have been retained for Blacks unwilling to accept Afrikaner society. South Africa could have also became a confederation with the four provinces becoming republics. Have you ever heard that "The Truth is hate speech only to those who hate it?" Well to be honest the White race and Western civilization are superior to the Third World and if it wasn't for European settlers, the World would be worse off since resources would be far more limited and people would be living lower standards of living and would be set back centuries. Cecil Rhodes, a British Subject was the chief of the Scramble of Africa which sought to expand Western Civilization in ways it was destined for. I don't condone any abuses committed by colonial governments but I do feel that South Africa for example should be a White governed country.
Israel is a Zionist occupied holy land where Jesus Christ lived. The Israelites were Whites and British heritage descends from the land of Israel. It's a mistake to believe Israel should be ruled by Jews or Muslims or anyone other than Christians. So unbelievable is the fact that there have been several proposals for a Jewish state other than Palestine. Where the Jewish state should have landed was on Charlotte Island adjacent to British Columbia as it is vast and easy to build. Another option would have been to accept part of British East Africa. Israel is rightfully a British Christian nation. Charlotte Island is larger than Israel. I'm not saying that Jews shouldn't live in Israel but that Israel should not be dominated by Zionism. If only Charlotte Island was considered, it would have better suited Jewish culture considering the atmosphere.
General Sisi in Egypt is working to restore order and destroy the Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian military is taking real action to restore peace and stability by crushing Muslim Brotherhood supporters. I say there needs to be war against the Muslim brotherhood because unless they're destroyed, they'll just keep invading and terrorizing. Expel Sharia and jihad to the Arabian Peninsula and Persia! Liberate the Levant and North Africa from Islamic domination!
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- Myfreedom
- United States
- I'm informing readers that video games and politics are what I follow. I follow up on new video games and hope that oppressed peoples will secede from the U.S. Yankee Empire. I'm a big fan of the Wii U Gamepad style controls as I own a Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U with plans on owning a PlayStation 4 by receiving it for Christmas.
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